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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i've been on vacation at the outer banks and haven't done a thing on this project in years. i'll try to pull a wave together. you'll get a carefully upsampled version, if nothing else =(
  2. i'm working with three indie game studios - Novo Interactive (profit-sharing), Rogue Pirate Ninja Interactive (some up-front, mostly profit-sharing), and Arc (out of UCSC, profit-sharing). i'm also working for an indie film studio called Spark-Flow Studios (contract work). of course, i run prophetik computing, but that's not an official business right now. single employee, minimal cash-flow since everyone has even less money than me
  3. might look into that. just glancing over the list, looks like your plugins are discounted much less (19%-25%) than some of the other ones (33-65%). of course, i have no doubts that, say, sitar nation is better by far than some of these other no-name plugin kits =)
  4. another bump. still haven't spellchecked the doc yet, but it's actually on my to-do list, now.
  5. probably should have posted in gendisc, since this is a game and you're talking about OCR's audio. doesn't get any more ocr-related than that. if you're selling the game, you can't use OCR's music. if you're releasing it for free (which you should be anyways), as long as you properly credit the mixers you should be ok. it's better if you contact them and ask them, too - most remixers on this site either are active and will check their PMs regularly or have a homepage with a direct email address.
  6. yeah, this is kind of a moot question. if you can't take the time to learn what a chord progression is and how to use it, you can't make music. simple as that.
  7. unless he's got a GBA emulator or a PSX2PSP version on his psp, and is talking about ffvi.
  8. great job organizing everything, ocr people =) this was a lot of fun to read. awesome stuff!
  9. i SOLD these things and i still thought that they plugged in through something other than USB. dunno what. i'm an idiot.
  10. i think that they're better off done with a car that will be unlocked later. usually, when i suck at something in an unlock-driven racing game, if i can't get something now i'll get it later.
  11. swap discs constantly? i guess you never played mass effect 2. you use one disc for ten hours, put in another one for 20 hours, and then put the first one back in for the last five or six hours (and all the cutscenes that come with it). i generally install all discs of whatever game i'm playing. i'm sure i'm not the only one.
  12. you can redo any race again, fyi. i've been playing it for about two days now. i'm a big fan of the split-screen racing modes - they're pretty intense. i suck at air strike =(
  13. programs like finale and cubase have the ability to change the tempo of everything via a foot pedal or controller. i'd use that. i say what SOC says. whenever i've wanted to do that, i just write the sequenced stuff first.
  14. there isn't any way to transfer the data from a ps1 card to a ps3 slim. you could use the transfer cable to transfer to a phatty, and then use a usb stick to transfer to the slim, but that's it. the slim doesn't have memory card slots at all.
  15. doesn't really increase costs that much. Lost Odyssey got a LOT of negative press about the 4-disc requirement, and by only shipping on three discs they technically are small enough for someone with a 20gb hard drive to install all three (you can't, because there's only around 13gb useable on the 20gb hard drives, but the numbers look good for dumb people). four discs - particularly since that'd mean that the videos were compressed less - pushes you to an install size nearing 24gb, which physically restricts you to the bastard 60gb systems and elites. DVD9 can technically hold 8.4gb, but the read speed lowers once you get farther and farther out along the edge. simple math, that - think of a bike wheel. the disc would have to spin faster in order to read the edges of the disc. most games stripe useless stuff out there, like the NXE install info and really long (and, in turn, buffered) cutscenes. those generally are the cutscenes that looked worse than others. crystal tools was made to be multiplatform for the specific purpose of bringing all of the FF games made on this generation of consoles to each system if they so chose. the engine is the reason that we didn't see FFXIII in early 2008, to be honest. i'm surprised anyone still thinks that any of these games WON'T be multiplatform. it's not like sony's paying them to keep it console-specific, like what MS is doing with Mass Effect.
  16. not 3 gigs on each disc - three gigs total. the three discs, according to a quick google search, were 5.9, 5.8, and 6.6 gigs each. considering the largest standard size i've ever seen is 7.29 gigs (all wave-4 games are that exact size, 764 million and some change bytes), and the NXE dashboard stuff is about .20 of that, you're looking at around 3gb total 'extra' space. i'm fairly certain that the gap is a result of them spreading it around equally between each disc. also, i'm a 360 fanboy, but even i can't justify the terrible screen tearing in the uninstalled 360 version, particularly when that stuff was just streamed off the disc. really ridiculous.
  17. as a member of a development studio for the 360, i have to refute the claim that the xbox doesn't have full HD. it does - and it actually is easier to implement than on the ps3 thanks to the ridiculously complex architecture the ps3 utilizes. the reason that most developers don't use it, though, is because the artwork and film is too costly - from a size perspective - to really work without the blu-ray disc. if you don't believe me, look at some of the new games that have just come out, like Red Dead Redemption. graphics are far better on the 360 version, but the game was lead developed on the PC (if i'm not mistaken). ffxiii could have been just as good from a visual quality. they chose not to, because it'd have taken six discs
  18. thanks for reading the first post so i didn't have to reiterate the information there, brandon. that was very good of you, showing that you are worthy of your 2002 join date.
  19. my wife would be interested to know that. she's a vocalist, so she reads IPA like english. i'll pass it along.
  20. ff13 did well - not anywhere near as well as it did for the ps3 - on the 360. i think they'll take the plunge.
  21. how do they pronounce it? remember that we're americans, and as such love our diphthongs (hence the ay).
  22. thought it sounded ok, but if you want to redo it i won't complain.
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