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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. You see this? This is good people. And a massive amount of traffic for an album and an EP.
  2. Heh, I guess I was right in some form. Anyway, I do like the idea. It feels real similar to the proposed mechanism for the Dragoon, which is kinda cool. They should allow aiming to be done via Wiimote if that control style is being used (or Nunchuck). That'd be an interesting facet to gameplay since the limited buttons or the fact that it isn't a GCN controller may be uninviting.
  3. Unfortunately I haven't seen any of those so I suppose my comment was baseless. I s'pose I'll give them a try.
  4. Haruhi also started out as a novel (light novel to be exact). I've read those through a pretty good translating group. You should look around for things like that. Stories in their original form tend to be best.
  5. Oh, I didn't even notice that. So they'll probably do the bullshit with different exclusives on different consoles again? So lame.
  6. I love Silent Hill's two friends.
  7. New Jersey. South when I'm home, central when I'm at school.
  8. After the Jap release do you think it'll be necessary to have updates any longer? I would hope not, they've gotten so irritating but I want the info, so I deal. There's bound to be at least a handful of hardcore gamers waiting to unlock everything then report to the rest of the world that they got it all first.
  9. This isn't exactly anime, but there's a recent manga that I just found today that is quite amazing. High School of the Dead. Doesn't really have anything to do with a school after the first volume, but damn is it good. It's ongoing currently and scanlated up to the 15th chapter(in the middle of the 4th volume).
  10. This sums up my opinion.
  11. Yay for Vader! Nay for Yoda!
  12. my pokemans, let me show you them
  13. If you claim it to be better than Last Exile in terms of epic battles, then I must check this out and soon.
  14. Never heard of it. Say more.
  15. While a good thing...it still saddens me.
  16. I did. K.Rool is bound to be slow and large. As far as Smash is concerned, remember, we're talking about Smash here, it'd be a similar large character with slow supposedly powerful attacks. With a hit area far too large to compensate for sub-par attacks Bowser in Melee was nothing more than a walking liability. I can only hope he's either faster or able to take more damage in Brawl because that's the only way he would work. Which, incidentally, would be how you would incorporate K.Rool, right? Large, slow, needs something to compensate for the fact that the balance between speed and power means a lot in the series. There's enough reasoning in my post, unlike yours. More than 2 games? Sure, he's only got two, but they were good and they were well known on the GCN. Larger than a pinhead? Sorry, Smash already ignores stuff like that with Kirby, so there's already good precedent for him.
  17. If only there'd be an IMAX release of these CG movies.
  18. Wah, I wish I had something to contribute. I loved this thread.
  19. Yes. RO used to be my favorite MMO before Guild Wars which was my favorite before this. Wait..Granado Espada (sucky Spanish FTW! execpt it's actually a part of the back story) is the [i was wrong] serve? Edit: I know better now. It's the international English server. Malaysia, Philippines, etc.
  20. Why you would want another Bowser clone-esque character is beyond me, Negative Ned. We're getting the older characters back filling similar but slightly differently defined niches while having new characters (and items, actually) filling new roles that are actually, well, innovative. For once we have two characters who don't actually have much fighting capability on their own (I'm guessing for Olimar since he can't do a smash attack w/o pikmin. I'm sure about pkmn trainer.) much like the Ice Climbers whose effectiveness drops significantly if you kill off the secondary one. More ideas like this are what makes Smash into a game of its own genre in that you had characters like Zelda/Shiek but now have Samus/ZSS along with the three afore-mentioned specialty characters. Honestly adding Bowser the way he was in Melee was, in my opinion, a mistake, and I do hope they avoid anything like that in this installment.
  21. That's some kickass news. Oh, and I've finally had a chance to listen to both the album and the EP and while the album is nothing short of amazing, I was really wow'ed by the EP. I can't wait to get my physical copies.
  22. You might want to re-read the posts or watch the commercial yourself, but the Metroid is an assist trophy NOT a character. I don't think Sakurai will drop the bomb of the FS for a little while, I personally would revel in the shock he's just given some people and take it slow with the stage then special moves. Or drop a completely unrelated bomb to further consolidate that he's got more surprises up his sleeve.
  23. Wearing weights on your person is well and good, but if it's just because you want to be like an anime character, you have some pretty massive issues. I'm not exactly against the word otaku or being called one...but I'm by no means a sad and pathetic case of a socially inept nitwit that can't think for himself. Can some more comments be made about H2O? It looked interesting then I noticed it's based off of a dating sim game...which doesn't exactly make for great anime in my opinion. Oh, and lastly, speaking of romance anime, I really thoroughly enjoyed watching Suzuka. The anime barely scratches the story told by the manga, which is complete, but that one really affected me in a good way.
  24. Olimar has a whistle and his punch and/or rocket punch, but considering he stated that he can't even smash attack w/o his Pikmin, then his style should be quite interesting. First update I've been happy about in a long time.
  25. Hate to rez an old thread like this, but a little update: Game's out of beta and has been switched from a P2P format to a F2P format with micro-transaction marketplace. If you know the lingo, you know what's up, if you don't: IT'S FREE. Great game to play and I'm still at the point where I have a temp account just to get a feel for the game before I really get cracking since I'm OCD like that, but seriously, it'd be fun to get a bunch of people playing on it.
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