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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Sounds kinda cool. Did someone record it? I wouldn't mind taking a listen. Yeah, I kinda understand. Some of the sounds in the drum work stick out a bit more than others. Especially, when they stutter. I'll work on the volume levels so those sounds wont be so distracting. I'll probably be adding a bassline to fill out some of the soundscape.
  2. UPDATE http://www.mediafire.com/?xgdzdczdnji I added a flangersaw synth to play the melodies that the detache strings were playing in the old version.
  3. Now since I took a closer look at that clip, I seem to recall Sonic always stopping whenever he ran into a TV, unless he is spinning/rolling whatever. The guy playing was trying to roll but he hit the down button too late, so thats probably why he stopped.
  4. Thanks alot everyone! I'll try to finish up soon because my poor computer does not like the plugins I'm using and its starting to crap out every time I try to work on this mix.
  5. If I ran full speed into a TV, I would probably stop too...and not move anymore. #3000 YOOOHOOO!!!
  6. Yeah, its a stupid title, but I cant think of anything right now. :-{ Anyway, this is a rearrangement of "The Girl Who Stole the Stars," from Chrono Cross. This is an experimental (at least for me) piece, so it sounds kinda crazy compared to my previous songs. I cant really say too much about it cause I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Check it! http://www.mediafire.com/?kjjimdigfnz
  7. I use FL Studio 9 and I used to have Reason a few years ago. I lost my software (or it might have been stolen) so, I never really got into it like FL. I was still in the process of learning how to work with Reason, so I never had a chance to see its full potential. At the time, I was just working with MIDIs. I was not remixing with it. But what I did notice was Reason comes with a HUGE bank of sounds of pretty decent quality right out the box, where you would have to search for better sounds for FL. I prefer FL's interface to Reason's because it seems less cluttered to me. Maybe I'm just getting old or something, but I cant stand to see buttons and knobs and switches everywhere when I'm trying to work on music. Its kinda distracting. My dad, on the other hand swears by Reason. Its like the best thing he has ever used. My suggestion is to try a demo first and see how you like it cause everybody has different taste. If you have questions about Reason, I know Avaris might be able to help you. He is pretty good with it.
  8. Hey man! I hope all is well. I'm sure you're busy as hell, but it would be great to hear some more of your music one day.

  9. I am listening to a few random tracks right now. I will download them a little later. I am not familiar with electronica, so this is all pretty refreshing to me. You have some very interesting work here and I will take time to really sit down and listen closely. I can already tell that you put a huge amount of creativity behind your work. So far, I like what I'm hearing.
  10. I didn't really know for certain what you have going on in your life, nor how much experience you have. I was just using you as an example. I knew the "rising OCR standards" issue would come into play eventually, but if you think about it, the standards have not risen THAT much. I mean look at Quinn Fox's latest remix. He made that back when I first started remixing and it was posted yesterday.
  11. My theory is this, "No matter the age, if you dedicate your time to learning a certain craft, you will get better at it." Me and Neblix, for example, might have been working on music for the same number of years, but I might have been putting in more of my personal time within those six years. He might have been in high school and working part-time or something, I was in college slacking off. So, I had more free time to dedicate to my music within those six years. Damn, now I feel old after saying that. Since you are older, you may have more responsibilities than many of us. So, you might not have the time and patience to learn how to work with music. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with your brain, it just means you are not focused on music. FOCUS DANIELSON!!!
  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was thinking about getting a keyboard one day, but I don't know how to play one and it might be more of a pain to figure it out when I could just click the notes in instead. I don't know if you were serious or not, but I have to disagree. (I'm living proof of that.) I started working with music at the end of 04, and got a mix posted in March of 05.
  13. The Boss from MGS3 was my absolute favorite female character. She was just bad ass beyond comprehension.
  14. What the FUNK!?!? Love the first half. And then the second half went into some sort of 80's mix. It was also pretty cool.
  15. I always liked this mix. I actually had it in my collection for years now, but I cant seem to remember where I downloaded it from (maybe VgMix). Anyway, love the mix.
  16. Oh, this is NICE. You have a really nice chill mix going here. My kind of music!
  17. Another good one!!! I love what you do with the basslines in your mixes.
  18. I would like to see a movie based on StarFox 64 in 3D. Now, that would be awesome.
  19. I just spat coffee all over my screen. Thank you for raping my eyes.
  20. I guess I'll get a part-time job as a fake call girl when it comes out on the PS3 and Wii. I just need pics of a cute girl and some web cam video that can be edited. YEAH!!!!
  21. Update!!! http://www.mediafire.com/?xgdzdczdnji I'm still screwing with the drum work. I cant decide what I want to do yet. I think a KH project would probably be cool, but we already have so many in progress, it would be pretty difficult at this time. One day though...
  22. LMAO!!!! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both songs bring back so many memories, and then you put the both together. Genius.
  23. Is it possible to add spoiler tags to the message post options, allowing users to hide their post and others an option to view the post or not? I think that would be great whenever people discuss games and movies that have recently been released.
  24. A kid is gonna be a kid, no matter what. There all the same.
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