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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. aaaaand I hope it's Bioshock that gets the attention it rightfully deserves. After all the lack of attention Thief and Systemshock got in their times. I'm talking about the line of developers and not a corporate entity, of course.
  2. I have to agree. For one, Smash Bros was a niche title to begin with, and while I'll probably put in 100+ hours for it again, it just doesn't seem to have the newness of BioShock or its narrative. In terms of it being acclaimed with a "Game of the Year" buzz, I think Bioshock is probably way up there. At least until Mass Effect can live up to its underhype too. And we all know how far platformers fell from grace and I don't think any Mario or Sonic or Crash game will ever take the center stage like it used to. What I like most about Bioshock is the music though. And it's pretty creepy when in an interview with the sound designer, apparently they used real raspy voices of sick and dying patients. I don't know how they got away with that, but that's pretty creepy. I think it's best when a relatively little known game comes out and makes an impact like this compared to the next great sequel everybody has anticipated for 3, 4 or even 5 years beforehand. It's like the gaming equivalent of a sports underdog. BTW, I never even heard about Bioshock until two weeks ago. And I barely even knew that the Systemshock people were making a game. And I found out the game won't come out on the PS3 only recently.
  3. I have to disagree. All those demos were pretty good or flatout amazing like Bioshock's which actually got across the whole game's narrative within the first 15 minutes. And Eternal Sonata just looks so beautiful. Most tasteful usage of celshading in a videogame I've ever seen. You can barely even tell it's celshaded since it fits in so well. Also, Katamari demo was good IMO, except it just shows that it's more of the same. Which I have no problem of. To some who strive for originality and newness may be turned off though. You seem to get stuck on that whole "$1000" idea, but nowadays you can get decent 1080p for a 25-inch screen which is more than good enough for a tabletop or a room, and it won't even cost $500. And that's not even getting into the halving of most HDTVs' prices within the last two years. And the price will definitely get lower still. It's a pretty silly thing to even bring up the issue of cost. Because there isn't.
  4. I think your eyesight is probably bad then. The crispness is pretty clear with HDTV setups. Unless, you're actually forgetting about the HD-feed nub on the back of the system you're supposed to press in order to get the HD feed on your HDTV. I mistook that once and the quality was horrible. Until I switched it on of course.
  5. Waiting for a Bluray/HD-DVD/DVD release. Or on Satellite.
  6. Duck Tails, Batman and Tiny Toons. Those were easily some of the best licensed games made in the early 90's.
  7. Halo 3 should be great, but it's just a sequel. Bioshock actually looks and plays very fresh. The atmosphere is just amazing. Best since Gears of War and Zelda: Twilight Princess for me. The music, the voice acting. Just wow. I know it's supposed to be a spiritual sequel to the Shock games, but this one blows it all away. And that's only from appraising the short demo.
  8. It was only 30 minutes' worth of demo, but Bioshock is pretty much slated for game of the year at this rate. And it looks so good on the 360, I don't think I'm interested in the PC or the PS3 version anymore.
  9. I want to know who is the genius behind those four panel strips. Way better than most webcomics. Really, Bioshock to me seems even more hyped than Halo 3 right now, because at least we know what to expect from a new Halo. The roaming AI and story better live up. And we know what a letdown the AI system in Oblivion ended up.
  10. You guys are total drama queens. MMORPG crowds aren't the smartest bunch for the most part since they're just taken in by the addictive qualities of the games. Also, Pokemon MMORPG could work if it's based on the normal Pokemon battles. It doesn't have to be too fancy, nor too spartan and dysfunctional like the current Diamond/Pearl setup. But back to the topic: Shenmue 3. Too bad that while game developers are better than ever, the gaming populace is too dull and without refinement to pick up new game series that tries new things. Dynasty Warriors 20. hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  11. Because even Xbox fans know that the Microsoft name sounds satanic? Even if it isn't, it sounds like it? Kinda like Apple?
  12. I still don't understand the science behind the Towel Trick: Towels Very unbelievable rumor and predictably a mistake. I still hope the talk of a possible conversion with a team not helmed by Kojima according to some Konami rumors is true.
  13. Cooking Mama is fun from the rental I played so far. But it has no real objective and that hurts longterm gameplay. But good rental or as long as you have a good imagination and patience with it.
  14. Clock Get.
  15. I actually want to play WoW, but I know I'll lose myself in it very quickly. I even get addicted to 3D pinball in Windows... Also, the movie sounds intriguing. I don't think it'll be good via default, but if it actually turns out good, then it'd be a pleasant surprise. I hope for a Pirates of the Caribbean style surprise. Though hopefully the possible Warcraft movie sequels won't be as nearly as bad as the PotC sequels.
  16. eBay can be good sometimes if it's from a reputed dealer/store. I usually go to Gamestop for obscure Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube games.
  17. I thought Ace Combat 6 is on par with former games. I might get it if it goes under price drop or of the reviews gush about it. BTW, there is more news about a possible 'guarantee' of MGS4 making it to the 360. Lots of speculation with magazines and online rumors now. There's just so much of it, I'm not sure what to believe: 360 MGS3 preorders?
  18. Marathon is out for Xbox Live Arcade now too. Finally.
  19. Just for clarification, he admitted on a few interviews that it's all an act. But I still think someone has to be a bit mentally deranged to come up with it. PS-
  20. I actually thought it was a retarded James Earl Jones song when I first heard it.
  21. College school kid.
  22. It started entirely from MySpace and Youtube, but recently, I think the 4chan invasion thing was urged on by Opie and Anthony. They featured him on national radio a few days ago and then it just exploded in views and exposure. That guy is a pure act when interviewed by Opie and Anthony since he apparently speaks like a normal school kid otherwise, but that singing is sub-Sanjaya..
  23. Statistically, it IS reliable. The faultless system rate I hear is at least 95%. Of course, that 5% sticks out when we're talking about 12 million consoles on the market now, but it's still a minor issue now. Also that huge Forza issue is mostly a disc/software problem as well. Yeah, but the freeroaming camera in Splinter Cell and other games that had the freer camera didn't exactly give you a God's eye view either. Especially considering how MGS4 seems more chaotic than ever with the terrain and different troops. I like how they finally decided to put some on-screen helps and button indicators so that the CQC isn't a confusing mess while in battle. MGS as a series seemed to be backwards on that by a decade. Sam Fisher had grey hair in the first game and was decidedly a near-senile character too. And the 'choose the side' mechanic was worked on Chaos Theory. It's almost funny how these ideas coincide with these two franchises. I really like the crazy story in MGS games, of course, but I think they're finally nearing the end with all the craziness they can bring it. Animal-like mechas, genome taking over the world, etc etc. It's about time they finished it. If they're going to make another stealth game, I wish it's a totally new franchise. They can't stretch the story much further.
  24. They finally copied everything good about the Splinter Cell games and its camera system.
  25. I agree. Nintendo obviously COULD, but for some reason, they keep neutering themselves. I think it makes sense for profit's sakes, but I hear the cost is negligible for an update or even an overhaul like with the Playstation Network/Xbox Live Arcade games. They do the same with the friend-codes for the online connectivity too. They're probably playing it safe, maybe a bit too safe right now. But that sounds pretty much like Nintendo to me, aside from their hardware and DS innovations.
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