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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. Those are awesome! Almost make me want to start a new nation.
  2. I'm going to be watching movies with family and eating fun snacks. Probably play some Wii. Chillin' mostly. Tomorrow I will be having some mates over and I'm sure we'll make some sort of movie.
  3. I have a mate in IRON. Smedricksman.
  4. oh yeah? thats nothing! my younger bro thought Army Men: sarges heros was awesome. O_O and they're right. videogames are fun, it's all about solving problems. (literal or not) its the challenge that drives us. believe it or not, some people like different things.
  5. You can get little things that resemble USB flash drives that have a slot in them that you put the card in, and then transfer via USB onto the card. Usually they support a number of card formats (with just the one card slot) so make sure you get one that supports SD. That would be the cheapest way to go I would say. Hmm - sounds like it'd run over $30. I dunno if I wanna do something like that for a system which'll probably support custom soundtracks on very few games.Though, the Excite Truck music is annoying. Anyway, original poster - I was thinking for the Scotland levels I would use Iron Maidne's Clansman. Cuz, it's about Scotland.
  6. I was thinking about stopping. I bet that would make them a lot more fun, wouldn't it... I always figured it was like paying someone to play the game for you... unless you use the internet.... do they still make guides? So I've been playing the Goron mine fire temple thing without the guide and it has been going quite smoothly. Maybe I'll use it later when I want to go back to collect heart pieces or something, but the lack of guide makes it waayyyyy more fun. The game is far too linear and simple to require a guide. it is not my fault i'm bad at video games
  7. I was thinking about stopping. I bet that would make them a lot more fun, wouldn't it... I always figured it was like paying someone to play the game for you... unless you use the internet.... do they still make guides? So I've been playing the Goron mine fire temple thing without the guide and it has been going quite smoothly. Maybe I'll use it later when I want to go back to collect heart pieces or something, but the lack of guide makes it waayyyyy more fun.
  8. Horseback was bloody epic.
  9. Actually, I was wondering if someone could tell me what I needed to do this and how I could do about it spending the least money. I know I need an SD card and I know I need something to get the tuneage from my computer onto the card, but I'm kinda lost there. Assist, please!
  10. I was thinking about stopping. I bet that would make them a lot more fun, wouldn't it...
  11. man I have a weird love hate relationship with zelda (aside from my midna fetish i love that!) I hate dungeons - I like the overworld. huh... Maybe it is because I use strategy guides.
  12. hell you two! there is a plate of cookies in unmod just for your arrival. :3
  13. I live right by Wind.
  14. we should have to win a game of chess before we can post
  15. kinda I'm not saying anything bad about Zelda games in general, this actually applies to all games, but how often can you sit back and say "wow this is FUN." More like, wow this is cool, wow that is pretty, wow this is epic, wow midna is HOT. You know.. for how many people love to say Midna is hot... Because, you know, if it's the first one, I can think of a couple signature memes that would fit, to describe it. yiff yiff, if you know what I mean.
  16. kinda I'm not saying anything bad about Zelda games in general, this actually applies to all games, but how often can you sit back and say "wow this is FUN." More like, wow this is cool, wow that is pretty, wow this is epic, wow midna is HOT.
  17. I can't decide which VC I wanna buy. Altered Beast, Gunstar Heroes, Ecco, Ristar, or R-Type. I'm leaning towards Ristar and R-Type.
  18. We also need some rumor control. Is unmod gonna be gone after the switch?
  19. yes cooloh i added you btw send some keen miis
  20. So my Wii will only have 'net connection while my CPU is on, and I don't leave my computer on over night. What happens if people send me Miis and stuff, do they just float around in cyberspace until I get back online?
  21. Inquiry: how do I change which Wiimote is player one?
  22. i have around the first four gonna do more later tonight
  23. just got my wii. My code is 2571 3401 5963 9253 i'm gon' start adding you dudes!
  24. hey guys come into unmod we have presents for you
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