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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I was pretty excited about the movie when I read the novels a few weeks ago... now, after reviewing old and new trailers, and hearing some lines they ALREADY changed from the book, I'm holding on to a little skepticism. It still looks great, and don't get me wrong, I plan on seeing it in a theater (something I rarely do these days) but I thought the last airbender couldn't be screwed up too.
  2. Neat track. Man, I can still never understand what the hell is going on in that game.
  3. Yay gay pride! ... What; is there another holiday going on?
  4. Steve-o was made for speedo like pants were made for plants.
  5. ... is this... is this a bot? It's really on the edge.
  6. I get all tingly when people take the time to do this. It reminds me why any/all OCR bullshit/politics/standards (which, as a newbie, you should know is actually pretty minimal) is worth it. Although I don't represent the OCRemixers ddavis1979, thank you for your kind words as a die-hard OCR member. We really do something special here. Anyone remixing a game is reaching something more special to gamers than just any old song. It's paying tribute to a communal nostalgia. For the most part, every last 'retro' song which has a source tune recognized means the last time that was melody was HEARD was by your childhood ears. It reminds us of a time when we escaped into the repetition of leveling up, a tricky boss we overcame, a sad or happy part of the story, a birthday party where you first put the cartridge in; the plastic wrap tossed carelessly beside the system due to your sheer excitement of getting the game you wanted, a Christmas where you christen a system's first power-on... It is something special... as if music wasn't already special enough.
  7. Don't worry mods, no actual jailbreak talk in here, it's windows/apple computer problems. I REALLY don't know what I did to my PC, but I swear it wants everything apple to explode... I'm running Vista, Symantec Anti-Virus, I've scanned with Spybot, and I've defragged... it finds nothing and I've still got the same problem. As soon as I open quicktime or itunes, it crashes. As soon as I try to look at an embedded quicktime file online, Firefox crashes. I've re-installed multiple times now with what should have been the latest versions of each. There's no uninstall given to wipe the system of the previous version properly, there's no entry of either program in the Programs/Features part of the Control Panel, and when I try to delete the folder manually it just says no. I'm pretty stuck on this one. My options seem to be 1) re-install windows, 2) buy a mac, or 3) don't use my IPhone for music. As for just jailbreaking it so I don't have to USE Itunes, which I would prefer, I got the phone off a friend with the latest software update and an MC model #. I believe that means it's not an option for me yet. Help?
  8. I don't hate Felicia. I don't hate anthropomorphic characters. I don't hate games which feature either. I don't hate furry costumes, furry cartoons, fan clubs, websites, or even fanfics dedicated to such characters if it is well executed for the sake of a specific artistic medium. I hate obsessive and embarassing social rejects in love with scritching, glomping, yiffing, their own special furry conventions, their frequently terrible artwork, their nostalgia-ruining associations with popular anthropomorphic characters, but most of all; their disconnect with the rest of society. I feel the same way about die-hard role-players, renn-faire nerds, otaku, and sometimes, even gamers. EVERY past time needs a modicum of moderation, but justifying an adult obsession with cartoony furry animals is a stretch for most of the rest of the world. Being unabashedly proud of being a furry means you're happy to abandon normal human association. That's sad no matter what, and furries didn't exist 20 years ago like they do today, they made this for themselves. They earned their reputation, deserved and exaggerated or not. Also; thread de-railment? What thread derailment? We've been talking about furries for 4 pages.
  9. I hate double posting... but I want to make sure the thread is active and I keep everyone posted on my status, which is changing more than I thought it would. I've determined that the concept I had in mind before is still good, and it could be achieved with a minimal budget if I wanted to, but it just isn't coming together for me like I wanted at the moment. Certain people, and now lost time is a factor too... So I'm picking through a few new ideas, one of which came to me last night. In the end, if I wrap one up effectively and early I might just shoot for two entries this next competition and leave my impressive blockbuster stuff for round 3. Sound good?
  10. Oh yeah, and there was a thread that was started a little while ago for the Sirius Satellite radio station Chill. You could find some good stuff in there: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29406
  11. Yes. I will add the Xen Cuts compilation for a slightly blacker Ninja Tune spin, and the Buddha Bar series.
  12. How much creativity does OCAD even need? You hit record and say titles of songs. ... Wait... you don't even SAY THE TITLES... What is it you guys actually DO again?
  13. But... but you're DrumUltimA. On my coolness scale, you're, like, the polar opposite of a furry.
  14. Ah yes, the reaction every producer strives for.
  15. Weird; a piece of that picture is in my horrible sig right now. I think I google image searched 'horrible' originially... and here it is in this thread too.
  16. Named mischief too... makes you wonder what she did.
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