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Everything posted by zykO

  1. happy birthday bro hope you're doin well
  2. actually it's the title of one of my tracks just throwing it out there for lulz as an aside, and i know bahamut has already made it clear that they have titles in the oven, titles that do too much with the "K" dynamic are going to cheapen the project's credibility. honestly. Alliteration is cool but it isn't that cool
  3. i was on point until about 3 days ago when i became addicted to TF2 still, i forgot about this thread. i'd love to jump in
  4. oh this certainly kicks a lot of ass. this is my favorite theme from the game (surprise, Of Twilight and Redemption is of the same them) and i wish i had heard this in my head when i decided to remix it because i would have probably tried something like this. vinnie is dead on... very djshadow-esque ... the groove is great and full of texture... the breakbeats are all very yummy to the backdrop of that freaky sinister piano. surprisingly enough, this takes on a whole new approach to demonstrating the wierdness of the twilight/midna dynamic with an urban feel.. just as dark, just as awkward. however, the vocals leave a lot at the door. the lyrics have a lot of muscle to em, i like how it all comes together but the delivery is bleh and the mixing leaves them muffled in the background... making them almost inaudible. bring them out more. the fact that there is a lot of breaking and stop and go goin on in the section requires at least that of the vocals. all in all, this one is a great track and i'm very much in love with it. this is an entirely counter-intuitive interpretation of the source and for that alone, even, you get major kudos points. this just needs some work on those vocals to make them a little more clear. i'm giving you a YEScond because this is near completion but you won't get a full yes from me unless something is done about the vocals. the way i see it: as it is, the vocals actually take away from the track while possessing an immense potential so it's sort of bittersweet. bring them up and they'll kick everyone's ass. YEScond.
  5. my favorite of the mm2 themes... i tried my hand at this very same theme and it, too, was a thrash sounding metal foray. this may be conservative as all hell for the first minute but it is hardly that later on. the guitar playing is awesome but the mixing of the guitars is very megadeth - it's muddled in parts and could use some mixing work. the playing is great but what, are you dave mustaine jr haha nice stuff the drums are totally "killing is my business" which mean they sound awful in the soundfield. like vig said, that snare needs a lot more bite and the cymbals are really hot. some of the fills are off and all in all, at times too many. otherwise, this is a great arrangement... after that conservative stretch, it gets creative, it does all sorts of neat 80's thrash things and simply kicks ass. fix those drums and clean up your mixing and you should certainly be good to go. the ending is a bit anticlimactic... something to note... maybe not a dealbreaker but something worth looking at in case you change your mind about it. NOresub
  6. i think this is very close. the dynamics are a little lost on the listener and that's where this ultimatly needs more attantion. production, too... it sort of hangs out somewhere in the middle of the soundfield and goes nowhere else. that said, this is still very nice. the guitar playing is great and reminds me more of billy mclaughlin than anythin else and i think with some clean compression and verb, this can be phenomenal. like larry pointed out, there's an entire minute where it just repeats itself without any variation at all and from an interpretive perspective, that can be dragging. i personally love it but i have to uphold the bar here and that needs more variation. frankly, the track is too close to call as far as YEScond. or NOresub and while i'm inclined to go with the former, my rule of thumb is that if you need to actually re-record and perform something, then it is a NOresub. i hate to do it because it's a really gorgeous piece but work on that section to bring in some variation, re-master it and kabukibear, you got yourself a bonus ball. NOresub
  7. this actually had a ton of potential... i liked the intro... fairly interpretive ideas throughout but the momentum sort of dies out when the drums come in. the rhythm itself is fine but those drums need a facelift. they're really not able to carry the entire track for so long of stretches. the lead work is nice when it is there but it doesn't have much supporting it while the drums overpower everything else. this needs work; see if you can work on getting the drumwork to gel better with your track. just so you know, the ep is the best part of this... and your ending is awesome but leading up to it, there is too much lackluster production to work. resubmit this when you're done tweaking it. NO
  8. agreed, it sounds a lot less cluttered. more impressively, i don't think it is any less cluttered haha the instrumentation is still all there... very nice. sounds much better, doesn't clip and is good to go. YES
  9. well as i was saying in #ocremix and affiliates, i personally love using the beyerdynamic dt770s... great overall response albeit lacking a little in the bass register. that said, now upon perusing the thread, i don't think that's a good suggestion cuz we're talkin a couple hundred bucks here for studio headset monitors which might be a bit overkill given that you're takin your frist serious gander at production... sony MDRs on the other hand are far more reasonably priced and have very decent total response in correlation to their cost. and they actually have a better bass image than the dt770s (which i would marry if i were a musical note) i'm not the most proficient in the world at tech stuff (i dont know details and stuff) but i do know what works for me. somethin to consider also for externals... since you're startin out, i'd go with older monitors. you're probably not going to really need any of those 300+ types so stay away until you're more accustomed to picking out frequencies by ear and really being irritated by low end monitors because you can tell what you aren't hearing... i bought my jbl g100's off ebay for like 80 bucks. i'm not suggesting going that cheap but ya know, they work for me. dig it
  10. TOKEN TANGO also i'm down for the collab if you will have me and my axe
  11. how funny i just re-installed and started playing worms again for the first time in half a decade just a couple days ago hahaha nice
  12. oh dougie, you've done it again. while the bubbly synth bugs that it continues too far into the main groove... that is such a minor fault in a heap of instrumental brilliance. the way the themes transition says either one of two things: either a) the soundtrack was so well written in the first place that the individual tracks already serve as interchangable parts in the soundtrack or you're just that good. the orchestration is great... especially when it gets more psychedelic later on with that synth. everything is well placed in the soundfield and the piano comes in as a refreshing tone from earlier in the track and again, everything is so well placed. it is one thing to write good music but to make all its parts co-exist is the trick. and the drums were spectacular as usual... your ending is climactic and suspenseful... very odd dropoff there but you know i love it. like i've always said, i sniff out intention like a bloodhound sniffs out a fox. YES
  13. the intro was far too long. thiis isn't bad at all, to be honest - it is very well mixed but as an arrangement, it did not bring forth enough ideas to satisfy. all you need to work on here, really, is the arrangement... flesh out your musical ideas and try not to leave the beat so static throughout... change it up a bit and you should be ok. don't go too crazy with the changes, though, as larry pointed out. this is close but needs more work on the arrangement before it can go further. good luck NO
  14. my invertebrate retreat repeats until it's murderous my raptastic elastic journey into wordiness is ferverous but i can't bear to say a word of this or my surliness will be hurtin a lack of finesse i confess, i've been susceptible to duress i contest, i have long bested the fuckin rest but i'm still chest-deep in a test and in that sense i've willed myself into cardiac arrest the fate that's been given me - i abhor the faith thats long lost now grows in your very core. so consider me a forlorn form of apocalypse and in defense I'll bury every single metropolis with anonymous heroics, the world's no longer operant, bitch there aint no stoppin' this like i'm a form of optimus prime, it's time i lit the bomb and started droppin this crashcourse in taxonomis on your false promises here are the official lyrics vig had it dead on
  15. yes, the intro was beautifully put together. the vocals were dreamy and your entire atmosphere was spot on where it needed to be. once it picks up, though, it's obvious that while you have a great idea, you're still a ways away from making this ready to go. for one, once you go into the middle break section, you are very sparse but not quite dramatic enough for the instrumentation to carry the weight of the section... topping it off, you enter the next section without much in the way of variation from the first one. after 3:30, you start getting very daring with some of your variations but the flute lead is still plodding through there. the track should have probably ended at 3:30 as the whole last minute is very confusing and doesn't bring much more to the track (And then the flute just runs out making the end really awkward) before it sputters away. 3:20 is really where this should have ended if you worked on developing the stuff up to that point to more or less tell more of a story cuz frankly, that's waht this was doing up till about a minute in when the groove took over and didn't let up for the rest of the track. speaking of the groove, the drums need more meat on them and slap some funky bright bass in there and make that groove a real one... right now, it is just supporting the flute (everything is, actually) and it needs to anchor the whole track. i don't normally give so much in suggestions but i think this is particularly close to being very good artistically but is very far technically from meeting our bar. but really, you're onto something here. NOrework/resub
  16. i certainly took my time listening to this. you did well to enlist the assistance of tweek... he's a very talented guy, as well rock arrangements are nearly dime a dozen because of how eerily similar to each other they can sound... thank you so much for still managing to do somethin refreshing and entertaining still. there is too much to talk about to realistically cover all the bases but in a nutshell: the arrangement is intuitively engaging... constantly changing it up without compromising the overall mood. there are so many distinct sections here that all fit in so well together. the guitar playing is great stuff. your drums are fine except for some wonky two hand snare action you got goin on your machine gun fills... something about the right hand snare sample makes the fills sound funny. it just bugs me a little but is far from a problem for the track which is still kicking my ass on the 10th or so listen. otherwise, everything sounds very clear and powerful. this is done - stick a fork in it. YES
  17. indeed watchmen looks great though... i'm weary of miller's style now but my one consolation is that the watchmen graphic novel is the shit. our showing of dark knight did not play the watchmen trailer so i had to watch it when i got home... i instead got to see christian bale slotted as john connor
  18. oh wow this is vintage nario i always wanted to be the king of intentionally bad but nario has that in the bank. this is so good in such a bad way and so wrong in such a right way. or maybe just nario enough to vote yes? no, not likely. the mechanical performance is definitely a little much... half the time it felt like i was being beaten with a piano key. the mixing isn't very good. oh but it's so good. NO
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