eternal Zero
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Everything posted by eternal Zero
Yes I realize. I'm just mentioning it might be overkill cause the only time where I'm truly overpowering in our inhouses is when I choose a power hero which I don't always do. I always make mental lists like this. I don't know everyone in the clan yet and I don't want to step on toes and be the one to do it. @Tensei: All of those comments were not for that specific game. Just a trend I'm noticing. Also while your build wasn't right I have to say that Hemo's was even further off. Next time we play I'll show you my new Madman build since the old one died off with the item changes. @Bardic: Nobody was buying wards. I had all four eyes on key spots of the map. This is how I managed to farm so hard and make sure I didn't die and outlevel you guys early. I couldn't afford the luxury of silence in team fights. Not that it mattered though. I had BKB and was farmed to all hell. In defense of your balance, Katsie and I can roll any combination of two of you guys in [OCR]. She is seriously like the ultimate support player. Next time when she isn't being overly pissed off (other things were going on) you should learn a thing or two from her. She knows every pull and is great at letting the carry finish all the kills. So yeah your 3 definitely outplayed our 3.
Backdooring: I'm surprised at you Tensei. This wasn't the first time I've done it in a game with you guys. I creep skip all the time if able. I expected better of you. Also in that particular game we stood absolutely no chance unless I managed to take out a lane by myself cause 1) Scout is fail no matter how well I did and 2) a 0-14 Magmus with zero communication is asking me to be a miracle worker. Which I am not. So randoms totally screwed me today I was laughing pretty hard but Katsie was quite displeased with me. She's not a fan of me not playing to my usual level. Katsie&Me: We need a carry. I hope you random a carry. :randoms Nymphora: :repicks into Behemoth: Next game: :randoms Scout: It was so much fail but it was hilarious. Edit: Oh and lastly, if you guys are going to continue to consistently pick anti-carry heroes with long disables such as Succubus, Devourer, or Panda, or just a bunch of semi-carries yourselves then I'd really appreciate it if you actually balanced the teams instead of overloading me with the weaker players. The best counter to long single target disables and strong mid-range heroes is teamwork. I can't do such things when the only other person who can work with me on an intelligible level is Katsie and while she plays great support she doesn't enjoy playing full support and I don't blame her.
Next time we play I want to play with a pick my hero pact with someone instead of randoms. It's much more interesting as long as both people aren't being stupid about it and pick Scout and Night Hound for each other.
Co-ed Birthday! (MrMAGFest & Starla)
eternal Zero replied to big giant circles's topic in General Discussion
HBMHBB You've got a birthday thread on Remod as well, Starla. -
I have yet to play Panda for myself but he's still very "meh" to me. Maybe it's because the guys who were playing him weren't so great but the main thrust of it is that he is a single target killer. This won't help in team fights. This won't have him win games. He's a different spin on Devourer the way I see it. Long term disables but slightly different ways of getting the enemy close enough to do them. Decent ganker or tank but definitely cannot and will not carry a game at the competitive level. We still need Admiral ported into this game if you ask me. His role of melee carry who does not need babysitting and can solo is still quite lacking. As for Saatana. If this becomes a regular thing then sure I say kick him. But if it was only that match then I can abide by it though he was really being fucking annoying. I wasn't quite raging but I was definitely using a stern tone by the time the game was over. If we had lost then I definitely would have raged him out because I don't think I've played a stronger Magebane in a long long time. As for Behemoth's Heart. This item is still the original heart at its core. It still gives the massive HP and Str (MORE HP!). Sure you lost the +10 HP/sec regen (I think that was the number). But in the beginnings of HoN they added a 10% HP regen. Then they made it non-battle 10%. Now they've changed it again. All this while you still have the same heart. Old heroes still got it for the same reasons. Now you just have extra incentives along with your massive HP boost. Also it still lacks that super tank qualities that made heroes like Defiler so good that competitive games were getting boring because one of us had to play her (or we waste a ban on her) every game and she's not a fun time because she can be summed up as such: Damaging nuke. Dominating Ult. Farm till you get your core then push the team. End. Boring. I like these changes. They spice things up. And I think I might as well have you guys add antigrav to the clan...while I dislike the tag I'd rather be playing on my primary account while being able to talk to you guys rather than being on my stupid alts.
That's like saying a hero with low innate DPS won't do well with Nullfire blade because they don't attack fast enough and they should change it to tailor every heroes needs. Items have always favored certain heroes so what's wrong with more explicit differentiation as opposed to the implicit you have seen since day one?
Quick notes: Pandamonium: MEH. Seriously. He's too slow and too single target oriented. Dark Lady: Good changes. Not good enough yet. Magebane: He was already great with a hard early game. Now his early game is easier? Kthx I'll win every time nao! (Not really but he's definitely great) New Int Blade: Awesome. New Heart: Probably too good. But Awesome.
You have to remember that this is for competitive play. So a lot of these heroes (like Arma) who can be pretty great will never get off the ground. This is why Magebane is dogshit. Also this is why Defiler is bad. With the additional movespeed from her passive removed she can no longer be effective early/mid game before she is farmed. With the nerf to both Bloodstone and Heart her tanking ability is now nonexistent. She used to be God Tier before these changes. Every game had her and those other three banned. Also while I don't play him well anymore cause of the changes done to him I still feel Soul Reaper is a big asset on a good team. Edit: Also notice how many heroes have been shifted around due to the Bloodstone/Heart changes. This is likely to change yet again once Heart gets its latest update. And lastly to give you my perspective on what goals I sometimes relate in a game where I want you guys to do certain things: My main competitive play style has always been Turtleway though I am quite capable of the other three. This is mostly because I myself am a good carry or semi-carry (he calls them pseudo-carry) player so my teams always gravitated to it. Oh right, derp. I actually do agree with a lot of what he says. One or two heroes I would shift but on the whole he's got the right ideas.
It's not that I think you should base your tier list on me it's just that you don't see some heroes for what they can really do. Arma was a great example of this and I think I demonstrated it pretty well. Other heroes like Ophelia I'll be hard pressed to prove without a solid team backing me.
I will turn your tier list on its head!! But not really. Even the competitive friends I play with hate it when I go Arma. He's solid but he creates a completely different playstyle for the team that revolves around him.
I totally disagree. Pyro is one of the best support nukers in the game. Both in HoN and DotA you see it quite often in competitive play. Also I'll be playing tonight 'round 7 EST with my friend Aimee if any of you guys want to join. I know I'm not online regularly like at all so I figured I'd mention it. I'll be on antigrav unless she wants to just stomp noobs then I'll be on ZeroEdition since it has lower PSR.
I trouble in finding games is why I am currently clanless right now. It's more annoying than it's worth and not to mention that it scares people.
If you're talking about firefight then that's the Tough Luck skull. The name says it all.
The easy answer: Dominate your lane. Longer answer: He can't get you if his lanemate is low hp and you and yours are high hp. He can't turn around a losing lane. He can only help a winning lane win more but this isn't simple for him because it becomes a 2v1 lane where you have the advantage.
Like I said. His main use is when people are better than you. You're still new. He won't be an issue for much longer. Unless, of course, I decide to dick around as him, hehe.
It's programmer jargon. Scout is still so much fail. Only reason he isn't useless is when the guy behind him is clearly better than his opponents which is more than can be said of old scout.
Close but not exactly correct. Proc is an acronym that people throw around as a verb. It stands for Programmed Random Occurrence. So yes this is when chance events actually happen.
So I completed this Solo Legendary couple days ago but what really irks me is the lack of matchmaking for firefight. Also that you can't have more than one extra person on your 360 with you cause I do have 3 roommates who are all as good as I am at this game and it would be awesome to kick some ass with them. But no...can't do it cause I'm the only one with ODST.
Personally I don't really hold single rage incidents against anybody. When I played with you guys and Teranz was on my team he really didn't bother me so much except when he was making excuses for himself. That I hate. I don't mind if you mess up or die or whatever. It's okay. It's a game. Just because I might be good doesn't mean you have to prove yourself to me. Zircon was doing this a little too but I didn't mind because it was fun messing around against him in lane. IBBIAZ hit the nail on the head though. My old clan was all about well mannered people > skilled people. Criticism and comments only went around if someone asked for them and it was an absolute rule of our competitive team NOT to start questioning what happened in a game while the game was still going because even if you were losing you had to try in an actual match, y'know? I hate concede so much and I always regret letting my team do it.
None of the S2 guys are very good. I used to play with them a lot in the first few weeks of the beta back when everyone knew everyone cause it was so small still. They were on about your level here, actually. Lots of fun to play with but they liked odd modes and stuff...I think half of that was to test for bugs and stuff.
Same one with Behemoth and Tempest and Magmus. Doesn't work for them, doesn't work for Keeper. Also a good Keeper player can place trees where you can't eat them easily and can still get sight of practically the entire map. Also he's quite undervalued so when playing in captain's mode he's a real easy last pick to round out a team.
Being level 25 with a full inventory of 6 awesome items with Zephyr at 30 mins or something stupid like that then losing cause of overbalancing sucks. Jk, those were some good matches. Some guys asked me for advice/critique on their play and I'm glad to do so.
Here's the thing. Come up with a better idea that doesn't suck and/or will require the game to be flipped onto its head. This has been argued for ages. Gain EXP per hit? High damage heroes will be strictly faster and will be the best. There will be no balance and quick nukers will dominate the game. Also same deal with getting a % of gold per kill (creep or hero) based on % damage? Removes strategy from the early game, totally reinforces simple brute strength and removes from the depth of the hero base. Because it creates the necessary differential in game outcome when skills are pushed to the limit. To be level 6 when your opponent is level 3 or 4 in a solo lane because you've denied every creep ensures that you will be rewarded for being better at the game. Remember. DotA has always been a competitive variant and has been bred as such.
Watchtower is much more gank oriented as the forest is easier to navigate and the lanes are closer together. The lanes are longer, however, so you want to keep the enemy tower alive as long as possible so you don't completely lose a safe lane. Bottom lane in Darkwood Vale is usually safer. As Hellbourne you don't really need to focus on the area beneath you and as such you can focus on the forest above you whereas in top lane you get this benefit as Legion. Also Hellbourne has an innate advantage in that both rune spawns are easier for them to reach. Also ganking is not as prevalent in this map as travel is long and with only 3 opponents at most to look out for calling missing is a breeze.
Little tip on how to farm with almost any AoE nuke (Valk, Wretched Hag, Soul Reaper): Hit ranged creep once. Start autoattacking melee creep that your creeps aren't focusing. When the two melee creeps are low, cast the nuke. This will kill 3/5 of the creeps then you can easily last hit the remaining two. Note: This is midgame farming. NOT early.