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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Hey guys, I went ahead a& made this... avatar. I'm not sure if it's what you guys are looking for, but, I was bound to make it some time. Alex Ross style Joker from Batman comics: Is it something we can use? LT: That specific image, probably not. Can't really see the Joker's face well enough, even if the resolution was sharper. Which it's not for this one. In any case, you're asking if I'd take a Joker avatar. As long as it was well done, and the image looked nice, I don't see why not. Hmmm, found a better pic Joker, Alex Ross style, part second Good enough? LT: Nope. Too dark, not sharp enough. Okay, I did some tweaking, & think i've come up with a better, clearer version of the pic. Once again, for the very first time! Joker, Alex Ross style! If this one gets rejected, i'd be more than happy, & mucho appreciative, if someone else gave it a shot. I'd send you the picture & everything! LT: The brightness is better (might be too bright overall though), but the main thing is that the image needs to be sharper. Couldn't hurt seeing if someone else could try sharpening it.
  2. I'd like to sign up! For the "Gambit theme" from Spider Man & the X Men on Snes!
  3. Awesome stuff Roe. It does what every high energy Electronic mix should do... make you wanna friggin kill vampires all hardcore violent like. Which this accomplishes in spades. The strings really give it a good Rob Dougan-ish feel. JTown Seal of Slaming-a-vampire-face-to-the-floor-by-his-stupid-mouth Excellence.
  4. I think the genre specification should be a little more open. Like, tracks should be based in rock, but hybridized styles welcome. i.e. Symphonic Rock, Electro Rock, Symphonic-electro Rock. Basically rock, & it's sub genres. Also, I'm working on a album art concept, & I'll pm you when I have something solid.
  5. Speaking of which, I'm almost done with my LoFi remix. It's called... "Lofi Attitude (Electric Sheep Mix)" cause I'm hardcore like that.
  6. Then again, you got to realize that the RE games have less & less to do with Resident Evil themselves. Not that I'm complaining, RE4 was way better than the older games.
  7. This was one of the S3&K tracks that I had on repeat in my car, whilst sipping on jin & juice(i.e. Route 44 cherry-lime Dr. Pepper). I really loved the way this sounded like a well produced hip hop track. I'm not sure if that was the genre GaMeBoX was going for, but that's what my my mind kept thinking. Plus, the bass in my car was thumping, & my car bass sucks, but it sounded good. Long story short, I like them drums, loudness & everything. Best recognize, fool, this track is the bling blam, or whatever the young people say these days. Gets my JTown Seal of Chilling-wit-dem-ladies-cruising-down-the-lane-shooting-fools-wit-my-gat-or-some-such-nonsense.
  8. So... I started work on a mix for this, but ended up not being able to finish it. I'll probably vote though, probably.
  9. Luiza is currently tweaking the midi of our track. i'm just waiting until i get it back, then I'll tweak it as well, then post that wip. Also, I think he rname should be added to the track on the first page, as she's now officially working on the mix.
  10. Okays, updated the track: http://joker.escariot.net/Mario64-SleepingWorldsV2.mp3 More info in first post.
  11. In befor the lateness... or have I waited to long? Anyway main, congats, dead man walking, & all that other stuff. I just might try & get to that Pre Wedding meetup.
  12. I'm really glad people are digging this so far. I agree with the flanged hihats, I'm gonna tone down that flange, for some reason the source file didn't sound that bad during playback, the render is when that heavier flange tone showed itself. I'll be sure to tweak the mix using the comments! Keeep em coming!
  13. Nice, slow, & almost disinterested is the way to get the ladies! Having siad that, I may or may not enter this here. Feels like olden times!
  14. Holy poop! That was fast, I barely submitted like... Friday morning around 4-ish. Insomnia ftw!
  15. Long story shortefied, this is a very chill remix of Dire Dire Docks, which was partly inspired after listening to pixietricks "Dreaming Still", though, this track isn't LoFi like pixie's, it's more... whatever it is. Also, big thanks to Escariot, without whom, this track wouldn't be online right now, as well as everybody who's given feedback so far! WIP version 1 Sleeping Worlds wip 2! Updates! First off, I toned down those hihats. I think I got a velocity line now. Added an intro Played around with the mian melody on the EP. Added a fuller string section. Fixed the kick bass fx, varied up the drums a bit. Though, the samples are place holders, I'm gonna go for a more acoustic sound. Also, those Cymbal crashes are probably gonna get fixed/cut. The latter sections are really rough, & don;t have much of a transition yet. If you listen closely, there are little bits & pieces from other Mario 64 songs! About the intro... right now, it's a place holder. i'm still not sure how i'm starting this yet. So, i think that's pretty much it. As always, comments/feedback, constructive criticism welcomed, encouraged, appreciated!
  16. I abandoned my plan to grow out my hair, & got a spiffy new haircut! It's the tops!
  17. I got around to updating an old track I made. It was originally for the OVGMC2... I think it was 2. Well, whatever the number, it was for the OVGMCompo. The theme was to be of an enchanted Forest, or some such stuff. Anyway, long story shortened, I remastered it with better samples, as well as my current skill level... which isn't perfect, but far better than I was, I updated it. Here's the link! Comments/feedback appreciated! http://joker.escariot.net/Originals/Falling%20Leaf%20Forest%20(Remaster).mp3 Also, I sampled this song (yes, I sampled my own song!), & am in the process of making a kick arse hip hop track. Edit: Link Fixed!
  18. So, though it would have been nice to get to pick my track before the forum link went out... seeing as all the tracks I want are taken, I'm bowing out. I'll check back at a later date, there's always bound to be dropouts. Good Luck, though! Edit: after talking with Escariot, I want to call Ultimate Bowser as a collab.
  19. I'm glad there's another vocal lo-fi DT remix. I love this type of music when done right, & not overly boring. Which this isn't... overly boring I mean, yo. Though, as I was listening to this, I get what the judges were saying about the drums. I keep hearing breaks & fills in my head as I listen to this, really wish the file hadn't corrupted, else this would be frikin' great! Also, that filtered hihat section of the drums was a bit too... it took me out of the song for a for a second. Beautiful lyrics, great atmosphere, nice effects on the backing vocals. JTown seal of Down-tempo-longing-for-teh-loves!
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