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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. As a form of anti-piracy it still is flawed in the sense that they gave people a legitimate way to give friends their games. ::shrug:: Buddy asked me for Portal last week and I just gave him my login info.
  2. Hm. If anyone is actually doing requests how about someone make me a Big O sig focusing on the Big O and Dorothy. I would make it myself but I think it'll be more interesting if I ask.
  3. In commemoration of me beating normal and being able to start the real game on elite: This is Xirkurei. He's a guardian. He's a fucking beast. He'll almost never be used again because normal mode is a joke. Long before I beat the game, but it was a good looking armor set. Without the helmet. There's a reason he's got red hair but that has to do with the name. (Old RO story) This is Xirku. She'll be my first elite character. Main reasons for switching to a female character include: 1) I play female characters a little more than half the time. 2) With full armor the male model takes up too much of the screen and this doesn't help when small but strong mobs are rushing me. I need to be able to see to kill. Her name also holds significance to me, same reason Xirkurei does. Also if you couldn't tell the name Xirku came first and then Xirkurei. And here's a hint: If it wasn't already taken Xirkurei's name would have been Kurei. (Again, old RO story)
  4. I wasn't trying to demean it. I was just making sure people won't make baseless comments when the answer they seek has been so blatantly posted.
  5. Wait wait. Once more. With feeling. Tool assisted.
  6. It'd be more impressive if they actually did more with it. Just having Snake wear Altair's outfit instead of doing Altair-esque actions is a joke. Also: what Bigfoot said. Way to miss the boat.
  7. Add me to your buddy list. I'm on pretty regularly on weekdays where I don't have tons of homework.
  8. You know I know you know I know that. (No I didn't count to make sure that was logical. At all.) I just got that random old school vibe from it, AIMMS.
  9. Genshiken was really good for what little of the story they've covered. My roommates always gave me strange looks as I sat there laughing as I watched. Until, that is, they started watching themselves and either enjoyed it with me or just chalked it up to anime references they didn't know.
  10. Take his last bit seriously. If any of you can play those two games one handed at the same time you better boast about it.
  11. With or without the video game premise this is an admirable, and frighteningly intense, story. I could see myself doing the same thing without hesitation but I can't imagine what I'd be feeling after doing such a thing.
  12. It's been a while since I've seen Bean wave his art stick. Such a sight to behold.
  13. So like I said in my deleted post: If you're going to make a cover image and then praise it. At least make it look good. I also mentioned how much I would have loved this to be true. Alas.
  14. OMG I know a song that'll be in Part 3 of Public Address 5!! Yes really but I'm just saying this randomly. It's not that big a deal. I also just realized, GT, that this is so old school in the sense it's pretty much you going "I made you a mixtape, all the songs express my feelings".
  15. Stopping piano. Not playing in an orchestra now because I can't afford the time nor credits. Buying an A clarinet...well...I don't really regret it. But it only got a couple years of use compared to the many on my Bb...and it was more expensive since I didn't fuck around. Silver plated keys and everything...
  16. Seriously now. How many noobs are going to be posting in this thread. At least two without a title and then more with a very recent join date. Jeez I'm glad I don't post here much anymore. Edit: That's dumb of me to say. It wouldn't be so bad if any of those members had read the other four/five threads about this and didn't sound so pretentious or lost.
  18. I'm gonna pick it up soon myself. I'm currently playing a little of the single player through my friend's DVD and I must say it is fun. Nothing new or groundbreaking but the core gameplay is solid and, in my opinion, definitely worth the purchase just for the amount that you can play it online even without joining their subscription.
  19. The real reason is lack of a hard drive. I can't blame Nintendo for this because it would only be more cost to those casual gamers they've been searching for and it was completely against their marketing idea for the Wii. The worst bit is that people will have to buy two guitars to have a four person band. Even with the PS3 version they've been bitchy about what guitars can and cannot work with it. It's really stupid. Only the 360 got out well when their wired guitars still worked out just fine.
  20. Which is seen by all comers to OCR not only forum regulars who would understand him. If you did have him I'm sure OCR would lose some of the credibility it has as a serious community and more like a forum run by teenagers on a whim.
  21. An orchestra I was a part of went on tour in Russia and Finland one summer. It was amazing. I also got to play primary first clarinet in many of the pieces.
  22. You are correct. Manga came after anime. Also, novels only have one more before they are complete. There'll be ten when all is said and done and I've been waiting on number ten for a long long time. There are many stories to tell. I can assure you that.
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