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Everything posted by zykO

  1. copied from my blog: No upsets. 1v2 in both conferences next week. Cowboys have the best chance to pull an upset off but the bright lights are better news for Brett than they are for Tony. Saturday January 16, 2010 Arizona Cardinals at New Orleans Saints The prevailing thought here is that the ante is getting upped significantly from last week’s Packers/Cards tilt. The scoring might not be as high necessarily but the intensity of a back n forth offensive shootout is most likely going to be repeated. The result? Well, that gets a bit trickier. Certainly, the Cards are coming in pretty hot off that win at home against Green Bay and they’re not likely to lose their cool on the road having gone 6-2 this season away from the desert. Even more critical, the Cardinals are the defending NFC champions so they also have been somewhere this Saints team has never been and in that way may even be a psychological favorite. Still, the game is in the Superdome and until a couple weeks ago, the buzz of the nation was this Saints team and their prolific offense. They’ll get it together in time for this game and with Greg Williams dialing up some key pressures to throw Warner (as much as you can, that is) off his game just enough to make the difference on the scoreboard. Saints Baltimore Ravens at Indianapolis Colts I’ve been saying all week that the Ravens were going to pull the upset here in Indy with a heavy dose of Ray Rice and by stifling Indy’s running game entirely on the other side. The Ravens are hot, they’re strong up the middle and as long as Ray Lewis is breathing, they’ll come out amped and ready to play playoff football. Then something dawned upon me. I forgot that Joe Flacco who sucked miserably (it wasn’t important given how much more New England’s rushing defense sucked) will suck even more against Indy’s underrated secondary forcing the Ravens into the unfortunate spot of either scoring at will on the ground ALL GAME or starting out fast on the ground but find the Colts curiously within striking distance still (thanks to Peyton) until the last quarter of the game (roughly) when, thanks to Peyton, the Colts can ferociously stampede their way back through the air while Joe Flacco and co. can’t. The Ravens are a very good football team and will be there and maybe even in the lead late but they cannot stop Peyton enough to knock the Colts off. Colts beat the spread Sunday January 16, 2010 Dallas Cowboys at Minnesota Vikings This is the closest of this round’s games to call. Not surprisingly, Vegas thinks so too with its 2½ line. The great thing here is that while both teams have offenses that can put up points in a hurry… this is going to be a matchup of two teams that love to run the ball and can do it very well and two defenses that can stop the run very well. They’re both so exceptionally ranked in Rushing Offense and Rushing Defense, it’s hilarious that we aren’t instead discussing the battle between Tony Romo and his idol, Brett Favre. What is surprising me even more is how much everyone is saying that Dallas will win this game. I don’t think they will. If there’s anything that Brett Favre has proven over the years (and Tony Romo, save last week and maybe a couple other times in his life, hasn’t) is that he is a big game QB and the bigger the stage and brighter the lights, the better he is. If there was ever a day that his specific skill set was really needed, it’s this weekend when that Dallas pass rush comes for him. That said, Adrian Peterson will soften them up a bit. He has been struggling pretty bad the last few weeks off and on and there’s little doubt he’s heard everything everyone has been saying about him, his sudden disappearance, his fumbilitis and his critical role in setting the table for Brett. I think he responds with a monster performance. Almost that alone ensures the Vikings will win. If he’s stopped ineffectively, stick a fork in the Vikes. Vikings by a TD New York Jets at San Diego Chargers It was a great run. But it comes to an end in sunny San Diego when the Jets suffer a similar fate as the Ravens will have the day before, their running attack potent and effective early on, their inept passing attack unable to keep up with Rivers and his stable of basketball players moonlighting as receivers when they dig deep, put it into a high gear and start flying down the field. The first two quarters might even be very low scoring, assuming the Chargers don’t burst out the gate for a couple of very quick scores (putting the Jets, then, in a very bad place) but by the second half when Norv Turner makes his adjustments, the Chargers are gonna take off. Granted, a very explosive running attack right up the gut against a hodge podge, battered interior defense can get the Jets into a downhill situation where they are dictating the tempo, style and mood of the game. The only thing is that the Chargers run D is actually pretty underrated since their early season injury rash and collapse. The Jets are lovable but the Chargers are going to pull the plug on their season on Sunday. Chargers by two scores
  2. haha i knew you'd manage to find a way to battle yourself, somehow. btw, gigyas easily won that one
  3. i'd love to bring my genuine gerudo desert man STYLEE down on some unsuspecting hero or this. wow.
  4. i'm thinkin of goin but i'm definitely into strip clubs, gambling, drinking and HANGOVERWTFIDONTREMEMBERWHATHAPPENSSTAYS in vegas and i don't wanna be doin it all alone
  5. zykO


    i think it does. it is likely going to continue buzzing as long as the discussion on its uber-gbreen, anti-american musings as well as all these stories about folks going into withdrawal and becoming depressed after seeing it pandora is a beautiful world, no doubt. the concept of being able to plug into the world should be appreciated by any living creature unless you're wrecked in the head. you don't have to be a hippy or a flimsy or a "smooth talker"... the idea of being able to connect to the environment in which you live (in any capacity) is something that we try to accomplish in a myriad of other ways every day. if you've ever stopped to soak up the moment (any moment), you know what i mean. the way cameron presents it is certainly visually and conceptually brilliant and yeah it sucks when you leave the IMAX theatre and realize you can't just walk up to a badass bear and stick your braid in his ear and control him with your thoughts. that said niether movie is a monumental achievement in terms of presenting intellectual forum (they're both action flicks first and foremost) but i recently saw 2012 for the first time nearly a day before i saw avatar. the combined effect was stunning, even for a railing realist like myself: the end is inevitable. it's just a matter of when. that's what i think is causing the depression walking away from the film. we'll take to space desperately in search of a new world when this one starts to die whether by our own hand (slightly prematurely) or when the sun decides we're done. either way, it isn't a pleasant story
  6. it could certainly have been better :)

    how about you. how has your 2010 been thus far

  7. zykO


    just saw it tonight. dances with wolves in space. cameron said it best. but what i've found nobody else noticing (and i apologize if someone has already mentioned it in this thread, i must have missed it) is that the score also borrows a musical cue from dances with wolves (it's the ominous bad guys cue) very disturbing.
  8. i dont' know if i've already posted in this thread and i'm too lazy to chekc but i've cried at least once during nearly every zelda game i've ever played juyssayin
  9. hahaha didn't say they backed in - just stating the facts. are they hot right now? absolutely. are they dangerous? believe me, the chargers are thinking about them very very thoroughly. nobody will overlook the jets but it's ridiculous to say that had indy not rested their guys and beaten the jets a few weeks ago, this whole thing would be moot and irrelevant. also. WTF where's the defense, green bay??? 2nd ranked defense in the league gets torched for 51 points. WOW. i'm a defense guy and that game breaks my heart lol but wow did anyone else love how ray rice just smashmouthed the patsies right off the bat on the very first play from scrimmage??? MONEY
  10. i had thought about it, too. except i've been including it in some form or other in every zelda arrangement i've ever done (except one. only one) as observation of a personal and internal pact i have made to do just that. i felt awkward arranging it. again.
  11. the jets: is why you don't rest players down the stretch. while everyone is concerned with what resting players down the stretch will do to the team doing the resting, nobody notices that two gimme wins to an otherwise dead team with a vicious defense and a strong running game not only got the jets into the playoffs but also transformed them into the hot, confident team nobody wants to face. what do you think made the giants so dangerous a couple of years ago? a hot team with a tough as nails defense and a strong running game. oh yeah and the steelers last year. DURR anyways, good for the jets. with their likely next opponent being the colts (not resting peyton) in indy, i'd say cinderella's not gonna make it to midnight let alone past it. but hey, that had to be great fun today. eagles suck. EDIT: also, atmuh, you're still the most sexxeh to me
  12. hmm an incarnation of the master sword. INTERESTING.
  13. hahaha yeah rly you know you're awesome when you can disappear from the internet, entirely
  14. precisely. when i was writing my (i hate using the prefix fan) fiction, it was far more humanized. think goodkind's sword of truth series (upon which the legend of the seeker is based). the way it is written, you can transplant any or at least most of the characters and many of their situations and personal scenarios into any other context not entirely dependent on the fantasy genre itself. it's just human stories within a fantasy context. as a result, it's very easy to relate to the characters because they seem so very real even if their experiences are sometimes really not. richard rahl is awesome because he's just richard. link had to be just link... not every zelda nut's fantasy. zelda doesn't have to be so feebly grandiose. that is too easy to see through and it comes off campy. the interaction between saria and link is so completely unbelievable that it almost kills what could have and probably should have been a moving and meaningful separation. i think back to jackson's lord of the rings and how frodo's separation from the shire was depicted. i hate to say it but this zelda movie is like the love child of a zelda fanatic and a LOTR:the movie fanatic. some of the aesthetic "copycat" maneuvers are painfully obvious (including jackson's signature lens tricks). i don't know. i also think that the guy who played ganondorf could have been so much more convincing if a much better writer was writing for him. i think his delivery and inflection is great. it's the shitty fucking dialogue haha
  15. regardless, even an amateur screenwriter (like me) could write better than this. i wrote better prose when i was in high school. actually, i wrote a dramatized "fantasy series" adaptation of the zelda games (finished 3 of 6 proposed books). dork/fanboy alert. but even that was better written than this shit. the dialogue was awful, the pacing was garbage and it left the actors with no choice but to sound and appear awkward even if they're talented (which a few of them certainly were). i'm all for a fan made film and i'm as obsessed with zelda as anyone i know but it was obvious that whereas they invested greatly in aesthetics and presentation, they lacked horribly in investing in a good writer.
  16. rayza is a beast! welcome back dude, that track was killer stuff. congrats to tepid and welcome, ko0x! i love your name
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