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Everything posted by Brim

  1. Doesn't Nintendo make their shit out of Nintendonium? Its pretty strong stuff, there.
  2. moar folk rock remixes plz Maybe I just haven't been exposed to the genre enough but I love this song.
  3. I love it. Very nice atmosphere, and its Raptor, man. Who doesn't love Raptor?
  4. At first, it sounded pretty typical, and then afterwards, it kicks into a badass guitar, with almost a cinematic feel to it. Kickass.
  5. Wow, I must have been stupid when I reviewed this long ago, but this song is freakin' sweet. I like it more than ever.
  6. Wow, its been awhile since I've listened to new remixes on this site. I like this song, a lot. The guitar's sound doesn't bother me, in fact, I like it. Finally, Roetaka gets a YES'd mix. Its METAL SLUG. Two amazing features!
  7. I've been listening to this song for quite awhile, and its still just as enjoyable as ever. I agree that X doesn't get much coverage, and this is definitely the perfect song to compliment X. I can see some influence from Makoto Jungle Jazz, which happens to be one of my top favorite mixes as well.
  8. Awesome, a Mega Man 6 remix. I've been waiting for this. I hardly recognize the Blizzard Man theme, but after listening a little more carefully, I heard it. It has such a great feeling to it. It could be great background or foreground music. Overall, I enjoy this piece and its awesome atmosphere.
  9. I just remembered what song the synth reminds me of. http://www.icompositions.com/auditorium/showphoto.php?photo=4317 You have to wait until 7 seconds to hear it. I truly do not think anything was stolen, but it does sounds almost exactly the same. Its too off-chance to hear this song, and then think about remixing a Zelda song and just happen to fit the synth into that Zelda song. Just thought it was interesting.
  10. Dang, I love this song so much. I think this song is highly worthy of all and any praise it gets. I just started playing Ninja Gaiden 2 again as well.
  11. Quality is top-notch, very nice song. Friend told me "go to ocremix its awesome and download chrono trigger - forever". And I told him I knew about it and it was awesome discussion time.
  12. This song totally rocks, it took a bit of getting used to, but in the end, I loved it.
  13. I felt a guilty pleasure when I first saw this mix on the front page. The song is, indeed, awesome. I love it. That guilty pleasure is no more.
  14. Great and very relaxing song. I don't care about the lyrics, but they do sound nice.
  15. This song is totally awesome, even though it has groove bias, Megaman Zero bias, and SNES sound effects bias, its just a great piece to listen to.
  16. This song is awesome. Normally for me, rap is either hit or miss, but this is definitely hit. Either I'm addicted to a rap song or I hate it furiously. And I'm definitely addicted to this track. Gotta be careful not to sing it out loud in school.
  17. Holy crap, this remix is pure awesome. Emotional, real guitarage, and its like, epic and beautiful. If only a good recording was available, this would be a godly song.
  18. Superb. A piece with varied playing styles and dynamics, and the first piano piece that I actually feel is being played DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME OMG. But seriously, its insane.
  19. Awesome song. Heard it in WIP and still love it. I don't think there's anything I could add to this.
  20. Definitely another great remix under Quinn's belt. It fuses two great tracks together into one ultimately relaxing mix that just suits my default mood (chillout).
  21. Holy crap, this song is the most awesome song I have ever heard, wow. I can't express my love for this song, I love every single moment of it.
  22. Awesome dance-type song. I've listened to it a couple million times and got other people to like it, along with most of Rayza's other works.
  23. This is an awesome song. I never expected a piano piece from Metal Gear Solid, and here it is, in full spectacularity. This is awesome the whole way, especially when the new instruments are introduced. I love this as much as I loved Ryu for Four Pianos - hell of a lot.
  24. I've been waiting for a remix out of the Megaman Zero 2 game, and I don't think I could've expected much better than this. Good job.
  25. I like this remix. Its great, pure rock and roll. Plus I've been playing Megaman X since it came out and have that cartridge, sitting around somewhere..
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