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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i had one. i have a backwards-compatible PS3 now, so i have a virtual one, currently. didn't get one until last year, though =)
  2. guess who just bought a 47" tv just in time for FFXIII? =) =) =) =)
  3. happy birthday, jill! hope all's well with married life.
  4. i'll bet it means you ran out of memory.
  5. probably because he can look at the IP addresses that all posts come from. vbulletin has a feature that allows you to click a user or post and track all other posts or users from that same IP. at least, the other board i have access to lets me do this =)
  6. i'm looking to sell the 32" 720p LCD tv that i bought from kaden about this time last year. it's in great condition, never had a problem with it - just want a bigger TV. it's made by dynex - just look on best buy's website, there's loads of information there. it's an HDTV - 720p - and i've used it extensively with a 360 and a PS3, and it works great. does well for my n64 and SNES, too =) there are no dead pixels. 275$, plus the shipping cost. dunno what that'd be, but i'm sure it'd be a decent amount. i'm willing to drive a few hours to meet you somewhere, too. i'm from central new york. i'd prefer local, honestly, since packaging it up and mailing it out can be scary. i posted this on craigslist as well, but we'll see what people say. i haven't heard much from the local 'net yet.
  7. is it bad if i know who most of the submissions were by based on the sound? bet no one can guess mine =)
  8. yeah, if he didn't notice the big banner on the front page
  9. as for the jazz bass, i use the fender jazz bass soundfont from naturalstudios. probably not available from their site anymore, but try googling for it and you might find it. it's about 25mb. not the best all-around sound, and sounds kind of weak out of the box, but good EQing and some basic compression fix that quick.
  10. make sure you know what you're asking for. do you need samples, like a better guitar, or do you need a better distortion effect, like what makes the guitar rawk? power chords get their distinct sound from the overtones created by in-tune perfect fifths BEFORE the distortion comes in - so, layering two distorted samples on top lack the punch that you get from a chord that's distorted afterwards. if you want free, i don't know much - but if you've got the cash, shreddage is a ridiculously good sample library, and guitar rig 4 is probably one of the best amp modelers available for under a few thousand dollars.
  11. i seem to remember virt posting a 21 gig webfolder of every song ever from vgmix. i'll bet it's in there somewhere.
  12. sorry for the dp, but i wanted to post this - barnes and noble is selling the collectors edition for under 25$ shipped, including tax and everything. link here.
  13. they did, i checked right after my post. they'll come back in relatively soon, though. brandon, there's two reasons to want a strat guide. one, is that it takes a little while for all the hidden gems to show up online - for those of us playing the game more than once to get the achievements (like you will, mr. 55k), you don't want to miss anything the first or second time around. second, it's a COLLECTORS edition, numbskull
  14. interestingly enough, amazon is also selling the collector's strat guide for 19$ or so. huzzah!
  15. insert "wii sports sold more systems than any other game ever, and yet was the worst thing that could have happened to the wii" argument here.
  16. alright, updated. whew, there was a lot there! maxfrost, i didn't see yoshi's island on the first post under you (AMT's got one, but not you). got everything else. relyanCe, i might hit you up for a title design and a little artwork for my website, which i'm currently learning how to handle. how much for a relatively simple header design?
  17. it'd be nice for you to post all the submissions once you get them in, so we can all hear the rawk.
  18. i'll update this tonight when i get home. i've been out of town for a while. thanks for all the traffic, people!
  19. it's not, though, for many gamers out there. he was a bit argumentative, granted, but it's still a point that needs making, and no one's doing it for fear of alienating their player bases.
  20. THANK YOU. there's a strong chance i will not like god of war III when i go to play it. this is related to many issues, but it's the same reason i didn't like bayonetta, the DMC series, dante's inferno, etc - i don't like over-the-top action games. just my preference. GOW3 is shaping up to be one of the best games this console generation, a mountaintop experience for game players and creators alike. but i probably won't like it. does this mean it's bad? of course not. does this mean i will not buy it? probably. you never know - i don't like MW2, but i bought it because it represents one of the biggest failures of this console generation - IW's inability to control cheating and exploitation within a console-based game, as well as the whole pc vs. console debate.
  21. thanks for bringing that back up. it's easy to get into the me vs. you debate with this stuff, and the key is that that's not the point - the point is to NOT trash new stuff simply because it's new, welcome it and enjoy the flexibility that it brings in.
  22. $1000 to work with? no problem! you can make a solid music computer for under 600$ if you go light on quality in a few components. are you looking to do this yourself, or are you looking for someone to do it? because i'd definitely be interested in doing it for you if you wanted =) just send me a PM with a yea/nay. with music systems, you're looking at two major things - maximum ram available for your DAW, and enough CPU cycles to make it work. since you've got the cash available, i'd suggest going with one of the newest intel processors available, the i7-860. it's not a socket-1366 processor, like the -920, and as such doesn't cost as much for the motherboards. you can get a really nice board for 140$ or 150$, which works out reaaaal nice. you pick out a nice case, go with the evga offerings for motherboards in the socket 1156 range (the other boards are ok, but evga's boards are bloody works of art...they're SO much better than anything else available), a good efficient power supply, and a terabyte or two of HD space, and you're set. the starcraft thing is a bit different. starcraft's going to work on a buttload of hardware, meaning that you could run it on something basic as well as something monstrous in the GFX department. if you've got the cash - and i don't know if you do, i'd have to map some stuff out - i'd recommend the gtx 260 core 216. best price-to-performance ratio in nVidia space on the market. it's still 180$ or so, though, so if you don't have the cash (you'd have to get a much larger power supply as well) i'd suggest going with a smaller card - just a stopgap, like a 40$ 8400GS - to offload graphics processing onto a card and off the cpu until you can afford the bigger card. then, when you get the bigger card, you put it in slot one, and have the other one in slot two to allow for four monitors to be plugged in, like i have =) send me a pm and we can work stuff out.
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