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Everything posted by Brim

  1. Could be, since a lot of members ditched.
  2. Evanescence is decent, I'd say.
  3. If OffTop is just UnMod without the illegal stuff, I'm fine with it.
  4. Awww, Darke
  5. That reminds me, I got Lament of Innocence for $12 (USD) I think, and it was just released for about 3-4 days!
  6. Yeah, it fits, I just don't like it because its generic. I've seen it around a lot and this comic isn't generic--needs a different font. Might just be me though!
  7. This stuff is pretty hot. You need to change the font, I dunno, it sort of annoys me. But otherwise, good work!
  8. I watched the trailer except for the last few seconds--it was hot. I might try to watch the first episode later today...
  9. I got lost on Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, but it was a fun game. I just don't know where to go because everything looks the same and using the map is sort of annoying.
  10. I am been amazed I will still listening to more but the telephone is rang
  11. Chrono Cross OST was boss, I did play some of the game though.
  12. All this emulation and expanding PSP library is drawing me closer to the PSP. But I'm gonna have to hold out until there's another price drop, or I get more money, or something else totally awesome lures me in.
  13. Sim City, Soul Calibur II, DDR, and some others I can't remember.
  14. I have ambigous and simple resolutions! - Maintain my miraculous 4.0 GPA (since I did a 2.5 last year and my parental units flipped out) - Become more fashionable to get the ladies - Lose the 10 or 15 pounds slowly and become a sexy beast I hope
  15. My gifts load is pretty huge this year, considering I usually don't get anything beyond one or two gifts. BenQ 19" Flat Screen LCD monitor (about $230 dollars) $300 towards a new computer $140 hard cash $40 in gift cards ($25 Best Buy, $15 Cold Stones) Calvin Klein jacket Mirage jacket and hat (from a relative in Las Vegas) Tons of Snickers bars The $140 hard cash ended up turning into a $60 Kenneth Cole watch and money spent on myself. The Best Buy gift card turned into Mega Man ZX. And my computer is still being built at the moment.
  16. So guys, is this game good for someone who hasn't played FF3, and isn't exactly and FF or RPG fan?
  17. I like it, the intro got me and I'm digging this funky stuff.
  18. Wow, I remember this, I just re-downloaded it. Gravity Beetle theme needs more prominence, and that weird sound takes over it.
  19. This is awesome. I recognize your voice instantly! This is good stuff.
  20. Besides sound quality, it is a really good song. It also shows how much Shael Riley has evolved.
  21. http://www.decalgirl.com/ Oh, I seen that site. Does anyone have a DS skin? I need to know how it is before I get one ADSfasdfsdfdsafsdaf
  22. I should have pre-ordered it By the way, are there any good sites for DS skins? I need to cover up the scratches and beat-up marks on my DS. I would get a red DS but then I'd rather spend that money on games or something, as no living person would trade their red DS for my beat-up shitty platinum
  23. Dude, I love the source tune, and this mix does certain swift justice. Its freaking AWESOME.
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