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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. there are some services-offered things in the sale/want thread, near the bottom of the second post. admittedly, there's not much. i've thought about running a thread of similar style at some point and never got around to it.
  2. i show skryp's music to people when i'm telling them about ocr. they could care less if it's game music, all they care about is that the beats are awesome awesome.
  3. i'm still interested in seeing either a 'gear review' forum for those of us who enjoy the overclock.net hardware list, or a 'gear review' tag. if it's the latter, it'd be even better if there's a quick and easy way to only show a certain topic, or hide one, without going into the search function.
  4. i'm still trying to figure out drivers, too. the presonus and saffire both work with xp 64-bit, but i can't seem to find anything on focusrite's website about w7 compatibility (seems shady, since the beta's been out since last year). presonus says that they're going to have w7 support 'soon'. the profire does support w7 64-bit, definitely? if so, then that'll be the one i go with when the money's in hand. i'm not looking to buy tomorrow, i'm looking to buy when i've got the money from a composing gig i'm doing. might be a few months, might be six or more...and a lot changes in six months on the software front.
  5. maybe i'm not reading something right. i want to be able to take eight inputs into my system and spit at least two out (for my monitors). i was under the impression that, in order to be able to hook up eight mono mics or four stereo mics to that, i'd need eight preamps. is that a mistaken idea, or am i missing something? if that's such a big issue, would going down to four inputs/preamps cut the price by enough that i could still get something quality and not have to worry about cutting corners so much?
  6. his last email to the team was supposed to be a quick response to one question and it was six thousand characters.
  7. huh. i was under the impression that you couldn't use usb for real-time recording, and that firewire was the only way to reduce your latency down to easy levels. i wasn't saying that the mobilepre was bad for what i've got, i was more saying that i just didn't want to use something as basic as that for my interface. mainly, i want more recording channels and a midi i/o on a system that wasn't bus-powered. i completely forgot about a 2x2 interface. they're cheap, i'll look into one of those. 500$ is ultra-budget range? =( =( =( i thought i was going mid-line or so. i'll look into the ionix and the profire 2626. so now i've got four options, with a black mark on one. anyone else have opinions of the presonus, saffire pro 40, ionix, or profire? initial thoughts: the firestudio and the saffire pro allow you to assign phantom power per two-channel sets. the profile's got it in sets of four. not a big fan of that...ok, carry on.
  8. in other words, no, i don't need it right now. awesome, thanks for the good explanation, man.
  9. so wolf is known for these ridiculously long piles of text that he emails us constantly and calls 'updates'.
  10. and why should i pay a lot for it in a soundcard or interface?
  11. looking into getting a really good soundcard at some point relatively soon. time to revamp my home studio. a few questions, though. i'm going to (eventually) be getting the following: yamaha hs50m powered monitors x2 yamaha hs10w powered sub audio-technica atm450 condenser x2 (possibly, hvaen't decided yet) with this comes the need to get a good soundcard or audio interface. i currently use a mobilepre with my desktop, which by definition isn't the best idea (but it'll be able to handle the output for the subs and inputs from the mics if needed). it's a usb-based interface, though, so i'm worried about overloading the usb bus. thing is, i'd also like to be able to run midi from my axiom 49 (and possibly a 76-key no-frills controller at some point) into this to reduce the lag that usb currently gives me. i'm assuming i'd need an external interface for the amount of inputs and outputs i want. is firewire my only option, or is there something that hooks up through a pci or pci-x slot and uses a cable or something to go to the external interface? so, i'm looking for an audio card that supports the following: :4-8 inputs, preferably 8 :xlr or 1/4" output, preferably both :midi inputs of some kind. i'd prefer it if it had inputs for two different keyboards - should i get a splitter or something, or what? :complete flexibility and workability with windows 7 64-bit (or xp 64-bit, if not) i'm comfortable spending around 400-500$ for this, but if i need to spend more to get significantly more value out of it, i'm kind of ok with that. i don't want this to be some $2k monster, though. i'm looking at the presonus firestudio project or the focusrite saffire pro 40 right now. i've never used firewire before. anything to know about it? i'm also looking at the delta 1010 pci setup, with the big cable to a rack-mount setup. i like the concept, but it's more than i would like to spend.
  12. i hear this a lot. braid did well mainly because there was a 66% off sale within a few weeks of it making it on steam, and because of the marketing MS did for it on xbl.
  13. maslanka's a band guy mainly, i should note. great use of the flexible orchestration in the band setting, however.
  14. first post needs to be updated, i think. there's a tenative ffx project? i was hoping to start that over the summer, honestly. ffx or chrono cross, hadn't decided yet - both have excellent and somewhat-overlooked soundtracks.
  15. torrent should be back up. also, i won this game in a twitteraffle last night! it was jajajajawsome!
  16. symphony of a thousand is easily his best work for large-scale ensemble. he almost makes it worth hiring that many freelancers to perform it. for other composers who really tug my heart-strings, check out maslanka's more recent symphonies. they're powerful, man, really powerful.
  17. i haven't even gotten pie yet. no way you're getting it until i get mine!
  18. i still come back to final fantasy tactics, and each time try something different. i love that game. i'm also in the beginning stages of mass effect 2 obsession. i put about 200 hours into five playthroughs in the first game, and i'm on my second run-through of this game, with plans for the next two or three in my head. it's not old, but i'm really loving it.
  19. no, you've been trying to contact novo interactive. they don't need another sound guy, either - actually, novo's got both me as a composer and an industry pro as their sfx/mastering guru. pretty cool. so you might as well stop. at this point you're probably only annoying walker and josiah. they thought it was pretty funny when they had asked you to change stuff sometime last year and you were antagonistic about the idea of altering your music. i don't think they're into your style, anyways - they wanted something more...flexible. edit: congrats to bardic for nabbing the promo code. make sure to tell us what you think! iRis isn't perfect, so feedback helps us improve this one and make better games down the road.
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