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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. ^ Because of that post right there I'm coming to OffTopic more often
  2. I saw it coming
  3. Just wanted to post a few people who I cannot reach - Unstable Hampster is no where to be found, I PMed him and have got nothing back - Electronic Toothbrush & Oddlamma haven't been on AIM in a LONG time - goldenkrnboy...? Who? AIM? If you're wondering about AppleSauceX, his name is AppleSauseX for AIM, he's busy a lot but he'll throw down
  4. Winner picks next game, I'm pretty sure we're sticking to that rule. If not maybe we'll vote EazyP (Akuma|A-ISM) Vs. Necrotic (Ryu|A-ISM) 2 - 0 Nice try guy, you dragon paunch too good D:
  5. EazyP (Akuma, Dan|A-ISM) Vs. Sega. (Ken|A-ISM) 2 - 0 Keep at it, stop thinking you suck or you will. Hope you find that game that's right for you
  6. We doing another tournament, this is only the 2nd one, we've got some time to figure out what's best, it's too late to change the whole thing so lets just run with what we've got
  7. Arek worked it out the way I typed it, maybe he'll do it that way, maybe he won't, it is HIS tournament
  8. EazyP (Akuma|A-ISM) Vs. EpicPoster (Zangief, Dhalsim|X-ISM) 2 - 0 Your Dhalsim is crazy. I can't wait until SF2 to see you really destroy with him
  9. EazyP (Dan Hibiki|A-ISM) Vs. dPaladin (Ryu|X-ISM) 2 - 0 Nice try, here's hoping we get a SF2 tournament going so you get to really shine Kamoh: I don't know what's wrong with the finals system? For those who don't know, we're going to do it something like this, the person with the most points goes to the finals. 2nd & 3rd places fight for a place in the finals in a First to Five game, then the winner of that goes on to face 1st place in another First to Five Nothing to crazy or complicated, just some people can have off days when they play, this can give them more hope, and the round robin only is a bit lame
  10. EazyP (Akuma|A-ISM) Vs. Hemophiliac (Ken, Sagat|V-ISM) 2 - 0 GG, sucks you don't have a working MK, message me back when you do
  11. X-Ism = No air block, only 1 hyper combo avaliable to you A-Ism = Nothing really bad about it, just a bit harder to use, some hypers for characters are REALLY SHITTY, but others are FANTASTIC V-Ism = The best & hardest ism to use. Puts you in this crazy mode where you move about 3 times faster than normal and can combo CRAZY. SERIOUSLY HARD TO DO CORRECT
  12. EazyP (Akuma, Dan|A-ISM) Vs. Broken (Ryu, Ken, Cammy|A-ISM / Zangief|V-ISM) 2 - 1 Nice try, sorry I'm an ass, sorry I did so many jump ins, but in the end of the day it's doing whatever it takes to win D: Dog eat dog virtual world mah fwend...
  13. EazyP (Akuma|A-ISM) Vs. Axel B. (Guy, Karin, Rolento, Cody|A-ISM) 2 - 0 Don't be hard on yourself, you're better than a lot of people and this isn't even your game ;D
  14. EazyP (Akuma|A-ISM) Vs. Kamoh (Ken|A-ISM) 2 - 0 Winrar is me, gg, now go play your mario karts
  15. EazyP (Akuma|A-ISM) Vs. Culturekoi (Guy|A-ISM) 3 - 0 A winrar is me
  16. Yeah lots of idiots at EB, I can't tell you how many times my friends get "Well if you don't have a *insert system here* why do you have the box in the window?" The fights each last like 10 minutes.
  17. I shitted my pants, NorCal meet up is a MUST
  18. OCR is cheap compaired to porn.com (which is at $9,773,624) Next time you make a website you make sure to give it a name relating to sex
  19. Don't know what you're talking about, it sounds like crap except for that MIDI piano, which is too horrible to describe D:Have a fun birfday
  20. I IS ANGRIES D:< WORST SONG EVAR No it's tite
  21. That was great, and we got to yell "stfu" at someone talking on his phone (he wasn't even trying to hide his voice, loud asshole). The visuals are fantastic, fighting is great, the story is ok and doesn't really play that big of a role in raiting the film, imo. It's about action and looks and it's excellent in both
  22. Soul Calibur is a pretty shitty series IMO. With all the combos, not many are utilized and it's more of a "BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK COUNTER ATTACK" type game then anything else You can just use a glitch to instantly win at SSBM. I can wave dash around you all I want and L cancel all I want but if I suck shit I suck shit and I'll lose. It takes some fucking skill, no matter what character you use, some take more, some take less, but if you're referring to things like Wave dashing being a glitch? Heh, they full well knew that was going to be in the game, it's in the debug menu somewhere, they put that in there on purpose. As did they put in L-Cancel and a few other things You want a game with complicated controlls to make it more fun? Steel Battalion Yeah, nothing like paying an extra $200 to experience one game that is insanely difficult and not really fun
  23. That's be nice, give each character an equal number of stocks (2 for your first, 2 for your second) and have it be a bit like MvC2, where your guy comes out with an attack and then taunts. Good times
  24. Got a USB Gamepad...now I gotta get used to it D': EDIT: Electronic Toothbrush or ET of Cake Army will be playing
  25. We need to get DJP for this one, he talks about SFA3 in his reviews, TEST HIM
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