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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Thanks for the feedback. I just looped it to make it long. Its repetitive because, at first, I wasn't planning on making it into a original song in the first place. I didn't want to put in the effort of adding more variations if I was going to end up using it in a mix. But lately, I've been thinking about trying to make this into an original song. It would be a good way to experiment and see how creative I can get without having to tie this into a vg song.
  2. I have been working on quite a few beats lately and I decided to post one up. I kinda want to turn this into a remix one day, but I can't decide what vg song I should mix into it. http://www.mediafire.com/?zjj4v2zdneo
  3. Just like me, you've reach the age where you start to realize you cant physically do certain things that you used to and kids start calling you "sir" Enjoy becoming an old fart. Happy bday!
  4. UPDATE!!! http://www.mediafire.com/?zmyimqfonht I am in the process of introducing the Lava Reef Zone 2 theme in the mix. I had to make a few note changes, but the themes should still be recognizable. I ended up looping the last two parts of the song just to make it bit longer, but it wont be like that on the final version. Enjoy.
  5. This makes me feel old. I was 16 when I discovered the awesomeness of OCR. DJP and staff has done a great job keeping this site up and running. Long last OCR!!!
  6. I cried when I couldn't beat Byte from MMX3. He was so fucking irritating. About a week later I figured out how simple it was to beat him and I felt so stupid. Oh and I almost cried on Earthworm Jim 2 on the stages where you have to bounce the puppies over to the other side of the screen. I wanted to save every single one of them cause they reminded me of my dog when he was a puppy, but I couldn't. He got hit by a car, so if I missed one and it hit the ground, that splat sound really got to me. I got smart and played those stages with the tv on mute.
  7. This brings back some wonderful memories. I love it!
  8. I can see this turning into a Sonic 3 Sandopolis remix. Nice work!
  9. If you could look past his ego, Kanye West makes some really nice tracks.
  10. Thanks for the comments. I have another small update. I added a few embellishments here and there. http://www.mediafire.com/file/uzody2whdf5/Icy Azure.mp3 I have a pretty cool idea (or should I say, hot) to add to this mix, but its gonna take some time.
  11. Thanks for the comments everyone. If you listen closely, you can spot the chord progression in there (I'm not gonna say where though). I just made it really subtle. Update coming soon!
  12. Oops, sorry. It should be working now.
  13. I know this song has been remixed 1,000,000 times, but I made a beat that sounded like it would mix pretty well with this theme. So, I am in the process of remixing the Ice Cap theme into a nice chill mix. This is what I have so far... http://www.mediafire.com/file/uzody2whdf5/Icy Azure.mp3
  14. I think the English version would be better without lyrics. But, it aint all that bad. The peeps on YouTube make it sound like complete shit.
  15. UPDATE: http://www.mediafire.com/?m3tnnz2wqtw I made a few touch ups here and there. I am still working on that piano part though. I might just redo that section.
  16. This is a chilled remix of one of my favorite Sonic songs, the Lava Reef Zones 1&2. Its still pretty rough, but I'm gonna take care of it. Original Tunes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvnY_h135WY ReMix WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?m3tnnz2wqtw
  17. One more update: http://www.mediafire.com/?y2izomfmoqe I extended the last section a little bit more, but I'm not really feeling it. I might change the synth.
  18. UPDATE! http://www.mediafire.com/?y2izomfmoqe
  19. As always, you've done an awesome job with your music.
  20. Ah yes....I remember standing in line for a hour that day, waiting to buy a Dreamcast. I also remember not playing the Dreamcast for about two weeks because I got FF8 on that same day. Wonderful memories...
  21. My current job. I decided to give automobile sales a try. I wanted to make some quick money (and I did, thanks to the Cash for Clunkers program) while waiting on a Electronic Technician position to open up. Things are slow as hell now since the program is over, so I'm gonna keep doing this shit for about two more weeks (or at least until they fire me) and I'll go back to being a Marine Electrician if this other job don't pull through. Wish me luck peeps!
  22. Sonic games tend to get fucked up when they go from 2D to 3D. I mean, look at the physics, graphics quality, collision detection, ect on the recent Sonic games, everything is glitchy. I remember getting Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 a while back and being really pumped up about it until I started playing. This is a PS3 game that had graphics that could be duplicated on the PS1. The camera angles were constantly screwed up. And it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to play the game because the controls were fucked sideways. I could not finish the first stage.
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