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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. I have to agree here. I've seen some videos of the glitches people found on Sonic 4 and I remember seeing those same type of glitches while playing the earlier Sonic games. I've fallen through floors, ran completely through walls, died for no apparent reason, and many others. Especially if you're moving too fast. People are just making a big deal about glitches now because the want to find shit to bitch about. Its not like the game is unplayable (like Sonic 06:banghead:). No game is gonna be perfect. Play it, then give an opinion about it. If you dont want to play it, dont.
  2. If everything goes according to plan, I'll be on there today to wreck, ermm..I mean look at your stuff. Build cool shit...impress me.
  3. Can you kill people, and take their stuff?
  4. Whoever did this, is just awesome. http://www.break.com/pictures/all-hail-bender
  5. Please add me to the player list... Blue Magic/Blue_Magic01
  6. Thats exactly what I was thinking when I read the title. This is a very interesting choice by SEGA in an attempt to increase the value of future releases. The only problem is, those laggy, glitchy, and buggy, titles will forever be ingrained in the memories of Sonic fans, likely causing hesitation to buy. Or, at least, that how I feel about it.
  7. Is it going to be a public server, or like a member's only type thing? Either way, I'm down. We will probably need mods if its public.
  8. Bump. Updated link in first post. I'm thinking about sending this resub. in soon, but I would still like a bit more feedback. I know alot of people like it, but I would like to know what a judge thinks.
  9. I have an idea to build an upside down, floating castle, but I would like to do it on an OCR server if we have one, because I don't want to work on this project with griefers around.
  10. Thats one thing that I find annoying... The controls tend to have a little lag in it, so its difficult to time a jump or position yourself correctly.
  11. It sounds like some Audix (crap, I forgot his new name) did a while back.
  12. I don't like the decision they made, but I have to agree with what YouTube did looking at it from a business perspective. And with software that can convert YT videos to mp3s and whatnot, its easy to see why they decided to do what they did. I'm sure the people at YouTube wouldn't want to get sued by VGM composers over something as silly as this. Maybe one day, YT can reach a middle ground that will please the VGM fans and composers.
  13. Wow...I spent about an hour trying to build a floating ship and some fag destroyed it in about 10 seconds. I think I'll just skip the multiplayer thing until Notch gets this shit straight...
  14. I was playing around in multiplayer yesterday, and I must say, I am amazed at some of the shit people make in that game. I was struggling to make a house and some other guy was building a giant bridge that streched across the entire map. Another group of guys made an entire city, like something you would see in New York. Kinda make me sad... I just cant stand those dicks that like to destroy your stuff and flood your house whenever you are not paying attention. Come on...thats just gay.
  15. I know its been said a million times, but it would be good publicity for both parties, I guess.
  16. When I got on a couple of days ago, I noticed that they had some nice ambient music that would play from time to time in the background. Its not bad, but I think OCR should work on the Minecraft soundtrack. That would be a pretty cool project for us.
  17. Another dumb question...Did you guys already buy this game, or something? When I got home and downloaded the exe file again and tried to log in, it said I'm not a premium user or something, so I can't play it offline until I play it online first. Strange, but whatever... When I tried to run Alpha in the browser, it said, "You need to purchase the game to play infdev." Now, I'm like, WTF is infdev? I know it does not cost alot for the game, but how would the system know if I purchased it or not? Do you get a special download link when you buy it? HALP!!!!!
  18. Since the server is up for the moment, I just redownloaded it on my work computer and emailed it to my personal address. When I get home for lunch, I'll see if it works. Thanks.
  19. I downloaded it (I think) from the Alpha download link, but when I tried to open it, my compy didn't know what program to use and I didn't neither. I figured I had to buy it for that feature to work, so I deleted it and tried to play it online. I'd figured he'd have the server issues, but I didn't think he would be the only one that can fix it. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow I guess.
  20. I got on and played the single player mode for about 45 mins, and when I tried to play the alpha version, the site just stopped working completely. I cant even click on the link to get to the site's home page. Anyone else had this kind of problem? I was seriously thinking about buying this game, but this worries me. I don't want to pay for a game that I cannot play.
  21. I know I'm late to the party, but I heard about this game a few minutes ago, and I watched a few videos. This shit looks AWESOME!!!!!!!! I'll probably be getting this one for sure. What are the system requirements? I assume they aren't that high.
  22. Ok. My name is BlueMagic, code 423. I'll probably be on tomorrow.
  23. For me, the opportunity to express some creativity and share that with whoever is willing to listen, and maybe get some recognition from the other artist out there. I listen to remixes because they seem to be more creative than music that you would hear on the radio. Every single song on this site is unique even though some may share the same source tune. Its refreshing.
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