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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. 1(.5) - 0 with Axel B. I had to leave after I DESTROYED two of his characters with K'...let me just get that one, you weren't coming back
  2. I got it to work, just needed the bios, which Axel B sent me
  3. So I can't get KoF 00 or ANY new roms to work with kawaks for some reason...can someone upload their working copy and I'll see how that goes? Also, stipulation, since this will be monthly, should it really be just KoF? How about others like Street Fighter? The Vs. Series?
  4. The reason why I love the show, is it started at the same time as Sealab 2021 and The Brak Show. Stuff like this was NEVER ON TV BEFORE, and it was amazingly great. This new season has been so fucking great I just can't believe it, never thought it would get this good. It's just mindless fun that has it's ups and downs
  5. If you don't like smart asses, why be on the internet? Also, meh, I could really care less about another Starcraft, and this is comming from someone who played it for 2 years
  6. EazyP is currently revisiting the World of Warcraft and being very very sleepy at the moment. But yeah I'm down, and I'll need 00' rom (not to mention I need to find the 00/01 pack for PS2, found 02/03 a while back) I don't check OCR much more, it's pretty much all UM.O if anything
  7. My best friends are starting up again, and I didn't really play with anyone I liked last time (my whole server hated me, good times) so here I am installing it again. Mabye it'll be better this time on a different server and playing with them...
  8. Nope it's a character from Elite Beat AgentsAlso to the post above, please tell me that's sarcasm
  9. You seriously just need to get the fuck out of OCR and stop ruining everything with your stupidity. The song is clearly sited as a Mario Paint remix, and is even on this site. How about you check your facts before you post your babble all over the internet, k thx EDIT: Hay look, Seph posted at the same-ish time as me
  10. The one time I actually get a call in, the batteries die and Arek keeps whoring my cellphone with calls D:
  11. Good game to you sir, very good game Are you ok?
  12. Two of my favorite tracks from Bad Dudes EP? The whole thing is good stuff but this is one of the songs that just stands out and hits you with some and a dash of awesome
  13. Dangerously serious sexy key skills right here. Just hearing the opening is beautiful. gg times a thousand
  14. Serious Cat looks way too serious fyi
  15. Request because I can't draw at all. We need more KoF (Terry, Iori, Kyo), Street Fighter (Ken, Yun, Chun-Li) & Melty Blood (Ciel) versions of Kirby OF COURSE DAN HIBIKI WOULD BE GOOD TOO OYAJI!!!!!!!!!
  16. Cave Story ReMix Project
  17. He confused your show with VGDJ and Zircon, he really is retarded, don't listen to himWe might have to let me call in again, my birfday in the 9th as everyone who ever lived knows
  18. For a while I couldn't find a copy of Rez, but I loved the music. I finally got my copy though so...
  19. Sunset Riders has been Requested multiple times (even a few by me) I'd love to see Sunset get done
  20. I went to one of the expansions premire parties thrown by Square. I played it and...it really sucked even at the high levels. Good nerd party though
  21. They're from Offtop so I'd say yeh I listened to some stuff, it's pretty gg
  22. Normally this would be the time where I'd write the most homo erotic joke song lyrics possible (see/hear this), but sadly I am sick today, so no song from me D:
  24. - 6 CDs of music samples and synths - Project Polaroid by TOMC3 & Kool Keith - Gift Cards to places I never go That's about it. Everyone is saying that Christmas sucks this year in Ca and that no one has any presents or anything. I knew I should of asked for a DS
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