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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. LOL my bad. The shift button does not work well on my work computer.
  2. I'm looking forward to this... I've been saving up all year for this one day and I'm getting my 56" TV this year dammit! I'll also be sticking around the store and watching for the fights to break out.
  3. Maybe if I tried that, I could actually get past the first stage.
  4. DAMN!!!! I cant even build a halfway decent house! Yall make me sad.
  5. BUMP Now, since I've taken care of a couple project remixes, I have time to focus on my older personal projects. Updated WIP is in the first post.
  6. Very strange...I was wondering why I couldn't see any monsters, but I could hear them. So, Notch is really doing this thing solo eh? At the speed Minecraft is growing and the potentially devastating bugs we are running across, he better get a team together, or this whole thing could be a big bust.
  7. Ok...I finally sat down, and played Sonic 4 though, I was a little drunk. I enjoyed the graphics. The music and sounds had a nice retro feel to it, but I can understand why that might turn some people off. Some sounds just get downright annoying. As some of you mentioned, the physics and some of the animations are just awkward and poorly put together. And it is especially noticeable since I recently played the older Sonic titles. IMO, its not a HUGE turnoff, its just something that will cost you a few deaths from accidentally landing on spikes/enemies until you get used to it. The targeting system is very annoying to me. I loved it in the 3D titles, but it does not mesh well with the wonky physics. I'll give it a 7/10 I can see this as a successful reboot for Sonic, but I hope the Sonic team uses the fans feedback when developing future projects and the developers actually have MORE TIME to fine-tune the little things that made the older games great.
  8. My first one was the Underground theme from SMB. For some reason, I liked it. And then, when they remixed it on SMB3, I went crazy. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. So, since then, I've been paying close attention to VGM, but I didn't started collect VGM soundtracks until a couple of years ago.
  9. Well, the way that I explore mines, I can get in and out with precious materials without too much conflict. I make sections, that sorta look like rooms, that only have one way in, and one way out that I can block off when I enter and exit. If a monster appears in one of the rooms, I can spot it and kill it through a hole, but the monster cant reach me. It takes a god awfully long time, but its the safest way I can think of at this time.
  10. Looks like they are gonna be hard to kill. When I shove a sword up their ass, that fucker better drop diamonds.
  11. So, the list of players on the first page is not the whitelist? If thats the case, put me on the whitelist as well plz.
  12. Maybe it is just my system then... My EQ setting on my computer is completely flat, so I shouldn't be hearing anything different from anyone else. Very strange... Besides those little technical issues I spotted, and my computer being an asshole, I love the ideas you put into this mix. Awesome job. Good luck!
  13. All I could find in our local music store were ATH-M20s. They are much cheaper than the M50s, so I'm sure they don't have the same quality. I'm kinda scared to get them.
  14. Morgan Freeman=Me. (yeah, I'm THAT awesome)
  15. I don't know if it is my headphones or what, but I hear some heavy clipping going on with the piano and when the choir comes in. I can also spot some signs of compression in certain spots. I also would have faded the rain fx out a little a little bit more smoothly. It fades out a little, and then kinda drops out. Then, its suddenly reintroduced for a few seconds and drops out again. Its cool at the beginning, but I don't think I would bring it back into the song anymore. It kinda starts sounding like a weird hissing sound in the background. The ending kinda left me hangin' too.
  16. I couldn't care less...I don't get on multiplayer often enough to have a say so anyway.
  17. ALWAYS have two save slots for one game.
  18. Damn, sounds like some crazy shit happened. I'm glad my house is far away from the spawn. (The only problem is, I cant remember where its at in relation to the spawn.)
  19. Quite a list! I'll have to look these up. I listen to a wide variety of music, but mostly jazz and acid jazz, but I won't need the headphones for that. Its for close monitoring while I'm working on some music. I'm looking for some good quality, noise canceling, around ear headphone (I guess you can say, "studio quality" without the studio quality price). I cant stand on ear ones and I prefer the ones that have a volume control knob on the cable, but its not a must.
  20. Yeah, when I saw the title, I was like "WTF?, I gotta listen to this one!"
  21. I use the Logitech Z506 5.1 Channel Surround Sound Speakers when I'm working out, or playing a game. I have the SoundBlaster Audigy 4 sound card. I had some Sony MDRV600 studio monitor headphones, but one of my friends broke them and I had to get some cheap Panasonic headphones. I'm looking to spend about $130.00 on some new over the ear headphones but I don't know whats good.
  22. Oh, I didn't realize that we had so many dub step songs on the project. Well thats cool. I'll just finish off what I have.
  23. I'm thinking about turning my mix into a dub step style (since it already has alot of bass). I'm working on a few ideas, so thats why I've been kinda quiet around here. I should still be able to make the 75% deadline though.
  24. We should have a costume contest. The winner gets a chest full of tools and stuff.
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