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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. A little nudging to fight off the deletion fairy.
  2. Man, I hate Shao Kahn in MK Trilogy. My cousin and I just can't beat him (might have something to do with the fact that I suck at MK). Just out of curiosity...Did you ever find Motaro (MK3) difficult to beat ? I haven't played MK3 in a long time, and I didn't even play it much back then. My guess is, I never even faced him. If he's anything like Khan in Trilogy, then I guess I'd find him difficult. I think I'm going to try it when I get home today. From what I remember, Motaro was pretty susceptible to jump kicks and combos (combos usually hit him at least once). He's not a push over, but there have been plenty of times where I was able to beat him with little trouble. His attack that's a big pain is his tail shot. Otherwise, he's not too hard to beat. Edit: I just remembered. One of the best ways to hurt him, is to jump in the air and kick him whenever he jumps in the air. It's virtually a guaranteed hit every time. if he gets on a jumping spree, you can beat him easily with this. Also, stay moving. His warps are a pain, but if you jump around with a purpose (i.e., not randomly like a spaz), you can hit him when he warps back in quite a bit too.
  3. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I'm not good at Diablo. In fact, it could be easily argued that a suck at it. Now, I know what you're thinking... Diablo isn't that hard. Well, he was hard enough, but he's not the boss in question. The Butcher is. I kid you not, I don't know how many times I've died on that guy. You open the door, out he comes with his taunt, and then he just proceeds to chase you around. He can't throw anything, he can't cast spells... he doesn't even have a projectile weapon. But I'll be damned if I could beat him... for a good while. By the time I got to him, I always seemed to have very little in the way of life replenishers, and I could never get more than a single swipe or arrow in on him before I had to turn and run again for a while. It was getting to point that I kept expecting the Benny Hill theme to start playing. Now yes, I did eventually beat him, but not before I had every last bit of my Diablo dignity beaten out of my gaming pride.
  4. Since we lost one of the sticky thread again, I felt the need to bump this.
  5. I hate this guy. For those not familiar with Painkiller, it's a FPS. Not a bad game, won some awards, and is generally entertaining. It got an expansion pack called Painkiller: Battle out of Hell, and it really only has one boss... but what a pain in the as he is. Besides being absolutely huge, he's got a number of attacks. Fire that spreads out from him when he hits the ground, the ability to just stomp on your tiny ass, summoning fireballs from the sky that track you... fun stuff. Somehow, someway, you have to kill him. And that's where we get to a bump in the road. I have literally run out of ammo firing at this guy, only to see him unaffected. I've learned all sorts of nifty tricks to avoid him, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what to do to hurt him. There's a series of "pads" around the level you fight in. Some are just there at times it seems, while others have little glowing orbs rising off of them. I'm thinking there's a connection between them and being able to beat the final boss, but nothing's come from any of the things I've tried. I'm not surprised really, as most of the bosses in the regular game have little hidden things you have to do to beat them, and even the mid bosses in BooT (especially the last mid boss) have a trick to being able to hurt them. But right now, I'm damn near out of ideas to beat this damned boss.
  6. ... going old school isn't always a good thing, as it shows you not all 8-bit classics age well. I was playing Thunder Blade on my old Master System yesterday. A fun little game... until you reach stage 3. Then you get into a canal that's nearly impossible because the bullets that the enemies shoot follow you... all of them. BUT WAIT... there's more. Then you get to stage 4, and you're bobbing and weaving, trying to avoid the bars going across the area you fly in. And finally, you reach the last boss of the game. Basically, it's a big metal structure with many guns. It fires like there's no tomorrow, and it's damn sturdy. The bullets follow you as you move. Not literally, but rather in a way that makes them "hook" rather than travel a straight line. Your helicopter doesn't exactly move very quickly, so as these things hook, they just barely miss you the entire time. So now you're trying to lure then around the screen and not get cornered by the constant barrage so you can get some shots in on the final boss... which takes a lot before you hit it enough times to actually win. This thing must have inspired such insanely bullet riddled shooters as the Donpachi and Giga Wing series. Now, why did I mention stages 3 and 4? Because these stages generally suck up every last continue. Shots that don't visually hit you, still kill you. Because of this interesting use of collision detection, you're left trying to find little areas to move to where there aren't any bullets when enemies come on the screen... even thought it doesn't matter, because you'll still get hit even if they miss. While stage 3 doesn't have anything to run into, stage 4 does. The same odd collision detection seems to make bars that you're currently right in the middle of make you explode. It's almost like the game doesn't want you to discover the dark secret that's at its end... not because it's a hard game or programmed to be one, but because it knows after all the hell you went through to get to it, the ending'll piss you off more than the cheap shots dealt out by the two last stages and the final boss ever could. What that secret is, I won't say beyond... "Don't blink". Anyway, it's a game that actually doesn't try to be hard, but instead becomes cheap. And it succeeds nicely at it. It's a shame too, as it had a lot of fun qualities for it's day. Good thing they didn't pull the same stuff in Super Thunder Blade though
  7. Aye, Unmod is a scary place. That's why I rarely ever go in there. It's only scary if you let it be that way.
  8. Samurai Shodown. Amakusa. Cheap. Cheap cheap cheap. This is an SNK game that teases you. The first few characters are pretty easy, no matter who they are. But once you hit the halfway mark, the game starts getting pissed... even if you've continued a dozen times up to that point. But when you reach Amakusa at the end... God help you. First off, if you get thrown, you are screwed. AS throw from this guy, even on easy, does quite a bit of damage. If he hits you with the rapid fire bitch slap he dishes out if you're too close, you watch that health meter drop like a man's chances of getting sex after he called his date a slut. His "screwy controls" attack, is cheap. His normal electro ball, hurts. This thing with this boss is, his warps result in many missed attacks on your part. And when he's not warping out of the way, he warps back and forth, closing in on you each time he stops... even if you jump around, he still homes in on you. He blocks like mad, even on "1" difficulty. And of course, all his attacks do more damage than any comparable attack you can dish out. Then, once in a great while, it's like he just stops trying. You kick his ass like a red headed step child. The next round, he hands your ass to you. And if you won the first round, he hands you your ass again in round three, smashing you lofty dream of "victoly". SNK is notorious for making bosses that seem to be impossibly powerful, or stupidly quick, or cheap as hell... or all three. Amakusa in SS1, is no exception.
  9. And here's a bump to keep this thread from vanishing... again.
  10. After having my time taken up by a lot of school work, this Christmas break gave me a chance to get back to a few games I was in the middle of enjoying... one of which, is named Alien Hominid. Besides having a great visual style and fun, old school gameplay, this game also has a few bosses that can be a real pain... one of which, is the one I reached before I had to put it down for school work. On stage 3-3 if I recall, there's a huge two armed robot that moves on tank treads. It's got six variously sized guns long it's top and shoulders that fire different types of ammo (all of which must be destroyed), it's rather large hands are great at pounding you into the ground and flattening you between them, and it fires quite a bit as you're hopping around trying to avoid being grabbed (which is easy to get out of), shot, burnt, squished and generally killed. It's a fun battle, but goddamn did I have to redo that boss quite a few times because of its head blocking my shots. The other boss, is the final boss. I won't say what it is, but know that it takes place on several battle grounds, and while I enjoyed it, it was hard. Just when you think you've won, you got a whole new battle to endure. It's probably one of the longer, and more diverse, boss battles in a game like this. On the ground, in the air... it's a fight to be sure. I'd love to tell about it, but I know it's a new game, and I don't want to spoil it for anyone. So, just know you've got a fight waiting for you... especially if it's on anything above "Easy" Edit: Spelling Edit2: Even more spelling
  11. Since it's getting close to that two week mark, I give a bump for the newbies out there.
  12. Sorry for not being there this past weekend. I was in the middle of trying to get a serious amount of work done and there was no way for me to hop into the AIM chatroom and get work done... because, well, productivity and AIM don't go together However, thanks for giving my mix a little airtime lovin'
  13. I'm not the best gamer when it comes to actions titles. I admit it. Most of my gaming prowess comes with shmups. But, I'm not a newbie at the genre either. I've beaten some tough games. But there's one old school game that just bugs me to this day. While I enjoy the Shinobi series, and can readily whoop the asses of Revenge of Shinobi, Shadow Dancer and Shinobi III, the original Shinobi on the Sega Master System has a final boss that I've only ever beaten once. First, he has a barrier around him. You can only hurt him at certain times (I believe when he lands on the ground). He jumps around, trying to hit you, all the while being impervious to your attacks. Should you manage to hit him a few times, then he changes his attack. During this phase, you can only hit him up close. Not too bad. But his third phase is mean. Here, he starts hopping around again, except when he hits the ground, he make a clone of himself... and that clone starts attacking you as well. And unless you can time it so you hit him before he hits the ground again, you're going to have clones all over the place attacking you. But, if you should get through all that, then he goes apeshit. His attacks are hard to dodge, and the only way you can hurt him is by hitting him in the back. While this boss doesn't do really any more damage than other bosses, he does the damage a lot faster. It's just frustrating as hell, as his attacks come so fast and frequently, it becomes... maddening. All I gotta say is I'm glad the bosses in the rest of the Shinobi series aren't like that final one, in that being skilled is somehow replaced by just being lucky.
  14. So... Who do I have to bribe to get my remix "Descent to the End" a little airtime?
  15. Nah. + + = Triplets? For those just joining us, that's Larry, Paul Goodloe of the Weather Channel, and "The Coach" from WWE, in that order.
  16. Whoa. Just saw that the second "How To" thread here just got axed. Giving this a bump... just because.
  17. Don't suppose... um... that uh... "Descent to the End" falls in that area
  18. Way back when, back in the days of the Amiga, a friend of mine had a game called Shadow of the Beast. Very pretty game, great music, and hard a hell. Having never owned an Amiga, I was happy the day the Genesis version of SotB came out. It looked just as good, was just as hard, but the sound suffered. Still, I enjoyed it. A couple years later, Shadow of the Beast II arrived on the Genesis. With better sound quality (though worse tunes) and nice graphics, it was the challenge of this game that was killer. SotB II was twice as hard as the first game. Everything had to be done in a precise order throughout the game (like the first one), but now the enemies were tougher, there were more traps to kill you, and dead ends that couldn't be gotten out of until you died. It was a mean spirited game... and I loved it. But while the boss at the end of SotB was a wuss, the boss at the end of SotB II, Zelek, was anything but. He had few attacks... namely, a fireball shot if you were further away from him, and a downward flame stream if you were below him. He bobs around in the air, floating back and forth in the area where you fight him. If a fireball hits you, it does a nasty amount of damage. If the flame stream hits you, your health vanishes steadily at a quick pace (and in this game, you don't have much in the way of health). If you come in contact with the boss, it drains your health just as quickly as the flame stream. To hit him, you need to make sure you grabbed a special weapon in one of the areas earlier in the game. If you missed it, you can't win. If you did get it, you still have to jump up in the air and fire it to hurt him... as he follows you back and forth. You have to be far enough away to jump so he can't touch you, and time it between fireball shots so you don't get hit. It seems simple, and at heart it is... but with how fast you lose your health on this final boss, the fact that at most you get a couple life replenishers (and that's assuming you didn't use them up just getting to the final boss), and no continues too boot, this makes this "simple" patterned boss a real pain.
  19. Getting close to that infamous two week mark, so I'm giving another nudge to this thread. And Lavos, I can see where you're coming from, but most threads about a favorite console are made on purpose by someone being a smart ass because it's a topic that they know will degenerate quickly. Favorite remix and remixer threads on the otherhand, usually get made by newbies that don't know the tiresome aspect of the topic on OCR, and wander into the fire unaware that they're about to get burned.
  20. Join ussssssssss.... Jooooiiiinnnnnn uuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssss.........
  21. Now, I'm still pretty new to the world of MegaMan and it's bosses, but there's a boss in MegaMan Zero that's been a pain in the ass for a little while now, and nothing I do seems to get me past the thing. Named Harpuia, this boss is just owning my ass regularly. Between his being airborne most of the time, his downward slash attack, his triple wave combo (which I've gotten pretty good at avoiding most of the time), and the attack where he dives down and grabs you, lifts you way up and then slams your butt to the ground, I just can't beat the guy. The best I've done against him is getting rid of 1.5 bars of life. Eventually, he wears my character down and then it's over everytime. I know there's way to beat him, but I refuse to look up a game faq. I've beaten the first six MegaMan games from the NES days (thanks to the "Anniversary Collection" that came out), and I've beaten MegaMan X as well. All bosses have a weakness, and they all have a way to work around the attacks they use. I just have yet to find the right system (or get enough luck) to beat Harpuia.
  22. Just giving this thread a nudge to potentially prevent deletion.
  23. HELLO NEWBIES!!! Welcome to OCR. The bathrooms are on the left, the kitchen is around the corner, and the exits... ... well, there are no exits. So if there's a fire, you go down with the rest us. HAVE FUN!!!
  24. This may have been brought up before and I just couldn't find it, but I feel the need to ask this... What's the current status of VGF? I know Larry's laptop took a nose dive on him a while back, but was it ever fixed? Is the show back up and running normally? Are the only VGF shows on at the moment the reruns that've been happening lately? I ask this in part because I was doing a bumper for the show, but if it's still not back up yet, then finishing it in time for a Halloween show seems pointless. And since the last thing I recall reading was that VGF was on indefinite hold, I figured this'd be a good spot to ask.
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