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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. I had a dream that Arek the Absolute came to my house and we went to the mall and he had to go to the bathroom but you can't use the bathrooms in my mall for some reason so he wanted to get back to my house to pee but instead I went into Comp USA and watched Aladdin OH WAIT THAT WASN'T A DREAM THAT REALLY HAPPENED LOL
  2. Hmmm chicken (little sig badge anyone? would look nice on the Shoryuken forums)
  3. Hold up hold up While I do love winning, 3 hours isn't much time for EVERY ONE to speak, give it like a day or something Also, we gotta make sure that people don't just drop out on it like last time
  4. winner picks, so maybe it will be SFA2 or Super Turbo, but I KNOES I will pick SFA3, and then we will challenge DJP and I will be like HAY U FEEL THE DAN HIBIKI OYAJI!!!
  5. Lucky I have you that extra match after "OMFG I PICKED JOE D: START OVER" after the match is done AND THEN YOU PLAYED AS JOE ON THE FINAL MATCH Oh well, yeah we need some serious SFA3
  6. Which is fantastic. Now I has mah SSB & SF in one place for happy fun good times
  7. Let us go for it, just gotta wait for Arek... Also whoever wins, for the love of god pick SFA3
  8. www.smashboards.com Look at characters you like, FAQs for how to play them, and the beginner videos to show you how to do stuff like Wavedashes and Techs
  9. That made me laugh"You can't try and stop my recovery because then I can't get back on stage," might as well be what they said
  10. Same, before in older versions I didn't need bios, now apparently I do need them AND more. WTF is happening with Kawaks...
  11. Wrong, the next should either focus on Alex's fighting journey since he was made 3s main character, or will focus on the training Ryu receives from Oro (for those who don't know, Oro is convinced that Ryu is the strongest man alive and goes to train him, which should change his fighting style GREATLY)
  12. Ok so, the original game has a much better, deeper story. In the movie they had to dumb it down so they rewrote the cult, which doesn't help because they'd also need to rewrite a few other things...but didn't. You can take it that they did die, that's how I took it, or you can take it as they just can't get back home (in the games no one really does come back, at least not forever) I'll try to explain this best I can... The girl's mother was a "witch." The Cult needed a sacrifice, a human one, for their ritual. The obvious choice was the child of the girl. They don't kill her, a fire breaks out, she goes to the hospital. A God comes and makes a pact with the girl to get revenge on all who wronged (aka the cult) her when she's in the hospital. In that time her whole imagination and thoughts where terrible and dark. The God used her to make her horrible ideas come to life and destroy the town. The girl knew the history of the town, so those thoughts also came to life. Things like the dead burnt babies that the heroine meets are there because she knew of them from things past. This could also explain Pyramid Head, but I doubt she'd know of that. The "daughter" of the heroine is actually the daughter of the girl who does all these things. They have a link, this is why she yells for Silent Hill at the start. All of the cult needs to be punished, then the "Evil" Silent Hill can stop existing. The girl's mom doesn't get hurt because she has control over that. The Heroine gets attacked because she needs to be tested, that or the actual little girl that controls things (the one in the hospital gear near the end) doesn't know she's there, thus doesn't know she's being attacked (you gotta remember, her and the devil girl that looks like her aren't the same person at all, though they share looks). Same for the cop. Hope that helps you a bit
  13. Sounds good, the big division for all Also, next time, a few days before it starts we should also send PMs to confirm people will play
  14. Terrible films are my thing, I'll be watching it
  15. Practicing 98' Also turmoil. I've sent PMs to Bean & Douli and I haven't reached them. Kamoh can't get his online thing to work. Does this mean that Axel B. instantly wins our division?
  16. Hugh Laurie for Solid Snake, best Solid Snake ever But yeah, I'm not going to be taking the film seriously until I see some pics or something
  17. EpicPoster: I know how it works, I know about the EVO scene, I know about the god tier. I just really really really really really really really dislike that game when played seriously. When played for fun, it's fantastic but in tournaments it just blows to me, just like how people will hate one 2D fighter yet love another kinda like it (kinda like how I don't care much for Guilty Gear but DAYUMN am I down for some Melty Blood)
  18. I liked it, I'm really just waiting for Reuben to get hired to do some soundtrack for a huge anime or film. He has all the talents there to pull of something amazing. Almost everything he does is highly emotional and just sounds great
  19. Would if I had time to play, I'm way busy trying to get my school work and other things done (LIKE BUYING MY CUSTOM ARCADE STICK FOR PS2 )
  20. We didn't finish yet, that was just the score AS OF NOW
  21. Not every fighter. Sure some characters have strengths over others, but hey that happens in every game. 3s is a great example of where everyone in the top tier can just cancel each other out, so it really does come down to skill, unlike MvC2 where most of the time it comes down to who can infinity combo first
  22. Don't get me started on how good Silent Hill wasSteven Segal needs to be in this film
  23. Um...have you seen the Asian community? The next SF would HAVE TO BE 2D. If they made it 3D, no units would sell. It would also have to be arcade, if only for Asia. Have you played the newest SF games? They're almost all 2D, and most are great (those developed by Capcom) and the shitty ones you can spot from a mile away
  24. You're lucky Whip is AMAZINGLY SHIT TASTIC ONLINE
  25. Chun-Li is the main female character in Street Fighter, it makes complete sense. She's also one of the best characters in SF2 & 3s, and widely liked. I don't know ANYONE that HATES Chun-LiAnyways, SF4 would probably use rehash and upgrade 3s graphics, which I can't really complain about, they're fantastic and I never want the main series to go in 3D. Pzy: A minor tweak in the game can change EVERYTHING. It can be something as small as, this gives 2 more block stun frames to this attack no longer goes through projectiles. Something like how Chun can (almost and sometimes) instantly recover from most attacks in 3s is a great example
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