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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. no problem. we were getting dicked, and i took your deadpan to be condescending when it was deadpan. i'm fine with criticism, i just hate being talked down to, which is what i took it as. just don't tell me what the baron buff looks like on people, or something equally derp only reason i didn't know they had it was because i hadn't seen one of their heroes in a minute or two =)
  2. progressive country? how does progressive bluegrass sound? anything chris thile has done - nickel creek, punch brothers, his solo stuff - is absolute, complete gold. i can't tell you how good this group is. and he won the world mandolin championships at age 11 or 12, if i remember correctly. just stunningly awesome. the nickel creek album Why Let The Fire Die is probably the best single-album definition of progressive stuff before the album punch by the punch brothers, which blows the doors off of everything that came before it. drumultima, where are you? you are a fellow thile lover who knows more about this than me.
  3. my computer has -23:-4 remaining on the time for the update. i have no idea what that means.
  4. she was pretty amazing in our game earlier today. first game i've gotten that many kills with cho, and once i got the hang of keeping track of where you are, we did pretty awesome. i think i went 12-4-12, with roughly 45 kills on our team, which for a guy with 3600HP at the end is pretty darn good =) she's the ultimate lane assist character, i think better than soraka. tensai, it was hilarious watching the other team turn tail and flash away as soon as your global darkness thing happened. they just wanted to get out no matter what, and you were still nailing guys all over the place when i wasn't stealing your kills.
  5. holy crap, 36 assists? awesome! the best i've ever done with alistar is 25, i think, but the team had a lot of kills so it was more just something that happened from having six or seven penta-kill teamfights than me being that great.
  6. note that he didn't say that he had XI, or III, X,or XIII for that matter.
  7. rely said something about being interested, but he hasn't confirmed anything yet. so while it's technically got a claim on it, it's still available for the time being until i hear back from him.
  8. ...one person? no one else has games that they desperately want remixed?
  9. so, i'm in the planning process for an remix EP that i'll write once i'm done with the current GRMRB. i'm calling it "Things I Like", and it'll be five or six songs based on musical concepts that i find myself always coming back to in the music i listen to in my free time - stuff like lots of arpeggios, overuse of m9 chords, any type of gated synths, odd time signatures, drum slicing and processing, and melodies with strong harmonies attached to them. i got the idea from the website Stuff White People Like. i've got most of the conceptual part of the album down, so here's where the inspiration comes in. my robot master for the GRMRB has been spring man, the boss that most people seem to think is actually 'out-of-ideas' man. it's a terrible theme, so bubble-gum-pop, so trashy boring annoying impossible to mix with anything else junk that i found myself sitting at my computer, stumped, for minutes at a time where i simply couldn't think of anything that'd make it work with what i wanted to do. that said, i've really had to stretch myself to make it work, and i can tell that it's had a positive effect on my music. i have been in a bit of a rut lately with music and found myself just going and doing the same thing in song after song, and i didn't like it. interestingly enough, i actually didn't really choose this theme, either. i just did an amalgam of random robot masters on youtube for my 5-slot selection on the compo, and i got him. i really like the random thing. so here's what i want. suggest a bunch of tracks from video games to me, and i'll listen and pick the ones that'll best fit the stylistic concept represented by each respective track. i'd prefer them to be more inspired than spring man, if possible indie games - especially those scored by OCR folks - are a mega plus in my book. if you could link a youtube so i don't have to dig and possibly get the wrong one, that's even better. suggest as many as you want =) the more, the merrier. if you're beating the drum in the Requests forum for some specific track or game that's overlooked, and it's a really fantastic work, this is the place to suggest it. if i don't get any, i'll just dig in the requests forum for the tracks with the most posts or something, but i'd like actual suggestions more than anything. thanks so much in advance, folks.
  10. your track was a riot, man =) good work yourself. well, i placed 3 of 16 last time around, and now i can't do any worse than 2 of 32. i'm moving up! just one last mix. if i had known what the remix battle was the first time around, i'd definitely have participated, although i'd have gotten stomped i think since i wouldn't have had enough time to really dig in.
  11. not going to get a third in - just got home from being out of town =( two is good, though!
  12. guess who got the box =) actually, a friend of mine got it for me as a three-month-late birthday present, but yeah. i'll be playing hopefully tonight.
  13. didn't you just have a birthday? maybe your parents/aunt/rich grandma has some cash for a young, aspiring artist.
  14. agreed. either un-sticky this, or fix it. it's completely useless right now.
  15. didn't see this till now. don't think any of my music will be usable by you, but you're welcome to it. there's more at my website than what's put on here.
  16. still not what he meant. not simultaneous stuns, but consistent, repeated stuns or slows within a short time period.
  17. direct replacement of the file should fix it, actually. there are file managers that allow for find and replace, where you can specify a file folder, and then have the program replace them. with itunes, for example, i'd have itunes create a library on a separate computer, and have it properly relocate the files to the folders that they'd be in on my primary machine. then i'd just drag and drop, and replace them all.
  18. naw, he's talking about heroes who stack stuns or slows on. i agree - making it so that status effects can't constantly be retriggered with the same effectiveness would be really nice. like, a 20% reduction in time or effect every time.
  19. you can return it for pretty cheap, actually. you might be able to get them to cover the cost of shipping, even, if you complain enough to their claims department. just return it all and say you didn't want it. happens all the time.
  20. naw, the lions have an okay offense, but no defense. the bills just have nothing except for jairus byrd and the punter.
  21. i had a 98 yard play in madden 11 on all-madden difficulty a few days ago. with the bills.
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