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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. speculation. not only are the bonus dvds often offered on most torrent sites as a separate file in the torrent to download or not, but special features are a huge reason that people buy or get a hold of dvds. just because you're a moron that doesn't care about the making of the movie or something like that doesn't mean that others don't.
  2. my email is my full firstname.lastname@gmail.com. send me an email.

  3. list, yeah, but this is used. you can buy used ones at several sites for around 80 bucks. since i would hope he isn't charging that much, another 10$ off for ocr members isn't that big. edit: i must be still out of it, just woke up. what apparently awesome internet bullshit did i miss?
  4. case in point. correct grammar generally prevents you from sounding like a nub. not using pictures that are dumb are like that also helps. and, since most everyone here forgot what the Missingno Tracks are, you should mention that it's for the pokemon project. it isn't ever going to get finished, anyways, but still. that said, interesting site. i'm a self-proclaimed ff7 fanboy myself.
  5. jay stop eating salads and start working on this meat will make you go faster
  6. i gave you a suggestion in my post. read it, and you'll see that, although some basic math is required. use your eyes, rookie.
  7. i would, since it's my site. if you contact me specifically with what songs you want, i'll think about it. also, he literally came up with this stuff on the fly. he's that good =)
  8. the only difference between the (currently 300$) premium and the arcade is the games and the hard drive. you're offering neither, therefore it isn't a premium anymore. it's and arcade. plus, those ones on ebay aren't refurbs, probably. plus, you're selling it to us, not some loser ebayer in cali who doesn't do anything all day. so we'd assume you'd give us a reasonable deal rather than shilling us.
  9. you've basically got a refurbished arcade system (200 brand new, but not a jasper so closer to 175) with a (resale value wired/wireless) 20/35$ controller and a (resale value) 50-60$ wireless adapter. to be honest, if you paid 425 for the entire thing originally, you paid too much since the current street value of this stuff brand new is 200+40/50+80, around 320-330 depending on the controller. 425 is too much. 350 is too much, too, obviously. closer to 275 or so, depending on the type of controller. do the math. what kind of 360 is it? that makes a big difference. if it's a jasper (12.1a on the back sticker above the power plug hole), then it's worth more than a falcon (14.2) or one of the two original models (16.5). also, did it get a new drive or just a firmware update? that's easy to tell if you can determine what kind of drive you've got. pull the front faceplate off by yanking on the usb port hole (doesn't void a warranty). underneath the numbers '360' should be an oval hole. if it's got red wires and a bit of circuit board OR a blackish divot and no real hole, it's a samsung or hitachi drive. they're noisy and prone to failure. worth less, came with the two earlier versions of 360s. if it's two white wires in the hole, it's a Benq, worth more. still noisy, but not like a vaccuum cleaner. pretty reliable. worth an average amount. if it's two yellow wires, it's a Lite-On, and that means that it has to be a jasper. they're super-quiet, and if you're not stupid they won't RROD. worth the most, currently.
  10. when you've got a wip in, then i'll write you in. by the way, sloopygoop the magnificant chiptunist has sent me another wip. not quite as long (only 7.5 minutes this time), but still excellent, and as a whole it fits the mood we're looking for, too. i should tell you a little about him. he goes to my alma mater for undergrad, and runs a comic strip publication on campus pretty much by himself. he's got a zillion classes he's doing, and he sings in a choir on campus as well (at least, i'm pretty sure he was in men's choir when i was scabbing in there for the director). i found out he was interested in chiptunes when he asked if i had a copy of an old motet we sang in mens choir so he could chiptune it (i worked in the music library at the time). i kinda looked at him weird and told him we didn't have it. when he contacted me about this project, i honestly didn't know what to expect - i knew he was interested, but i expected a chip-rip (wouldn't be a midi rip, right?). and then my email vomited out this 12-megabyte mp3 file at me. i immediately thought it would suck. who'd ever heard of a 7.5-minute chiptune by an unknown artist that was actually good? can i say that his wip is better than most of the chiptune stuff you hear at conventions? way more creative, way less of the boom-tiss fake techno you normally hear of this genre. he's melded like seven different variations on the main theme into one big thing - including an avant-garde section, a waltz (not cookie-cutter, either), and a really cool tense section that makes me think of the 'ho-shit running out of time' music in most spy films. pretty awesome. a little repetitive at this point (this coming from a fan of the 3-minute rock ballad) but there's so little to trim that's not original and inventive in some way. not that he's ever here to read this, but it's cool. did i mention he's got like six posts and ahs only been doing this for a little while?
  11. i should point out that i haven't forgotten you, lemon. end-of-semester crapped on me recently, and i've been worrying about that. there will be saxophone, yet.
  12. heh. fair enough. pm me if you're really interested.
  13. you'll torch a 2-ring xbox if you try the towel trick. again, jaspers are a lot better than original 360s, or even falcons (14.2a).
  14. i need to get zach out here so we can re-record this. only then will you truly understand the full power of the dark side.
  15. sell it on ebay, buy a jasper. there's an incredible difference, really. i've got kittykar's number, if you want. he doesn't visit much anymore, something about going abroad and being a dumbass in school. edit: get something to use as an applicator for the AS5. the nature of the stuff means it takes days to get it off your finger. something like a q-tip, but that won't disintegrate. it's thick stuff, far thicker than petroleum jelly, and you've gotta use some effort to spread it, so something like a mechanical pencil (with no lead, of course) but wider at the tip will work.
  16. assuming you use AS5 for the compound, do the gfx heatsink while you're in there. everyone gets pissed off about these things breaking. there are issues, yes, but if your 360 lost its warranty it lasted at least 3 years displaying high-definition content (it's still outputting in max hd, then downsampling the image if you can't play it on your tv), which torches most of the other high-definition players from when the 360 came out. no one talks about the YROD (yellow ROD) from the PS3, but they're quite common among systems used a lot. assuming you want it for longevity's sake, like me, you should buy a jasper system. there's no comparison between the 16.5 amp systems and the jaspers, which run at 12.1a. they're four generations of dvd drives quieter, they're about a quarter of the heat, and they've got a built-in memory card. reassemble your system, sell it on ebay for about 60 bucks or so, and use that to buy a new arcade system and the hd hookups. all that said, kittykar on these forums fixes 360s. maybe he'll know more than you.
  17. i'm interested. let me know what the results are.
  18. unless i'm mistaken, tpb didn't break any laws in their country. it wasn't until sweden changed a bunch of laws that they were actually breaking their country's law. you can't expect them to comply with another country's laws, particularly on the net. who's going to make these more stringent laws? how are they going to apply internationally? it's not just a matter of 'do not put pirated music on this tracker', because that very statement can be taken a number of ways. my issue isn't even with tpb, or sweden, or the blatantly one-sided case that took place. my issue is with companies like the riaa and mediasentry, for obvious reasons. are you really defending those companies?
  19. the old thread - you posted sometime in 2005 saying you were interested. chavous had the same reaction, but you two are two of the first posters in that thread who are still active. go figure.
  20. you came from gamefaqs? i don't believe it. you know how to type entire words in normal sentances.
  21. you might not mind it, but i don't want to be compared, particularly on a smaller remix project. if he drops, i'm in - else, it's his ballgame. i'd think shaun is on the same boat, but you should ask him.
  22. ah, shit. there's only like four girls on this site and i mixed two of them up. kyle, if you and andy ever write a book on project running, i'd be willing to contribute. between RD, pokemon (as a forum admin and major contributer), laproject twice (first as a mixer, then an admin), tetrisphere (that was that one man thing i crapped out on), and something else *evil grin* i think i know why projects fail, at least =) if not anything else.
  23. this project, as mentioned in the OP, is the third iteration of the original project. the thread that's dead - not just semi-dead, but totally toast - is the second thread, which has 120 pages of drama and bitching and about 21 pages of worthwhile stuff. i couldn't edit the first page, and aeth is a loser who never does anything, so i started a new thread to take over when he turned it over to me. we're in community for exposure. when we've got wips on 75% of the tracks, we'll go to projects, since we don't need to coverage any more then. also, not to be rude or anything, but it's considered bad form to double post unless it's your thread or if you're bumping an old one. just use the edit button to add to your older post. we're snobs around here, unlike most internet boards. probably why most nubs don't last long.
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