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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. gotcha. i know i picked up a few tracks from your site at some point with the tags saying Haroon, so i guess it's back and forth.
  2. ffmusic dj is one of the old guard. he's known as haroon piracha now (i think that's the spelling). i noticed BGC on there as well, but didn't look any deeper.
  3. well, no offense intended, guys, but duh. just playing samples doesn't do much of anything to CPU usage compared to running a complex amp modeler like GR4 or something. likely your cpu cycles are getting sucked into your amp, and so it's struggling to handle itself in real time. if turning up your latency doesn't work, turn up your awesomeness and get a better system
  4. you fail. I WILL BE THE NEXT JUDGE. actually, probably not.
  5. uh, i got that covered. when i game, i boot into an OC of 4.1ghz on my i7 =) i'm thinking that i give the X3 games a whirl again. i knew darkstar one was familiar - i played a few minutes of it the other day and remembered why i always go to type it dorkstar...because the voice acting is gawdawful, and the game seems just plain boring and unbelievable.
  6. not a bad point - the 360 controller's pretty good for flying games, i've found. i like all the buttons on a keyboard, though.
  7. i had it for a while, but i really wasn't into it as much as i'd hoped to be. the difficulty wasn't a big deal - i just got bored with replaying the same stage a bunch of times to figure out the best way to get through it.
  8. i'm running an i7 with 4gb of ram. i didn't even notice the CPU meter going up =) of course, i ran seven instances of GR3 on a track i did a year or two ago on a 3ghz dual-core with 2gb of ram, and didn't really have a problem at all.
  9. i would have to pick up a joystick to play the TIE games again, though - i went through them in my first year of college, but had trouble with my POS joystick acting up constantly.
  10. i should point out that i'm primarily a more modern gamer. the reason i was asking about freespace is because that's a stretch for me - 2003 is a loooong way back =)
  11. i love the game freelancer. i've played it through probably five or six times, tried most of the big universe-replacement mods, high-def texture mods, etc. i tried one of the X3 games, but the learning curve was so steep i wasn't even able to start moving once i started the game. i lasted about five minutes. should i give it another go? what are some good games that are similar? i'm thinking about trying the Flatspace games, and probably DarkStar One. i should point out that i found the combat in freelancer to be enthralling, and enjoyed the commerce aspect, as well. the graphics in-game (not necessarily the on-foot sequences) were bloody brilliant for the age of the game, too. i have a kick-ass computer, so i don't need to worry about performance. haven't found a game to max it yet. well, OCRers, what do you think?
  12. i really, really like halo wars. i think it's the best console RTS that i've ever played. but that's me =)
  13. has anyone heard anything else about it? i was considering picking it up just because it's Halo, and i'm an xbox freak, but the animation style - as in, it looks like anime - turned me off. i'm not a fan of anime.
  14. i'd highly suggest dungeon seige: throne of agony for relatively simplistic d2-style dungeons and gaming. crush is a weird puzzle game that's relatively decent. kind of hard. dungeon maker 2 is cool for the concept, somewhat limited in implementation but i spent a lot of time in it. the GTA games are similar to Vice City in gameplay. the legend of heroes are direct knockoffs of the dungeon seige games - or the other way around, i forget. edit: and look what popped up in my feeds today! http://www.gamingunion.net/news/hidden-gems-dungeon-siege-throne-of-agony--1068.html
  15. it's a more strategic form of that system. you set up three-character sets of classes - like, mage, berserker, healer, or anti-magic, debuffer, defense - and switch between them. you can't make your own party setup on the fly, but the strategy it implies makes it almost a metagame in and of itself. sounds like fine.
  16. this is everything i was thinking. the chrono cross-like 'heal after battles' thing is brilliant - i'm SO glad they're bringing it back. means a dungeon consists of all enemies that can beat your ass, and none of this 'wear you down' crap.
  17. agito and versus. not ten years worth of content, though - that's kind of ridiculous for any game. D2 and SC are the only big games that have lasted that long, really, and they lasted because of cooperative and competitive gameplay, not because the story was cool or something.
  18. the 10-year plan's on the ps3 itself, not the game. i'm interested to see how it turns out. they chopped a lot of what makes an RPG an RPG out of the game, so i wonder if what's left can hold it up.
  19. well that wasn't too hard. seems these boss themes lend themselves to metal pretty easily. do i just pm you an mp3, bahamut?
  20. i'm hoping to finish a remix of a song from FFXIII before the game launches, but i'm not sure i'll have time =( is anyone else pissed there isn't a Collector's edition coming to NA?
  21. i saw money and came running. i'll try my hand at either X8, lumine's second form, or X7, vs. sigma's 1st. i might be able to mash them, dunno.
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