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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. This one has been on ReMix: Tha Sauce for a while and I knew it was going to end up here. The mix of chiptune, hip hop and the sound you'd expect from Mario is just brilliant. Huge props on this one
  2. Very very hot stuff. I'm a lo-fi junkee, so I'm already biased, and then there's UNTS? You might of made the best electronic remix ever
  3. Seriously, just go ahead and buy the Poundland store with all the millions of dollars you've made doing very profitable video game remixes. The voice samples is all fantastics (Leprechaun in the Hood rocks that shit) Nice song, bouncy, high production values and epic quality retarded sample uses like has come to be expected
  4. Based on that post, and the post under on that message board, RE5 & SH5 are the same game
  5. Easily one my favorite trance remix ever, probably one of my favorite remixes ever. So damn good, catchy, production values, everything
  6. Good point, the man makes the jams to make the ladies go holler...apparently that is goodAlso I take this as good of a time as any to... OYAJI!!!!!!!!!
  7. Bitchin tune since the WIP page, glad to see it here
  8. First time I've heard that, it says they have an audio CD...what files types are in that?
  9. It's ambient, it's suppose to be this way. Ambient really is a love/hate type of music. Still, that's not a good enough excuse. Sure rap songs are repetitive and they might be missing something, but that doesn't mean that people can't change the genre and step it up a bit with something new
  10. I liked it, made me think of Silent Hill mixed with Ico. Guitar sounds fine, trying out new things/doing something different should be encouraged, not shot down like it seemed to be.
  11. When I was taking my driving lessons we where driving around some mountains. I looked down at my steering wheel and sure enough, I was driving a Toyota. I started laughing and my teacher looked at me like "what's so funny?" So I yelled "DAYUM I'M DRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIVIN' DA DA MOUNTAINS N SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET." She didn't do anything but tell me how to drive after that Back onto subject, oh wow am I going to have some fun doing this. This might be worse than that DDR track I did for OLR ("This Is The New Sound") I'm in
  12. And to the person so said Mario & Doc are equal... Doc has A LOT more power and kill moves. The pills have a much better trajectory than the fireballs, and also do more damage. The Fair for Doc is also VERY useful if you know how to pull it off right, and since he's stronger, his chain grab is technically better, just by a bit. His recovery is only a BIT WORSE than Mario's, and you might say that a shorter "cape" is a weakness, but actually Doc's sheet can take out sweet spotters, something Mario cannot do. Mario does have a spike but, I find it pretty ridiculous to recover from and not all that useful as it doesn't have much priority. You also might say Doc is slower, but only his A combo is, and if you're using the 3rd hit of the A combo...you really shouldn't be. So when weighted out, yes, Doc is the better character.
  13. SGX has completely convinced me that Reason is the far superior program...that and I use Reason for pretty much everything. It's a night little toolbox for people who just want to pump out jams and don't have the real life stuff, and I just love the way it works.But yea, Cubase & Sonar seem like a good bet to me for recording
  14. OH WOW I'M DUMB I didn't even think of that But yes, great qualities. I've ordered Drum N Bass Masterclass, Hip Hop Progress + Deep Trance & Techno
  15. Or Young Link. Clones rock when they're better than the original. Link is better than Young Link, Dr. Mario is better than MarioIf they took out Doc, I hope they'd at least fix up Mario, or just make Doc a costume and would also swap his style around (hits would have different effects as the clones do now)
  16. *NOTE: I know the sign says valid until 8/12/06, but I just got this email on Nov. 27th, so they probably messed up and it probably is valid and just an error (the most likely correct date would be 12/8/06)* Mostly for Reason users So yes every CD on these two pages is on the 3 for 2 sale with mp3 previews Just wanted to let everyone know, the quality of these are pretty bitching, and very useful. Nice Christmas gift idea
  17. You should check out the UnMod.org Guild, I had some good times back in the original Deciples of the Mix, which is now called...I think it's named after a Prot mix. They've been playing for a while and will help you out It got pretty boring for me after a long time, but probably the best experience I've had in a MMO yet (hopefully War will change that)
  18. *creams pants at the mention of Tears for Fears*but yes, I am in love with 80s shit, and this is rawk. Please send to ReMix: Tha Sauce when you finish it and I will give it the YES over 9000
  19. I'm glad everyone hears this. Yea it's a good thing. Try to imagine how it would be if people would still send auditions and claim tracks... Hmm........... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  21. I have a 22 man smash tourney tomorrow in Fremont, CA It's full so, sorry if anyone could of made it GIVE ME POWAR
  22. uh oh Did somebody just say 'Weeaboo? Cause I think I just heard someone say 'Weeaboo'
  23. Very nice little "bit more offbeat than the others" track. I must say though, every time I hear this, the only thing I can think of is Nineko's beautiful singing on his OLR track. This track feels a bit like a cousin of Flying Man by Mustin, with a bit more sanity. Piano = <3
  24. Bowser
  25. If this happens, me want in
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