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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Damn this is sad news indeed I've been a huge fan of his work for years. I was trying to get him to make a remix for us, but it was kinda hard to get in touch with him. Rest in peace, man.
  2. The Chocobo in Sazh's hair is the AWESOME!!!! Best character on the game.
  3. BUMP from waaaaaaaay back!!!! I decided to give this remix another shot with some of my newer samples. Its still kinda messy, but I'll clear things up soon. The links are in my first posts.
  4. I usually play online shooter games and I do run into some really young gamers (usually younger than 12). Most of them are EXTREMELY good at the games and I don't mind playing with them at all, but the sound of their voice and the fact that they get easily excited and start screaming on the mic is the only thing I have a problem with. But I don't act like a dick towards them or anything, I just ask them to tone it down and then mute them if they refuse. No big deal.
  5. Sounds fun. I will probably be completely drunk and playing FF13 while listening. It shall be a glorious day indeed.
  6. YES. I'll have plenty of private time to listen to it. Great timing.
  7. Got FF13 today and I was pumped up on my way back home. When I got home, I couldn't start playing it because my fiance's parents are here. They are on there way to New Orleans and wanted to crash here and rest up. Now because of my job, I can't play it until next Tuesday when I'm off again. I think I'll get sick tomorrow.
  8. I tend to play my PS1 more than my PS2, even though I have a PS3. And I don't know why.
  9. To be honest with you, I never bothered to play the game even thought I was interested in what happened after FFX. I just can't bring myself to do it.
  10. Well, I was thinking about getting it for the Wii, but I guess the PS3 version would be fine just as long as the controls aren't fucked up like they were for Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.
  11. How is Sonic Unleashed? I love the soundtrack and was thinking about getting it.
  12. The sad thing is, I thought FF Versus was FF13 for the longest until I started seeing screenshots of the actual FF13. Then I was like, wft happened to the dude with the sword that has a small engine block on it? I'm sure I'll end up buying both games, but if FF13 is anything like 12, I probably will not be keeping it for long.
  13. Digitial signal processing? From what I can remember from school, DSP takes a real-world signal, like a sound input, and mathematically alters it to improve the sound. For instance, when you talk on a phone DSP takes in your voice, and removes the background noise allowing the person you are speaking to to hear crystal-clear responses from you. If you plan on doing any recording, music making, or game playing on your pc with a surround sound system on it, then its is VERY important. You want the best sound quality you can get.
  14. Legend of Legaia: He is not really a boss, but the monk that lives in Rim Elm. You can fight against him, but he is impossible for me to beat. Ever since I got the game, I have been trying to beat that one guy, but no matter how high my level is, he still beats the shit out of me in about three turns. What do I need to do to beat him?
  15. After 10,000+ posts, you still remember something like that?
  16. So, a little while ago, I posted one of my beats in the Workshop Feedback: Originals/Other forum hoping someone could suggest a VG song I could mix it with, but for the longest, I just couldn't find anything that would work. I happened to come across a very, very old WIP that I did of this same source a few years ago that was basically a midi rip. I reworked that WIP adding my beat to it, and making some major changes to mix things up and add more of a personal touch to it. Check it out! Original: WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?o3dldzn20jb
  17. Really? I know you'd probably have to play some stupid game over and over to look for bugs, but is it really THAT bad?
  18. Good God, what happened to filling out an application to get a fucking job? I think being a video game tester might sound like fun, but if I have to go through all this bullshit, its not worth it imo.
  19. I didn't know we had so many projects going on! I hope I don't piss too many people off by saying this, but I think we should prioritize the projects and focus on the older ones, to the newer ones. That way, we can roll them out much, much quicker and mixers won't be stretching themselves too thin. Its kinda chaotic having so many things going on at the same time.
  20. This might be my last update on this one. http://www.mediafire.com/file/uzody2whdf5/Icy Azure.mp3 Its pretty much finished, but I decided that I will not be submitting this one. I'll just post it up for grabs. Enjoy everyone and thanks again for the comments!
  21. You merged those two songs quite well. I likes. Those horn samples sound pretty good too!
  22. I realized that after I posted. I just didn't feel like editing. My bad.
  23. I'm sorry, but that thing sounds nasty. I would like one if they could make them sound better.
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