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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. I'll either get it at midnight tonight or tomorrow when I get off. My name will be Blue Magic if it still available when I get it.
  2. I will be getting this one when it comes out. I've always been interested in these types of games, but never got around to playing one. I want to give my graphics card a work out too.
  3. LOL!!! Thats right down the street from my apartments. I haven't been there yet though.
  4. Where do you go to play laser tag in Baton Rouge? I heard quite a few OC Remixes (including some of mine) playing on the demo computers at a Office Depot.
  5. Thankya. My rough WIP is posted in the private forums...
  6. As soon as I heard this one for the first time, I knew it was gonna be on the front page. Very nice job with this one, DCT.
  7. Whoa wait...I just saw Star Fox 64 3D. I'm getting one.
  8. I finally decided to give a really old remix another try. I think this was my second of third mix I ever made. Back when I was still learning how to work with FL Studio, I actually thought my mix was good enough to make it past the judges. Boy, was I wrong... This is a remix of "Alone a.k.a. Bio Lab" theme from the SaGa Frontier soundtrack. Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG6kqnDRWTc Old Mix (wma format): http://www.mediafire.com/?rnmgmg3jczz New Mix WIP:http://www.mediafire.com/?2627my7s2sde94f Please let me know what you think of the new mix. (And don't laugh too hard at the old one)
  9. *orgasm* This is great news indeed. I have been waiting for this day to come since I beat DKC3 for the first time.
  10. Might wanna check out the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack one day too.
  11. thats what I was thinking. The only other costume base musician I can think of would be Andre 3000. Its just a crazy way that open minded artist choose to make themselves stand out in a crowd i guess.
  12. Wha? She better stay away from my wife with that shit!!!! I know that much.
  13. So, I downloaded the browser a couple of hours ago, and I must say I am surprised. Its pretty good and works well with all of the websites I frequent. And yes, its faster than Firefox. But the only thing that sucks is the fact that I can't install it on my laptop with a 64-bit processor. I can't imagine what the OS will be like.
  14. I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe people don't realize that because they only see her as a crazy looking lady wearing a bloody tampon outfit with a viking helmet and biker boots. IDK. But yeah, she has tremendous talant, and pairing her up with my future wife, Beyonce (shaddup) is a pretty awesome move imo.
  15. Slight Update: http://www.mediafire.com/?kjjimdigfnz I made a few changes to the glitchy drumwork to help things flow a little better. I didn't get really far cause I am still trying to decide how I want to approach this one.
  16. I can hear up to 19K. I'm 25. That kinda surprises me cause I always have my headphones blasting whenever I work on music. I thought I would be deaf by now. Also, for some reason I started feeling kinda strange when I was listening to 17K. I cant explain it, but the sound was bothering me.
  17. I always liked the Battlefield series, but I can only play it within the first two months of its release dates. At first, its all fun, but when people start getting used to the gameplay and the maps, its EXTREMELY frustrating. I can't tell you how many times I spawn, and there's an enemy tank just sitting there with the cannon pointed right at my face. Before I can take a single step, BOOM!!! And those people that call an airstrike on a single person should be kicked in the nuts.
  18. OK, ok. Y U yellin' bro? I love Hula Girls. 00:28 made me LMAO. Very, very nice work indeed.
  19. I can't believe how fucking retarded people are getting over a game that is not out yet. I would not be surprised if the Sonic Team just says "Fuck it!" And put one in between the ol' needlemouse's eyes. If they are gonna keep working on the game, just do it and stop worrying about the fan base (because they, didn't care when they release those other shit titles.) If you want to put an end to it, and kill off Sonic, do it! They shouldn't have confirmed anything about the new game in the first place imo.
  20. I was thinking he meant the actual YouTube video was in HD. Anyway, that Sonic Zero game looks fun. I'm not feeling that music though, but the game looks fun. (Notice I keep saying the word fun) I don't really care if I happen to see a pixel or two, I just want to play the game and have fun playing it.
  21. Yeah, his review was on point. I am feeling exactly the same way he felt. I actually stopped playing for a while cause I'm losing interest. Hopefully, I will feel a little better when I reach that 20 hour point that everyone is talking about. I'm probably going to hurry up and beat this game, then trade it in immediately. There is no way I'm gonna play it again. There is just no replay value in this one for me.
  22. You all did a great job this year. And I enjoyed playing with that ASS. I want those songs!
  23. I an crying laughing. The "ABCs" song? Really? And it works so well too.
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