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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. The problem with the idea isn't the idea itself. It's the work needed behind it. Lots of people are all hyped up until they see the amount of coding, editing, fixing, drawing, editing, fixing, scoring, more coding, bug fixing and all those other things that come with the idea. That work wall slams them in the face and that fire in their belly quickly gets put out. Even a one stage demo was simply too much a couple years back if you recall. It's a cool idea, but finding a group of people who are going to have the time and drive to finish it is by far the hardest part.
  2. And BOOM goes the dynamite... http://www.multiupload.com/B7A7GYL2UN
  3. I think it's just time to finally take this project idea out behind the shed and put 'er down.
  4. http://www.filestube.com/RjuSbE3rwAq6T3zvVQV5i/pc-Streets-of-Rage-Remake-Final-version-v5-0-2011.html Found this.
  5. Huh. That didn't last long. You'd think this was a Square-Enix project with how fast it was taken down. Good thing I downloaded it a few days ago.
  6. Missed it by a day (wasn't on-line much), but...
  7. OK, I'm done... http://thecoop.110mb.com/music/The_Coop_-_Final_Fantasy_VI_-_Synth_Shuffle_v2.zip http://thecoop.110mb.com/music/The_Coop_-_Final_Fantasy_X_-_Dont_Rush..._Slow_Down.zip
  8. I wonder if it's compatible with the Sega Activator.
  9. What, no Thunder Force I tribute album? Sure, there's no music in the game at all, but surely something can be done with the voice sample at the beginning.
  10. Thunder Force IV- It topped TF2 and TF3 in terms of visuals, sound and gameplay, yet wasn't bested by TF5 or TF6. It also wound up being one of the best (arguably the best) 16-bit shmups.
  11. Dragon Age II has a manual, but it's not much beyond the basics. The Witcher: Enhanced Edition is the last game I got that actually came with a meaty instruction manual. Nice little maps, lots of info... good stuff. Granted, it doesn't compare to things like the booklet for Might & Magic: Gates to Another World on the Genesis (damn near 140 pages, filled with insane amounts of info), but TW:EE's was still a much more encompassing manual than what I've seen with a lot of other games in recent years.
  12. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Besides not being much a jump in graphics, it's gameplay was tired, the controls were iffy, the clues were non-existent when it came to figuring out what you had to locate to move forward... the only high light were the CGI cinemas. Beyond that, it as shit on a GD-Rom. Sonic Spinball Don't know if it's a sequel, but it's canon as far as I know. So... to put it bluntly, it sucks. Slowdown-riddled, hit detection challenged, iffy controls... this game was and is horrid. Only the music was good, and even that doesn't apply to all the tracks. It's Sonic + pinball - speed - playability - fun x $50 = "FUCK! I got ripped off!"
  13. **sniffle** I'm... I'm not useless. **bottom lips quivers**
  14. Not that I think they'd ever be used, but mine are open to you. And here are a few links for stuff not on OCR (part of past unofficial OCR projects)... http://thecoop.110mb.com/remixes.html (there's an updated version of "Biotech" here... v3) http://thecoop.110mb.com/music/The_Coop_-_Final_Fantasy_X_-_Dont_Rush..._Slow_Down.zip http://thecoop.110mb.com/music/The_Coop_-_Phantasy_Star_III_-_Falling_From_the_Sky.zip http://williammichael.net/aocc_2k9/aocc2k9/12_thecoop_the_dead_of_winter.mp3 http://shariqansari.com/reservetank/music/27%20-%20Brinstar%27s%20Good%20Enough.mp3
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