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Everything posted by zykO

  1. the demo was whack. it wouldn't let ya join in any of the "public games" that were on its servers. and since it was only multiplayer, i was assed out and didn't get to see the game at all. i hope the final version of the game is a little more reliable
  2. i thought the demo was pretty rad, actually. i was a big fan of the choose your own adventure books as a kid and if that's the core of this game, i'm sure i'll enjoy it when i play the full feature. also, i run my ps3 through a 1080i rear projection hdtv and while it isn't anywhere as sharp as a 1080p flatscreen, the graphics generally look more real as strike is suggesting. i've noticed the same thing too and on my TV, which is still HD but not nearly as sharp as the higher resolution, shit looks BADASS. anyway. i like the game. not the gnarliest thing since sliced bread as its creators seem to suggest btu still pretty neat.
  3. d00d, i believe in coincidence... and that don' sound like no coincidence lol
  4. i rofl'd at the same thing... how did this happen, anyway? i had no idea about this (having never played the game) but it seems as if it was completely intentional (through my googling). hahaha what? gnr must have been hurting for inflow
  5. is it coincidence then that sonic is *SHOCK!* RED, WHITE AND (admittedly, mostly) BLUE?
  6. against the mainstream? but really you have a point. anybody who self-righteously refers to themselves as anti-mainstream is not anti anything at all. maybe antisense. but thats something else, entirely also, COOP: you've gotta be kidding me when you suggest you've only got a couple claims to fame. YOU'VE GOT A BAZILLION
  7. still more contribution than most, ol friend
  8. don't troll me. my point was fairly clear: sonic 1's gameplay doesn't have to be very good for the game to have been a significant success to a great deal of gamers.
  9. i'm sold. i'm gonna try it out.
  10. you've missed the point completely. carry on
  11. about sonic 1 and 2 not being very good... i'm sorry but this is just too funny. both games are significant players in the history of games; sonic is in the pantheon of game icons. your notion is the same as pointing out that the 2010 ford mustang has superior auto design than a 1910 Ford Model T both DUH and irrelevant
  12. this pretty much sums it up: There is unrest in the forest, There is trouble with the trees, For the maples want more sunlight And the oaks ignore their pleas The trouble with the maples, (And they're quite convinced they're right) They say the oaks are just too lofty And they grab up all the light. But the oaks can't help their feelings If they like the way they're made. And they wonder why the maples Can't be happy in their shade. There is trouble in the forest, And the creatures all have fled, As the maples scream "Oppression!" And the oaks just shake their heads So the maples formed a union And demanded equal rights. "The oaks are just too greedy; We will make them give us light." Now there's no more oak oppression, For they passed a noble law, And the trees are all kept equal By hatchet, axe, and saw. it's more disrespectful to the BadAss project and those involved with it to suggest we hold their hands and carry them in our arms like little remixer babies than it is to tell them to sack up, get it together and get it done. all this pussyfooting is making me uneasy. grow some damn skin. out
  13. this is undoubtedly a dream come true for guitar wankers everywhere (meaning me) EDIT: watch, ailsean and snapple will throw curveballs to each other and trance battle!
  14. zykO


    i agree, i used them last semester and they were on point. i would have rented my books this semester except that the only ones i need to get, either way, i want to keep. but CHEGG all the way
  15. bump! anybody been following this show? it's beginning to incorporate some new themes from the books (albeit butchering others) so it's at least improving a little. thoughts?
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