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Everything posted by zykO

  1. hahaha must get repetitive doing just that for a sharks fan
  2. yeah but when i watch them, i'm not. honestly, it seems the only thing keeping them from having done this earlier was an overwhemling psychological barrier being in one of the most ruthless divisions in baseball with the yankees and the red sox. however, they've had a youth movement with a ton of talent for years but couldn't turn the psychological corner until they changed their name to the rays. it is almost as though they shed an older skin and took on a new indentity without the expectations of the previous futility. however, this year they've specifically targetted the class of the division, the red sox, with passion and competitive aggression. and above all else, they play very good solid baseball and have skill and talent just about everywhere. i think the cubbies have the NL. they're the best in their league and the only team that i think can legitimately challenge are the brewers and the cubs own em. i don't just say this because my oakland a's gifted them an unnaturally talented rich harden but i think the team needed him less than the brewers needed sabathia and quite frankly, he's been just as unittable. the AL is considerably less predictable at this point because while the angels are favored, i think there's less distance between all of the playoff bound teams of the AL (assuming that either the rays or the red sox get the wild card) than in the NL. i still think that age and experience has a lot to do with it and the rays are going to be tested by the likes of the white sox, red sox and angels, all of which have been to the postseason a lot in recent years and have all played in and won world series titles. that isn't to say that the rays won't hang with the big boys... i honestly believe they're the best all around team and if they can keep their sacks in place, they can line up the ducks and rip through em. in the end, the cubbies have waited far too long and have some pretty ferocious players some pretty good baseball themselves right now and like all sports, the magic stuff is what helps teams overcome the hurdle and this might be the year they finally get it right. the red sox were considered just as fundamentally futile when they came back from a 3-0 deficit to stun the yankees and make history. just guesses, of course. nobody knows the future when men's wills are put against each other in competitive sport.
  3. zyko Street Fighter III Alpha Not sure about composers Cody's theme (sorry i couldn't find the source... i'm a retard, i apologize) just a DoD entry that is a hard rockin version of cody's theme. cody was a tough mofo in the game and so the track had to exploit his street tenacity. distorted vocals, crunchin guitars, live drumming, and some biting synths. there are several clever allusions in the track including the fact that cody is actually a character from final fight that was ported in for SF 3 alpha... amongst other nuggets of clever videogame nerdiness. lyrics: that's gonna have to do once again, i bring the fight to the street and, with no quarter given, the last barrier's breached a terrible knack for knockin you back, for knockin your punk ass straight back off of your feet my intent to put you in a box is lost upon the thought of my deathly deed now we're dancing to the ire of lust and i must say that my commitment is free now we can scrap if you want to baby, i dont think that's such a good idea but from the way you move that's gonna have to do my final fight is a work in progress so i stress that this mess has rage at it's core. and what's more, i fight with the best so if you got test then baby, let's roll i rock boys and girls all the same, i don't remember names - only their blood stains. i ain't frontin' but you feel somethin comin', so you best go hide with the rest of the lames now we can scrap if you want to baby, i dont think that's such a good idea but from the way you move it looks like you do now we can scrap if you want to baby, i dont think that's such a good idea but from the way you move that's gonna have to do dig it.
  4. zyko Street Fighter II Composers: Alph Lyla, Yoko Shimomura source: Sagat's Theme (y'all know it right? hehe) this track is my contribution to the bad dudes' Thai Guy ep. it actually marks the first time i've ever recorded myself on the drums, unquantized and raw. here are the liner notes: A natural introvert tires with constant travel. Each new place poses new trivialities to get accustomed to and a new apprehension to fight off. He was no different. He learned a long time ago that his haven would be the local dives, a sort of portal into a new world with, you know, a little help. But as always, he enters to be met with darting eyes and fading smiles, his only solace being the bold and brazen bartender who fixes him a drink to soothe his caged anxiety. With each momentous sip comes a perpetual sense of calm, an uneasy lull in the chaos... right before the storm crashes upon the sides of a rocky past, before he has grown accustomed to his surroundings, before he overcomes his anxiety... his nervous introspective prison. With the last sip, the Tiger awakes. He leaves the dive in a fit of ruin and carnage. As he walks back towards the stunned bartender, he slips him his tip with a smirk he fought all night to muster. "That drink. It was amazing." dig it.
  5. i've actually done two but they're both at what's left of vgmix because they were too long to be submitted here
  6. happy bday my nigga!!!@!!!1 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha make it a very drunk one. i don't even want to see your punkcass online at all! haha
  7. since the very first submission that i voted on years ago, i have only encountered a handful of tracks that were great pieces of music but had to be rejected. i am firm on the notion that good music is good music and that when evaluating something, a big picture approach is a pretty safe way to assess something until the smaller picture becomes a problem. this is no different. the macroperspective yields a phenomenally clever arrangement and an excellent performances all around. the microperspective tends to be a little more problematic, however... for example there's this silly issue of a couple of pops. i'm no more a fan of a pop than anyone else but come on, are we sure that isn't the pop of a bass string? this isn't good enough to overlook a single POP? or two? more importantly, there is the issue of the source material. now, i'm not a big fan of larry's 50% standard on source because i don't think that time quantifies the contribution of "source" to a piece of music but i'm not saying that it isn't a valid standard to have... just not for me and that is why we have different judges on the panel and not just one. i know from how i write my music that i don't and never really have perceived music as a function of time (this might seem counterintuitive to you as it is definitely, in theory, a function of time) and that is probably why most of my tracks are well too long to be submitted to OCRemix. this also means that i consider interpretation to be in terms of a whole complex web of variables that are not limited to time... in other words, a 6 minute track doesn't necessarily have to have 3 minutes of "source" for me to think of it as a valid arrangement that said, i'm also not a fan of loopy, intentionally-griefing jazz pieces (i'm a huge fan of jazz and probably know more about it than most) that argue "BUYT THE SOURCE IS THERE! YOU DON'G KNWO JAZZ" either because it is so scrambled and jumbled that it takes a well trained ear to hear it all. this is not one of those. this takes the strengths of the original and builds on it. the source is very clear when it is meant to be clear and while it has a bit too much soloing for the overall length of the track, it never strays too far from the core of the track... there are parts of this that, like BGC suggested, remind me of ol school satch and the delayed effect on the distorted guitar when it first comes in is very Chris DeGarmo formerly of Queensryche, actually. as much as the solo work is great, it does take up a lot of space and might be what is throwing off some of the judges ok, enough dilly dallying on my part. the real issue here is clearly the source. in my mind, there is plenty of it there. there's definitely more soloing going on here but let's face it, this was a DoD song and everybody in their right mind knows that if you want to do well at DoD, you have to solo a lot haha. still, there is so much cyan here that its ridiculous not to pass it. chord progression or not, just the fact that the piece stays consistent to its theme, consistent to its vibe, consistent to its presentation gives the impression of continuity. when cyan is quoted several times later on in the track, it never feels out of place. i wonder why. even without noticing or acknowledging that the track is anchored in most parts by the same chord progression that the lead melody was perfomed over earlier on, the listener never feels as though they've been left out to dry. in the end, the track is fairly straight to the point and even with all the crazy soloing, isn't really deviating much from the core of THIS SONG. i thoroughly understand the things that the other js are saying, no doubt, but why are we not hearing this in relation to itself? it may seem to deviate from the source at times (to some of the judges, more often than not) but never deviates from itself. it is entirely coherent. ugh. i think the bass needs to be pulled out just a bit since you're an incredible bassist but otherwise, this doesn't have any issues as far as i'm concerned. i'm not a fan of the 50% standard and don't apply it as religously although i do understand why it's there. this, however, needs to be released on this site. if not, we're making a big mistake YES
  8. i was joking, really points are nice for nothin more than braggin rights. it can just be frustrating see them siphoned away so quickly on a couple of lucky frags
  9. i hate it when i've been havin a good day and then some smurf assrapes me for 300 points in half a dozen frags not that points MATTER. BUT THEY DO
  10. dustbowl, like every other map, has fans and haterz personally i love them all.
  11. thanks so much guys i had an odd bday to be sure but seeing this thread certainly fills me with nothing but the warmest feelings. thank you so much, one and all
  12. zykO


    and yay for everyone getting their panties bunched up over something, as simply validated through observation as the status of vgmix, is without the need for 8 pages of debate. really.
  13. zykO


    bleh after all the work we've done over the past several years to squash all the bullshit, i have to read through 8 pages of fingerpointing, trolling and utter nonsense? the situation is actually very simple. people don't work as hard or are as committed when the position is for no pay. professionalism has a way of taking on only two forms... one of unconditional passion and one of unconditional obedience to the dollar. when you have regular guys like you and me working on a site of that magnitude, it is hard to keep them from deprioritizing coding vgmix.com when more important matters in life come up. especially if it ain't payin the bills, if you get me. virt is the only person who has the determination and passion to take the site's coding head-on as an amateur coder/programmer. quite frankly, unless you're paying someone, you ain't gonna get the job you want. period. if virt could have paid people to do it, he would have. this would be done, functional and for all intents and purposes impenetrable (not completely, of course, but much more so). give vgmix a break. it'll be there when it is there. you have to understand that there are likely those who are even more upset about it than you. also, listen to everything norg says.
  14. hey congratulations on the 3rd place tie! this is awfully close to being a cover but it's just barely different enough to be alright.there is clearly stuff done here that changes it up but since it isn't a problem for many of us, then it isn't a problem. the production needs a little help on the guitars which are played beautifully but need a little more push on the rythm volumes. the ending is a bit abrupt but i'm not gonna ask you to change it, just know that it is YEScond.
  15. yeah this is pretty freakin awesome. right about flute boy... very much the precursor for much of what zelda would do musically for the upcoming games. kudos for tackling this. the arrangement is somethin else. i think that is what is most impressive here... what is obvious here is that you have a very firm sense of what the basis of the theme's music is as you took a very simple source and expanded it based on a standard zelda chord structure... you even quoted the overworld themes and, i could swear, a couple other ones in there as well. instrumentally, the decision to go with this orchestration is good. how they're mixed, not so much. the bass should be centered... it's much easier to listen to that way... especially since, as anso pointed out, it sounds exposed in one channel. secondly, the strings and guitar REALLY lack realism... this track is so amazing otherwise, you don't want something like that disengaging your listener. it gets a little stuffy around the middle of your EQ so brightening it up a bit can help ya this is very close. the arrangement right now is carrying this track because the instruments themselves are not. YEScond.
  16. agreed with vinnie here. when a resub actually sounds like a product of our suggestions, it's a sign that you're serious about getting it passed. your changes paid off with me this is pretty good. i'm liking that upbeat groove to it and the arrangement is quite varied and interpretive. the instrumentation comes in pretty loud in spots... mostly the pad although i love the pad instrument itself. the track on the whole is very happy indeed, not that i'd think it was accidental considering the source and all, but it is effective in being chirpy. i'm all about the chimes at the end of the track. i think they're funky cool and as awkward as the volume levels are, the whole thing is ready to go. fix the levels and this done. YEScond
  17. much better. still very intense but now, it doesn't hurt while being so - i like it a lot. i agree guitar is still just a smidge wide but bleh, this is too good to delay on, any longer let her through! let her through!
  18. that's cuz you didn't have zyko the pyro there to incinerate all those spies
  19. that and the fact that bundeslang is very smart and nailed it. he said it perfectly already on the previous page patience, grasshoppaz
  20. you know, i felt the same way at first. i was surprised that the veldt was never done vocally because i think the source almost BEGS for it. honestly, i'm put off by your lack of perspective. i'm particularly good with criticism, especially about my rap since i was thoroughly galvanized by the whole "Niggaz 4 life" fiasco but geeky rpgs? "imma bust a cap in you armor with my 20 sided die, G?" that's almost too dumb to warrant a response and i avoided it initially but oh well i don't think i once said anything about busting any caps in any armor. not once. in fact, i don't think i actually referred to anything, lyrically, that had anything specifically to do with the game (except for the part of the hook: "Keep out the veldt" which is also the namesake of the track). aside from that, there is no mention of any "geeky rpg things." it appears that you're grossly mistaken. aside from the reality that there was hardly anything geeky about final fantasy III (or VI) seeing as how i absolutely loathe japanese-heavy rpgs and still loved that game for the gaming marvel that it is, there is no reason for you to be so critical of the game... first of all, on a game music site (if you're too cool for final fantasy III, you're really in the wrong place, bud) and secondly, when nothing at ALL is retarded about interpreting something in a novel way... especially on a videogame remix site. really, why are you here if you're put off by the very essence of what this site is all about? even if you don't like the song... saying that "Combining geeky RPG,s from the old school past with rap music is about as retarded as it gets" is counterintuitive and, to use your eloquent vocabulary, kinda retarded. that said, the veldt's theme lends itself perfectly to the treatment i gave it regardless of what your pea-brained perspective tells you. i may certainly have done it no justice, i admit that possibility... i'm no pro emcee, but the veldt fits naturally into a hip hop groove and the notion of this wild place where there is total despotism and utter primal madness fits very well with what i call home... the humble yet eclectic and socio-economically diverse landscape of Long Beach, CA. sometimes it can get a bit wild out here if you know what i mean i'm singing about my home the same way that gau would have likely referred to his nothing about capping people, buddy. there's certainly a territorial sense to it (entirely intentional) and i'd imagine that everybody, to a degree, is at least a little bit "space" conscious and while some have smaller territories than others, being weary of uninvited visitors is something i'd imagine most people, even knuckleheads like you, can relate with... without resorting to cheap ebonic-mocking stereotype comments sorry you didn't like the track but thanks for listening anyways! have a very nice day
  21. that's too bad - you're inadvertently missing out on a lot of really good music, then. you're probably also limited to what is made readily available to you which, of course, isn't your fault but i suggest you do a little digging of your own before you cast off an entire genre. but then again, i may be spittin into the wind
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