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eternal Zero

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Everything posted by eternal Zero

  1. Yes I noticed. I'm afraid I had the setting on low when I recorded and it's not exactly easy to replicate runs like those. Maybe this one will be better. Please tell me if it isn't, I'm still trying to find just the right setting for this game.
  2. If you look at a song's equalizer bars as it is playing you tend to notice spikes in different frequencies. I think this has something to do with determining when you get blocks.
  3. SoundTeMP - Supercooled Girl: Double Vision Elite Nowhere near my best run but the only one I have on video. I've been trying to get a new high score for me (which would be the new global #1) on video, but it's too difficult. Fraps lowers my frame rate, forces me to play on a much lower resolution, and tends to "skip" which really screws me over. abg - Finale: Eraser Elite Current top global score. Still a bad run due to regular fraps issues. This one had an extra bonus that screwed me over! Limit of file size on .avi is 4GB so this had to be split into two avi files while recording which made a huge spike in the middle of the song! Yay! (Not really, it pissed me off so much.)
  4. I believe you with the ironmode thing. S'ok. At remod we changed it to any elite mode allowed. You may want to recheck the standings for this song, however. Feel free to get #1 again, but I refuse to use Ironmode. Btw, can Ironmode alone help you top my score? What's the general gain in points? If it's over 50k that's just unfair.
  5. From the Rate that Sig thread in Offtop.
  6. You know you don't have to be so hard on the rules for this little "competition". You guys haven't even submitted your own choices to play. I don't frequent OCR so often anymore so I'll probably not join in the festivities but I just gave the idea to have more fun with the game is all.
  7. I'm personally against Ironmode, but whatever floats your boat. I like the simplistic play. No abilities, just riding. Edit: FYI - at remod we've barred ironmode cause we don't want to get too (for lack of a better word) faggoty with high score mongering. We just want fun. Do not reply to this comment. I'm just saying it, not trying to start something.
  8. Starting today, Remod will be hosting weekly challenges in Audiosurf. The basic premise is that some of us will be posting songs for everyone to play. We'll also determine a mode of the week. Highest combined score wins for the week. Check out the link in my sig. It oughta be fun. If you'd rather not join us I suppose we could start it here, too. This week: Ninja Mono (tends to be the most popular...I personally don't prefer it) My song: SoundTeMP - Supercooled Girl If you don't want to adhere to the mode/challenge, that's just fine. This is mostly my attempt at making it easier for us to play the same songs and give that sense of playing a game with other people. I know the community size is much larger here so don't everyone go posting songs but maybe a select few and then each week's top five will determine the next week's selection. And the mode will just rotate through all of the elite settings. But for the non-elite just play the pro or casual variants.
  9. A lot of people will tend to play Ninja Mono due to the simplicity of the gameplay but I think the most fun is had in the other elite settings. Especially Elite Double Vision. Seems hard, but it's really quite intuitive. Not to mention it looks badass.
  10. An okay idea. Poor execution. Looks too drawn out. I'd get bored of each level long before it was over just because it's the same droll over and over again. What other SMW hacks have done to make their marks are doing things that you would note expect unless it kicked your ass multiple times before. Oh yea, and what Gollgagh said about GameFAQS. Too true. Way too true. Last time I went there and read a thread there were these kids bitching at each other because one of them put Zelda in a suite of white armor and got her killed or something like that.
  11. Not at all. The ending was the best freaking part of the entire game. I, too, am disappointed that it's a trilogy because I want closure NOW.
  12. English dub completely turned me off from the series completely. I've stopped watching the three of them completely and only read Naruto and Bleach when the manga gets released. I've yet to start the One Piece manga, but I am interested.
  13. This is much more amusing to me since I already understand the concept behind it. That and the style of video itself could be quite interesting.
  14. I played a little for the first time today and the only points I can (dis)agree on are about Olimar and Pokemon Trainer. Trainer is actually really good, in my opinion. He fosters three different playstyles which complement each other well and he was enjoyable at the very least. Olimar is awesome and quite powerful.
  15. I've never understood the tension of hacked versus trained pokemon. I have much more respect for trained lvl 100s with all the good stats involved, but as long as hacked pokemon are within the bounds of the game, then there shouldn't be a problem. What one side has in the satisfaction of breeding and raising, the other has in saved time to get straight to the fight. Different strokes, right? Right. So all of you stop your fighting over something so useless.
  16. IIRC someone was using a smaller version of that as their sig. If not that one exactly then the melee version.
  17. I've recently watched and read REC. Surprisingly cute and enjoyable. Um...I haven't been around and I don't feel like reading the backlog...so I'll just spout some random thoughts on some anime. Dragonaut The Resonance - Started decent. Getting shitty. True Tears - It's so compelling I want more of it faster. Spice and Wolf - Just plain enjoyable. H20 - I've lost interest. Persona Trinity Soul - Lost interest. And for those who want a quick but enjoyable story go watch or read (I truly recommend reading over watching) Hoshi no Koe. It's amazing.
  18. There was a three second lag in the other room watching it (we had to split it up since there were so many of us). So after we yelled or laughed we waited three seconds and then hear them yell or laugh and then we'd laugh again.
  19. I agree with everything here except the baby punching. That and they fact that they kept so many clone characters is disappointing. Slapping the WW skin on Link doesn't make a new character. Changing slight differences in how moves work doesn't make a character not a clone (Ness/Lucas). I'm really quite disappointed with the final lineup due to Ness, Falco/Wolf, and WW Link. That and Ganondorf moves around like a frakking woman.
  20. I was always Zero when I called myself something in a game. Then for some reason I got really interested in the words eternity, eternal, etc. Been this way ever since. I branch out every now and again. I've gone by antigrav (before Zircon's album), seiryu, seiryuZERO, and Taikato. For those that don't know, Seiru = Azure Dragon of the East. I was born in the year of the blue dragon according to the Chinese zodiac, so yeah.
  21. What he said. Join ussssss
  22. Please stop posting lists without anything else. Not only are they useless but annoying at the same time. Genshiken is an incredible manga but only a decent anime. Kujubiki Unbalance would have to be completed..the episodes created were by no means the first 3. I forget the numbers, but they were like 16, 21, 25 out of your standard 26 episode anime season.
  23. The blocks correspond to an interesting rhythm that goes with the song. At least,this is how it works in mono ninja (one color + grey). Zircon's stuff is pretty good in here. Antigravity was great, and I just love Without Regret. dj Taka is freaking nuts in this game.
  24. Yes. I can do every part of that song on Expert. It's not easy, lol. The game rocks, but like what's been said, the hardware sucks.
  25. It's the fact that every fight ends with just this move or an "ERUPTING BURNING FINGERS!! YAGGGHH!!" is what turns me off from it. No variety really. Oh, and yes, I'm a traditional Gundam fan.
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