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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Roid rage sounds pretty probable by now.
  2. The tribute felt strange since Benoit could've been the murderer. You just don't hear about murder suicides involving celebrities.
  3. I think it makes sense since most games, even non MMORPG types are created to be addictive to some degree. I don't care what they classify it as long as they don't lead to more censorships and game bans.
  4. I actually didn't think the first games were "OMG BEST GAME EVER" types to begin with. But if you want a real Fallout 3, you may as well get BioShock and imagine it's Fallout 3.
  5. Magically, I own 4 different versions of Final Fantasy 7. And I mysteriously have two different copies of FF6. One in its original language for Super Famicom for my modified SNES.. Then there's the two versions of Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox (very worth it), two versions of X-COM UFO Defense (very, very worth it) and two versions of TIE Fighter (probably the best Star Wars game period). Then the two version of Shenmue 2 which I actually played both versions to death. Then there's the Megaman, other Final Fantasy titles and remakes, Mario, Metal Gear, Lara Croft Tomb Raider, Street Fighter, Castlevania and all sorts of retreads and remakes. Not really worth a mention on their own.
  6. StarCraft just in case you magically missed it. Singleplayer is still great so it doesn't matter if Bnet isn't as crazy for StarCraft as it used to be. TIE Fighter is probably the only Star Wars game I care about (sorry, Jedi Knight series was horrible to me) aside from KOTOR. Then there's Planescape, Baldur's Gate 1, 2 and Throne of Baal expansion. The demo itself was so fun I remember. Everyone thought MS was crazy for making a monster truck game. Then they come up with Bungie purchase and Xbox later..
  7. One thing I disagree in a major way is that they're aiming for a totally wireless connectivity with the devices. I think that's just as important as trying to introduce touch monitors really. Also, just about ALL technological leaps are considered toys or novelties until they are eased into use. That is not a new revelation really. LCDs, DVDs, even CDs, HDTVs, etc. Even cellphones had skepticism when they were first introduced. And I remember distinctly when they were regarded largely as novelties and toys than a necessity. And I don't quite understand the PC argument since the technology is supposed to be an extension of PCs. Imagine what they can do with some sort of a touch-sensitive keyboard or artistic uses. Those ideas can't be considered to be trifles if they can do so without using all sorts of devices and connecting them manually when you can have a single monitor that can do all of that.
  8. The typical new technology arguments. Wait 10 years and the prices will be cheap and everybody will be using it one way or the another. I don't see why they can't do it in the typical monitor format too.
  9. I don't think it's entirely the surreal aspect as it is the characters breaking character. It's like they made the story too serious for its own good since the second movie. Way too many different motives, serious plot twists that really doesn't belong there and the movie should never have stretched to a third one. At least with stuff like Star Wars, LoTR and other great trilogies, they were intended to be that long and be involving without the pretension of extending the story just for the sake of doing so. They were made to be trilogies to begin with, Pirates weren't. But I also agree that they didn't really need the supernatural stuff in there. Pirates/Privateers are already interesting enough without deus ex elements. Look at Master and Commander for example.
  10. I am sorta liking how this show is starting to piss off everyone. But I think it's still an engaging show, even if it's becoming almost as cheap as Heroes now. I liked how Walt grew at least 6 inches since his last appearance.
  11. I'm cool with people who are not into the genre and such, but in so many forum discussions about the game, it generally degenerates into "every other RTS game is better than Starcraft" or "It's a Korean thing" or "The game was never good to begin with". Like potshots that you don't hear for games. Hell, some people don't like stuff like Zelda too. "Zelda games sucked since day one". I mean, it's just ridiculous.
  12. Gametrailers.com has the HD video of it. My eyes were popping out at its quality. I'm starting to think the doubters are either crazy or just jealous of the insane popularity of the series now.
  13. Again, Warhammer wasn't exactly original either. It merely put fantasy archetypes to space. That was all there was to it. BTW, I'm happy to see that some Red Alert developers are in on it. They were always an under appreciated talent IMO. In before the inevitable return of Stacked Tower Defense.
  14. The Protoss Mothership description sounds too scary to be true.
  15. At times like these, having IGN around is actually a boon. They're revealing a lot about the new units and abilities. Wow.
  16. StarCraft always will be the best as far as I'm concerned until they somehow top it with a sequel. I really hope they keep with the country music/rock motif that gave it such a great atmosphere. The only reason why I think everyone would be a bit dampened by this news is that there are too many promising games coming out. I can name a few dozen without trying.
  17. "too much action".... Wow. I think DMC gets brownie points for starting the whole style of games like it. Like how Castle Wolfenstein was the supreme predecessor even if just about all FPS games after it has long since surpassed it. I'd say: Bangai-O - No, because though it was a yet another great Treasure game, it was just wasn't all that memorable. Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - No, because there are so many other great fighter-sim games out there. Ace Combat just happens to be one of the most popular and most sequelized. Devil May Cry - Yes, because it's basically the ideal version of 3D Castlevania. And yes, it has "too much action". And that's a good thing. Shenmue II - Yes. Great story, great atmosphere, great characters, almost perfect in every way IMO. F-Zero GX - Yes, though it's probably too hard for a good portion of gamers to actually enjoy. Advance Wars: Dual Strike- Yes even though I want to say no, because I played this too much and even if it's a minuscule improvement over the first few games, it's still the ultimate version so far. Silent Hill 2- YES. For being the scariest and most atmospheric and having one of the best stories I've ever experienced in gaming. Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht - No, because while still pretty good, I think only the proven RPG fans would like it. Most others would probably gripe at the lengthy cutscenes and other RPG peculiarities.
  18. I think they cut through a lot of crap apparent in the later chapters of the manga in the anime version. Which is a good thing.
  19. Ethnic look surely isn't famous in their native nations. And I don't understand these one-character comic/game movies nowadays. Weren't they always spectacular failures commercially?
  20. Really? Because Spidey 3 easily felt the most comicky out of all Spiderman movies so far. Including the totally useless and nonsensical tag teaming and love interests that appear and disappear at whim.
  21. Astronaut from 2nd film could've done it too.. I find it funny that the humanoid Sandman scenes were better than the King Kong type ones. And that the Harry scenes actually topped Venom scenes for the most part. I get the feeling that the creative staff just went overboard and had fun with making the movie at the expense of the actual viewers. But it was still fun IMO. And yeah, basically they should have named Spiderman 3 as "Harry Osbourne 3". That would have been appropriate. Like others said before, they rushed through at least 4 or 5 different story lines in this one movie. They had too much to do and they wasted it a bit on the nonsensical fight between MJ and Peter. And Gwen had such great chemistry with Peter too, and that went out the window in about 5 minutes.
  22. Yeah. The new Goblin and Sandman were unexpectedly the best characters of the movie. I think even Spiderman was a bit of a bore throughout the movie. Now I don't care if the 4th movie will have totally new characters and creative team. It's as if the writers and Raimi got bored of the franchise.
  23. Well, that was easily the worst out of all three Spiderman films so far IMO. MJ was way more annoying than Gwen Stacy. Speaking of characters who should've been killed off or get less screen time, it's MJ.
  24. I like the new ideas in GW2 with them doing away with the level caps and adding more persistent world areas. Still the first GW game felt a bit too dull with the music, the atmosphere and character designs. I wish it's all more customizable and I might buy it if it is.
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