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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. I know it may be post-apocalypse-racism speaking, but whenever the ghouls tries to do anything productive, it only makes EVERYTHING worse. The next play through, I'm killing ALL Ghouls. I'm seriously angry at them.
  2. It's pretty good, but they play weird PC title remixes like Myst and Civilization 4 (though surprisingly, the Civ4 performance is probably the best one of the concert nowadays). It'd be nice if they played FF8's Liberi Fatali like they used to.
  3. Won't care unless I get achievements. Gaming = Achievements...
  4. You can experiment a bit more with different ways to parkour your way through in Mirror's Edge, but it is a bit linear in some ways. It gets really free-for-all-like in speedruns. Don't expect total freedom. That's not exactly the ideal they reached yet. It sorta comes close, but mostly with all the running through the stages part.
  5. Between that and the Jet theme in Guile's stage, I think that was one of the first ones I knew for sure. And the Sonic 3 ones, which I'm surprised people found out so late. Then again, I played Michael Jackson Moonwalker and Sonic 3 back to back. And I watched Top Gun right around playing SF2... Very easy to pick up after that. As for the Aeris theme having the motif, the music rises for the most part and falls down a bit. Same FF7 music motif.
  6. Apparently, the 360 is THE shump console. Not too surprising since there seems so many. I wish they port Otomedius and other weird shumps though. The same old PS2 situation, except PS2 actually saw a lot of shumps domesticated.
  8. It does look like Acid for the iPod. I can't care less honestly. It's just jumping into that casuals market for the iPod. By some long chance, it's MGS4 for the 360. meh, too far fetched.
  9. It's not that Street Fighter has gotten less popular. It's not like Sonic where it fell out of grace and people are calling it a crap series. Street Fighter was a rare phenomenon when it was practically way bigger than Zelda, Mario, Halo and Metal Gear Solid ever could have been. Also, it's the idiot 'casual gaming' crowd that is thinning the herd because they think a basic fighting game like Street Fighter is too 'hard core'.
  10. Does it even matter what the motivation is? So a big-game tie-in has created Prince of Persia for XBL/PSN, Bionic Commando ReArmed and now Street Fighter HD Remix. All amazing games and arguably better than the big-game tie-in they are supposed to support. I don't care how eeeeeeevil the motivation is behind it all, if it creates such amazing remakes. Oh yeah, and barrel-beating and car-destroying should have been left there. And POINTS. NO POINTS AND FBI WARNING.
  11. It's "Rye-Den" like in the Metal Gear one. It's a real wording and name so you should say it like the way Japanese do. Ryu, it's understandable, since it's more like "R-You". Watching too many anime, I can't ever say "Masamwune" like many people do. I always say it correctly.
  13. I honestly can't believe people actually took Frog's speech patterns so seriously. It's just a cute quirk after all, not a seriously relevant one. And the translation wasn't FFT-horrendous and it was fine as is. Then again, Square Enix makes a lot of strange design choices, including translations.
  14. That girl speaking in modern-speech-slur broke the illusion completely... Also, Ganon's voice should be digitally enhanced. That Ganon sounds like every nerd you hear over Xbox Live.
  15. Some of the AI is still brutal, like with M Bison, who seems to be untouchable in the hands of the AI but pretty easy to read against M Bison players. It's so much of a struggle against other players online, most matches I play usually rounds down to the last few hits or combos. I usually lose, but in some strange cases, I actually get a few perfects. I never fully understood how strange the Street Fighter games are when you can literally kill off someone with 5 big hits.
  16. Shame that Capcom still gets the lion share of the actual credit when it is such a fan-effort. I'm almost shocked at how good it all is when all that is considered. Though it'd be nice if they find time to patch its bugginess where the health meter and wins-markers freezes and music stops. Apparently both the PS3 and 360 versions have the problems.
  17. I had no problem with Andale. Just fun with all the chaos surrounding me. My character is like a kill-everyone-savior. I kill everything I come across. Makes things more challenging, more fun, more gory, etc.
  18. Sorry, but that really is too epic for description. Especially when Rick Astley came out himself. I honestly can't care for those who don't get the meme. Shea Stadium and now that. The entire eastern United States has been Rick Rolled to death.
  19. Pseudo-Latin? no.... It's called Old-English (layman term. Official term apparently being Early Modern English). It's an actual way of speaking and hence it is mocked/emulated in modern day. Latin? Where did that come from?
  20. Not too surprising IMO. They don't really have their own national sport to speak of (or don't BS and say that Soccer or any other international one if theirs when it in fact isn't). Also, gaming leagues have had a lot of Swedish presence other than the typical German, Japanese, Korean and American lot. Some Chinese presence lately too.
  21. Just dumbly standing there and raining mini-gun fire into robots' bellies works. The VATS system isn't very good unless your enemy happens to be a human and you have perks for bolstering the aim.
  22. I really, really hate the fact that I'd eventually be compelled to buy the latest and the ultimate Chrono Trigger version after buying it once, emulating it twice, buying it again twice, buying the PSX version and now this... I don't want to bother with the cost math.
  23. Get used to the arcade stick, because playing it otherwise is pretty stupid, IMO. Neither d-pads are cut out for it. Analog stick seems to work wonderfully. That should do for most people.
  24. I'm going to be angry if they downgrade the sound quality again for a remake. Otherwise, I might get around to it. It is only one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Now they need a Shining Force collection for a handheld.
  25. Great reviews. 1200 points ($15) seems a bit high, but it'd be nice to support a community effort. Hell, I supported Jonathan Blow for Braid for the same. It'd be scary to fight players who are really good online though.
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