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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. I've been seriously debating going through and compressing this whole thing into a bunch of compact info sections, and starting a new FL thread with them. Like, only one thread, and first post is your basic stuff, then the next one is on clipping or something, then going from there. I've only got a 56k here at home though - is there any way someone can get this whole thread into a PDF or HTML file or something so that i can work on it offline? If someone can load each page and save it, that would work too - just something so i can access it offline at home. I'll go from there. EDIT: clarity and spelling.
  2. same. the mike i use for my small-calibur stuff blows...thats where my friends with money come in
  3. I'm here to offer a variety of performance for whoever needs it. I personally can do anything on saxophone (I've got a soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass sax at my disposal). I can read just about anything you feed to me on paper or MIDI, i can lsiten and play out a solo on a different instrument if you recorded it and need it on a sax, and I can do improv over just about anything you've got. Understand - i was ranked first overall on alto and soprano sax for two years in the New York State School Music Association's ranking system for the allstate bands and stuff. trust me - i can handle anything you've got. EDIT - sample available at www.soundclick.com/theprophetofmephisto. The song is called 'Legend of the Saxes'. There is also 'Canvas of Dreams'. Both of these songs are available at Veggiemix through my name there, 'The Prophet'. As well as this, i do bass guitar, string bass, some piano work, and some guitar work. I also sing anything from bass to tenor voice. EDIT - now, I can do trumpet and trombone, some basic tuba. EDIT 2 - add vocals in general, for male voice. I've got a pretty wide range. I recently acquired the equipment to record for voice, so add that in hurr. EDIT 3 - Add in a little french horn, violin, clarinet, and flute. Hooray for instrumental teaching methods classes! I have a professional studio available for anyone who needs good recordings live of anything. I've got a wide range of piano, vocal, and instrumental options available to me for anything needed. If you're an orchestral writer, there's a chance I can get the college orchestra or band to perform it and record it if it is good enough. I also do a wide range of effecting, remastering, etc. on Fruityloops. I've got available to me Reason, z3ta+, Acid...basically anything y'all need. I do a lot of composition too - if you're a performer and want a song in a certain style, i'll see what I can do for you. EDIT3 - If you want examples of my composition, check out my soundclick site. its going to have the best showing of my talent, or check out my CD. both will have a good example of my compositional skills. I have several recordings showcasing different skills that I have that you can get from me if you ask. Just pm or im or email me and i'll get you mp3s. Remember... The Prophet of Mephisto
  4. wut I second that. At least they haven't posted again. i got a headache after reading that and trying to understand what the hell they said.
  5. You're mistaking patches and channels. You can have unlimited channels, and 129 isn't the standard channel for drums, 10 is. Put the drums in Channel 10 and you'll get what you're looking for, methinks. Thanks. I get it now. Channel 10 is reserved for drums - you can even see all the drums in piano roll! yeah - that helps a lot when you get confused and forget what note is what sound. i hate plunking on the darn keyboard trying to find the hat or shaker or whatever. the labels make it a lot easier.
  6. What is it you want to know? Extrapolate and maybe i can help you - else just look in the help file and the FAQs on fruity's website. You're mistaking patches and channels. You can have unlimited channels, and 129 isn't the standard channel for drums, 10 is. Put the drums in Channel 10 and you'll get what you're looking for, methinks.
  7. It's fun once you get the hang of it. You just must have a hide of steel to keep from getting all mad. people who get flamed and get mad are the ones that are just idiots.
  8. Simple. You just have to go through and select the checked 'smart disable' on each of your effects. Have fun with that, bud. The problem is, when I go through, all the green lights next to the effects are still on. It seems like all the effects are going, but I can tell some of them arent (phasers, flangers, ect.) Thus my troubles. I'm retarded. I cant disable smart disable. EDIT: I GOT IT!!! No further assistance needed. Thanks Prophet. anytime, man. anything for a Team Cancert member, bro.
  9. Simple. You just have to go through and select the checked 'smart disable' on each of your effects. Have fun with that, bud.
  10. werd. for some reason, that "hello" seemed completely stupid. i think a yo or a sup or at least a hi is better than a good British "Halloo"
  11. you know, you can use the easiest damn thing to do this that has nothing to do with pitchbending or the MIDI PWOD. its called edit events. if you want to adjust one note on a monophonic line, just adjust the volume for that section by using your right click diagonal drag. its so easy. now, if you're talking one note in a polyphonic piano roll, then you've gotta use the pitchbend thing. it sucks but its all that you can use. to avoid that, put the melody line seperate from the rest of the stuff.
  12. hah. same thing happens to me when I use my old computer. before I bought fruity that used to drive me nuts, too. its really annoying. something to make that a little easier to deal with is to group your drum samples that need to be reloaded. then you don't have to go and find them each time you reopen. plus, if your computer supports hibernation, then you can hibernate and it won't lose your samples.
  13. sound bars? i'm assuming that you have screwed up your events, or you need to EQ better. for the first, check that you've not accidentally edited the events to do something funky like crank the volume up. If its the latter, make sure reverb or repeated stuff isn't overloading the selected channel.
  14. same here. its more a matter of just listening for the downbeats and what falls on them.
  15. pink and white noise are basically every freq being broadcasted on. skull's got it - just use the jagged line. A JG-3 or Crystal VST lets you get it too.
  16. if thats what you're looking for, just add some pink or white noise to it.
  17. Your welcome. Thanks for the idea, Kanjika - I never thought of using loop points. I'm an idiot.
  18. i can think of two things to try off the top of my head - i'll give you better ideas later when i pull out fruity. try the full porta selector in the channel properties screen use more than one sampler setup for various sounds. i've done that a few times to get a fuller sound out of the samplers and it will work - its just a little more work to get it totally sounding right. anyone else have any ideas?
  19. Katon is a n00b that didn't bother reading the first page - just the subject. they all learn, eventually.
  20. We all do, buddy. enjoy your time here as much as most of us do!
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