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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Um. No. It's not a good point. EUROPE, remember? Nobody gives a crap about topless women in special events. But I'm sure there will be a way for people to find stuff like that to be offensive regardless.
  2. I thought it was going to be funnier if they did the actual butchering then and there. Then they go ahead with the 'eat off of the goat!' thing. Sorta like "TAKE A CHUNK OFF CHOCOLATE JESUS" stuff. Are people against eating things? "Take a bite out of the slaughtered pig on a dish!". OFFENSIVE.
  3. Except you know.. the SNES was a generation behind the N64. And apparently, the thing with the PSX sound chip was its ease of use and we've seen the end result of that time and time again. N64? Not so much. I'm not really saying that the N64 was incapable of good sound quality. That Hülsbeck sequence actually sounded very good (even if it had the trademark N64 tinny sound). But I sure didn't hear that kind of quality from hundreds of hours playing the N64. I'm sure you can tweak the 512 KB sound memory of the PSX just the same. And really, the sound chip of the PSX architecture was one of the few things Kutaragi did right and actually thought ahead of the curve in the early 90's.
  4. Um. How can you blame the composers when the N64 system was notorious for having stringent hardware limitations on the sound due to its lack of memory for the audio? Didn't people know about this a decade ago?
  5. If he does join Nintendo, he'd probably return to being an engineer. Which is what he should be doing instead of running an entire company with no checks and balances to his engineering vision. The Cell was way too ambitious of him and it cost him. For one, Kutaragi was not just a talking head, but he actually helped create the actual system architecture of the Playstation consoles. Compared to the behind the scenes and relatively unknown group of engineers elsewhere. The Playstations, for better or for worse, were Kutaragi's babies.
  6. StarCraft Ghost was canceled indefinitely.. I think a Diablo MMO sounds good and more feasible than other ideas.
  7. I think the hardware wasn't that bad. Except they tried too much and it ended up driving the price. I mean, 3DO had a revolutionary development fee for developers, but $700 was like a wall.
  8. Gunpei was shoving his weight around in his day too. One spectacular failure being the Virtual Boy and the other a lukewarm Wonderswan. This is why it's dangerous to let hardware visionaries roam free without a good plan behind it.
  9. I don't think that is even possible.. There'd be too much demand for a true sequel within 3 or 4 years. FFXII and FFX-2 didn't stop FFXI from coming out in order.
  10. Kojima wants it to be a PS3 title, but I heard in a few interviews that the pressure is there from the upper management to port it or like you said, do a 'special' edition. Why are anyone even bothering at this point? 360 is basically fulfilling the role of PS3 now. Sony may as well plan something crazy like the Wii (crazier, cheaper, economic) to get all the attention back.
  11. I might get it for the online play. Too bad the shitty friend code system is apparently worse for Pokemon D/P than in any other DS games. If that was even possible.
  12. I almost feel like looting a Pokemon D/P from a young relative. I know they will have it soon. 10 years ago roughly, when I was like that too. I feel so old.
  13. I wonder if anybody in Japan truly cares a lot about the 360 failure there compared to the rampant 360 sales everywhere else. It's all money when it's all said and done. Besides, the biggest thing over there seems to be the ridiculous DS sales figures. Also, there is a bit of a discrepancy with the games since their capabilities are graphically limited but they aim to release more games on the Wii now. With most PS3/360 games, they just release games for where the demographics are. Even considering Japanese PS3 numbers, as of now, the 360 has a stranglehold in the competition with the two higher end next gen systems. So it just makes monetary sense.
  14. Before all these notions of multiplatform news came out about FFXIII, I would have agreed with you. But I would not be shocked if FFXIII makes it to 360 now. Maybe all the appeal Microsoft is doing is paying off. Or maybe it's simple market dynamics. It'd be even more surprising if a version of FFXIII makes it to the Wii, whether it's graphically butchered or not.
  15. More like every episodes after the epic Negro Guy episode. Still better than the Manatee Family Guy episodes.
  16. Well, just about every insane dictators or mass murderers in the history have shared the same spotlight. I really wonder if it's only the media as it is simply human nature. Yes, I feel it's a sad thing for the shooter to become a celebrity of sorts, but this whole scenario does raise a lot of questions much, much more serious than the Don Imus crap or the birth of a baby elephant or something to do with riding a taxi for 2000 miles. I swear those were the fluff news pieces I really heard over the last few days.
  17. That's a huge assumption really. Everybody has certain quirks and nobody can really distinguish mental illness by that alone. Also, we don't know if he was actually sane or not before going to college. Even his campus mates just thought he was just a gloomy loner. I'm not understanding the paradoxical stance you're taking on this. I think it's always easy to blame the parents, but I think in extreme cases like this, nobody could have led to believe that the guy would do something so brazen as he did. And if the parents had trepidation about Cho going to college, then I believe they would have stopped him. Also, what has actually allowed him to enroll in such a school is a mystery in itself including all the half hearted recommendation to therapy and counseling by those who picked up on his more radical behavior in the recent years. You can go on these tangents all you want, including the whole immigration thing, but that doesn't mean they're actually responsible for it. Way to become the new Don Imus of OCR. Just a fun fact. Americans kill each other on a daily basis and in more horrific ways than even the VT shooting. haha. funny.
  18. You got it all wrong. Because apparently, the shooter was mentally troubled YEARS before the shooting happened and one can say that his activity over the last few years were far from sane according to accounts of fellow campus mates and teachers. Also, they say he never had a friend, no less a girlfriend since he's such a recluse and mentally troubled. And you know why he was trying to find his girlfriend? Because he was obviously deluded and insane. NOT because he was sane. Not really. The whole idea of liberating guns from gunlaws is so that these things could be DETERRED entirely. If such propagation of guns leads to more violence like these, it'd be nigh certainty that guns could be led to a total ban, at least in the political front of things. The state of crimes in the US isn't as half bad as you may assume it is, beyond the sensationalism. As far as school safety issues go, no. They are not 'isolated' and the effect never really wears off entirely. After all these years, highschools still are coming to grips with Columbine and now with this shooting, colleges will try to tighten the security situation better. Also, this issue strikes me more as a mental illness prevention/intervention thing than gun control. Because as far as guns on campuses go, I really don't see anyone, even gun lovers advocating for them being on school grounds where their children live. Also, just because people feel the need to carry around firearms, it doesn't automatically make them into 'gun lovers'. I wonder where your fantasyland version of America comes from. In the grand scheme of things, I find it nigh despicable that the gun lobbyists jumped at this issue like sharks on blood. It hasn't been more than days of the incident and they go on a preemptive strike with the whole 'propagate guns!' rhetoric. Just as much we don't know what would have happened if police and school faculty acted quicker during the shooting, we don't know for certain that more guns on campus would have led to vigilante action. I find it absolutely sickening that gun lobbyists are seeing this as a political chance and they look at this issue with a sneer of 'I told you so'. Really, as far as school shootings go, I think gun laws are a non issue. It's more of a specialized security issue as far as faculties of schools themselves goes and not as a societal issue as a whole.
  19. Did anyone pick up on the sly racism with Jack Thompson here? So KOREA=GAMEZ now? It's silly to imply that all shooters fit the same profile as well. And didn't they say that the shooter basically sat around doing nothing and listening to the same music over and over again? Also in the warrant papers for the shooter's dorm room, there was absolutely NO video game in sight. Just the most mundane things you could expect in a dorm room. Not that I'd expect Thompson to base things off reality and fact. That'd be thinking too highly of him.
  20. Eureka 7. Just because it has some of the best soundtracks in any anime ever. And the funky techno beats are perfect for exercise. At least for me.
  21. You are missing my point. Imus has been at that game for YEARS and now they raise a huge ruckus just because he stupidly called upon the girls' basketball team and somehow that got the attention and the media jumped on it like a bunch of piranhas. Not to mention all the hypocritical friends of Imus, mostly politicians and newsmen, who basically turned their back on Imus even after supporting his program for nigh decades. Let's not forget that the black 'civil rights' groups raised a huge stink about something Imus basically did on a daily basis, which is just as relevant as South Park making the N-word jokes and homophobic jokes. (if you can't detect the sarcasm in the last sentence... what can I say? Really.) And of course, now that they were going nuts about Imus, now they are focusing their attention on anything else that is deemed to be 'offensive' and is going after that. It's a pussification of America. That is all there is to it. If people who own Imus's shows such as the CBS/NBC decide to cancel his show on their own premise of exercising their own interpretations of free speech, so be it. But what stunk up the whole issue was the hypocrites, namely the black civil rights movement, especially the race baiting and downright offensive Al Sharpton leading the way. In the grand scheme of things, the Imus issue is a non-issue that was blown up by attention whores. You say this is about accountability? Don't make me laugh. That's so ironic, I don't need to get into why that's so. As for this issue and the possible prevention measures, the school authorities apparently got a lot of indications that the gunman was disturbed while in school life. I guess now they should be waking up to the psychological problems collegians can have on top of the high school drama and psychological traumas that created Columbine. I find it hilarious that literature is always ignored. Especially considering the guy was an English major. And hey, because all literature are harmless, just like those angry essays he wrote. Completely harmless bomb threats.
  22. I think the coverage for this particular shooting is understandable. Because it is a big deal and raises a lot of genuine questions about school security, police action (or inaction), communication problems and the relevance of gun laws. Compare this to the last week's Imus fiasco, and all those people who raised a huge stink about a lousily executed joke should be ashamed of themselves.
  23. Didn't they already have a HD SF2 game for XBL a while ago? I'm amazed that they're making a franchise of high def SF games now... And they're even going after the anemic PC market while they're at it. Capcom has a few screws loose.
  24. I'm pretty sure Tarantino and Rodriguez planned it that way. Also, since they're exploitation flicks, I don't think it matters either way. I actually think the 'burned tape' idea works since those movies were supposed to be crappy in terms of their editing and a lot of the sexual scenes were borderline in a lot of movies of its genre. Maybe the occasional topless scene or the strip tease, but almost never full blown sex scenes. I actually think stuff like that would detract a bit from the fun atmosphere both movies were going after. Not that I necessarily care about the possible MPAA involvement either way. Another thing was that I heard Tarantino supposedly "never" had a problem with MPAA too. So it's also possible they intended it that way for America to begin with. Which is funny, since I think they both probably would've done a lot better if they were released separately and spaced out. The double feature idea is cool, but there was no way they could have sold a 3 hour movie that doesn't have the precedence and loyal following like something like Lord of the Rings had. King Kong, even though it finally made profits world wide, was hampered by the long showtime too. But I had one of those surreal movie moments where I was one of the few people in an entire theater watching Grindhouse. The last time that happened, I was watching Corpse Bride.
  25. Red Steel was handled by Ubisoft Paris. Ubisoft Montreal is like the EAD of Nintendo so to speak. They made all the biggest games including the Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell and other Tom Clancy games. Which is why this news is actually pretty strange. Their top development team is making a Naruto game..
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