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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. This makes me uncomfortable, but is awesome too.
  2. Wait... what? Did you actually trade music for bacon? Do you also deal in pelts?
  3. Damn. If every album thread was like this one I would have way less money. Purchased. I'm looking really hard for music just like this and bam, it lands in my lap. Please submit some tracks to ocremix. And props for remixing Close Your Eyelids. A favourite source tune of mine, an effective (and not too easy to use) loop, and a flawless execution. ... Ok. Edit #4. I keep having to tack things on to this post. You picked a lot of GREAT loops. I'm a big fan, specifically, of each source tune used. I'm very impressed, and very excited about this release.
  4. One of the members of Slipknot died and Brushfire thought it wasn't important? What was your bassist for that theory?
  5. It's actually quite probable I'm going to have to scale back my plans as well. Running a restaurant in the winter ≠ running a restaurant in the summer.
  6. I really don't want an award on your crummy show, so now I have to find a way to not win that one.
  7. So I had a long embarrassingly public arguement with a friend of mine on a facebook wall about whether the other kongs or kremlings would be in it at all. There's conclusive evidence from the trailer that they will not be: -The pirate ship has a new skull & crossbones crest with what looks like an octopus/kraken/kthulu face instead of a kremling one. -Many enemies seem to be replacements for the old ones which may have been kremlings. -The tiki man in the airship stealing the bananas appears to be the primary antagonist (although a theory was posed that he works for K. Rool or that K. Rool would wind up being the REAL end boss anyway.) -and in one scene there appears to be a cow/pig creature sitting at a desk near a dk barrel with a friendly demeanor on it's face. I'm assuming that's something in a store or checkpoint vein... eitherway; an ideal candidate for a kong replacement. Another thing worth noting, if you pause the video near the beginning and look to the right... there is a very obvious shining, spinning, collectible golden puzzle piece.
  8. At least you're looking forward to it. Well I still have barely budged on my progress. August is approaching fast. I keep wanting to hash out an rough official story board so I'm at least more organized. If I put it off long enough I might have to do a glorified joke vid myself. How's everyone else doing.
  9. This song is made of win. An excellent interpretation, the nature of the melody indeed supports the genre you aimed for. The execution is excellent, the effects on the guitar blend it with the rest of the synth driven instruments perfectly, the re-interpretation aspect is just present enough. You're a machine Willrock.
  10. You guys haven't had me on yet. I WILL ruin you. ... How's Ep 31 or 32 sound? Fishy got on twice already.
  11. I fell asleep listening to OCAD and came to listening to this mix. I woke up happy. Then I read the description. More happy. <3
  12. Well I mean horny. I had this in my set list but after playing it a few times that organ bridge is just a little too distracting. Maybe I can crop it/loop it in a way that will work every time.
  13. I remember hearing a wip of this a long time ago. Really good to see it here. It's totally sex.
  14. Oh man. I LOVE the concept 'icing' people. I would SO get into a game like that.
  15. I wish I had time to contribute but I know I don't. Also... just browsing the thread, it was really weird seeing my name posted considering I haven't entered a PRC in years. EDIT: I would LOVE to remix K.K. Slider again but this is WAY too ballade-y, it's actually a really hard source tune, which might explain the lack of entries. :S
  16. I'm getting a weird feeling. I think it's a combination of embarrassment and regret.
  17. Damn it. Now they're coming out too fast. I dont think *I'll be able to catch up. *I want to catch up
  18. I want to tally up how many times you guys suck. Big tally. Big suck.
  19. I like the other version a little better. It's not that there's anything wrong with this version, and it DOES sound good sped up, but I feel that the feeling and mood was better expressed with the original. Oh well. I still thought this track was the best part of the aborted AC project. Good to see it in a place where more people will hear it. OSHIT. FANTASTIC PLASTIC MACHINE. I LOVE HIM.
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