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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. lol. avaris and i leave, and immediately this project gets back off the ground. if dct falls through, and this project actually looks like it'll happen, let me know and i might be convinced to rejoin my track with the project. just to boost the drama.
  2. tal tal's fine by me. someone wanted to do some mabe, so i'll give them another week or two to get something in. if they don't, then you're free for mabe as well. but tal tal's enough for now. feel free to incorperate another theme. i took aetherius's tracklist, so there's a possibility he missed something important. if it was missed, i'll add it once i hear something near a wip. if you want some help, holler at me - tal tal's an important track, and i don't want it to bomb because of something simple. edit: pm'd a bunch of oldies who posted and said that they were interested in the old thread. surprising that it hasn't been auto-pruned yet, considering it's probably the oldest thread in community that's not stickied. and, by oldest, i mean that the thread # is 3232. edit2: of course it hasn't been auto-pruned. it's in projects, not community =)
  3. good to see that you're making a concerted effort to get involved with the community, man.
  4. kyle was the boss. mae helped. joker and pu_freak bantered on the forums for about 500 posts worth. sorry, man =)
  5. ah, kyle didn't run tales. he was a figurehead. joker and pu_freak were the real bosses. and mae, but just because she's cute.
  6. this is why i think the trial was a joke. it wasn't about tpb, it was about torrents in general. considering the amount of bandwidth we save by using torrent distribution, what'll happen when they're banned? it won't be Support OCR Month, it'll be Help OCR Survive Another Week month. download caps, back to the happy hour download stuff...ugh.
  7. i agree with everything bahamut said. this whole trial was a joke to begin with.
  8. i really enjoyed the speedy battles of ff12. i'm kind of sad to see that they're killing that idea this time around.
  9. yes, metaphysics is my middle name. i always used to misspell 'prophet' as 'propjet'. totally changes the name from some cool-sounding Faustian reference to a plane that Satan rides on.
  10. i've actually never played kingdom hearts. i own it now, but haven't gotten to it yet. i'm of the opinion that key changes are used in the absence of good melodic material. we don't run out, so we don't need to 'extend' the mix with a key change. they're just for pop and kitsch, to make bad songs longer.
  11. step one: restart after installing any audio drivers. no matter what. step two: make sure your recording software - audacity, or whatever - is recording that input. step three: make sure you're plugged into the right thing. sounds dumb, but there's a difference between mic and line, make sure you're on the right setting.
  12. oh, it's cool, no worries. after doing ToF, i understand when you've gotta decide between more content and a release date. my issue was more just that no one contacted me about it, even thought we'd been done for like six months or something. it'll still get posted, so i'm not worried =)
  13. he better, or i'll tackle him again. and then force-feed him a 1/2 pound American cheeseburger. seriously, you're like six inches taller than me and i finished my burger before you were half done. thanks, everyone =) edit: douche nozzle? what the heck?
  14. there's stuff going on, but it's more behind the scenes. i'm not one of those project heads that's like OMG ANOTHER WIP HOORAY FOR BABIES or something. when i have news, i'll report it.
  15. don't start this yet, platinum. wait a while, and you might see your wish fulfilled. get some cred, then get out there and try it out. don't be like the xenogears project.
  16. i'm fairly certain it's impossible to sync two full libraries to one ipod - else, that'd be filesharing. maybe by authorizing her computer with your itunes account?
  17. ...? it's getting kind of annoying. who keeps changing them, and why? not every title needs to be exactly what the thread is about.
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