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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. That may have been the biggest change, but I wouldn't down play the rest of the changes. Some were to make them lighter or have longer battery life, some improved the screens or the chips inside for (hopefully) better reliability, some dropped notable features or boosted others... it's at times come off as a haphazard march of not really knowing just what to add or do. And it's still a kick in the shins when you buy a system, and six months later there's a new version with more features, improvements and so forth. Sure, you can still play all (or at least most of) the games for that system, but you still feel a little on the "SHIT! I knew I should have waited!"-side.
  2. That would be nice. I know the tray going in and out looks fancier, but a pop top doesn't trap your disc in the system when it dies (my old Sega CD tried to keep my copy of Stellar Fire that way ).
  3. True, no one's forcing you to buy them. But this generation's theme is, "Hey, let's put out an updated version of our system every nine to twelve months!" The PS3, the 360, the DS... it's reaching rather ridiculous levels. The old saying used to be "it's obsolete as soon as you open the box" when talking about computers. It was a joke about how quickly the PC hardware gets updated and/or moves forward (and still does). Now consoles and hand helds are just about caught up with that, thanks to revision after revision. You almost don't want to buy something until its market is nearly dead, just so you know there won't be a newer and better version waiting just around the corner.
  4. Don't you mean a redesigning of the redesign? There'll be at least three versions
  5. Can't say I was any more or less impressed than I was with the MS show. Felt about the same. - Zelda didn't thrill me. - The 23rd iteration of the DS just made me roll my eyes (c'mon Nintendo... how many damn versions are you going to pump out?). + The Donkey Kong game piqued my interest. ?? The Kirby game I want more info on before I decide how I feel. Looks creative visually and they seem to be branching out the gameplay. But while I like the franchise, "branching out" doesn't always equal fun or good. ?? I don't own a Gamecube and thus have yet to get to play the 3D Metroids to know if I like them. ?? Another Paper Mario game (I played the first one and liked it, but I haven't played the sequels yet). + Dragon Quest IX got my attention. Hope they did at least as good a job with it as they did with XIII. - Never got the "OMG WOWZORS!" for Goldeneye on the N64, so an upgrade doesn't do a lot for me. I also have to say the DS got a lot more attention this time. Seems like it's getting more big franchise names than the Wii right now (beyond the expected Nintendo franchises). I know they have yet another "upgrade" to it so it was sure to get more time in the spotlight, but it seemed to be more the focus for third parties.
  6. If Billy Mayes were still around, he could pitch the new 360 as a combination game player/engraver/wood planer.
  7. Pardon? Looks like someone hasn't been doing their homework. Detention. Three days, for one hour each day. You'll be cleaning out the OCR "rejection letter-worthy" remixes bin while you're there.
  8. Here's hoping MS finally gets this RRoD thing beaten with their new system. All the talk about the Jasper chip and the systems are still dropping at an unsettling rate. I want one, but I'm not picking one up until they finally get a handle on the problem. I'd like to at least feel reasonably confident that my new system will last longer than it's warranty. Oh, and... What? Whoever wrote that in your e-mail had to have been forced to do so. That's like calling the Razzies the biggest night for the movie industry
  9. Check your PM box Jenner, if you haven't already.
  10. We always figured you were crazy, now this just proves it As for TL2, glad I could help. Don't forget, there's a PC version as well, with four games the PS2 version didn't have... Bubble Symphony, Cadash, Pop'n and Pop and RayForce (the shmup prequel to Raystorm). They're arcade ROMs that you can quite literally drop right into MAME and play on that emulator (just zip up the folders and that's it... they're even already named properly for MAME). It's $4.99 new at Gamestop, so...
  11. LT- I've debated this for a while, but I figured I'd ask after sitting down and finishing it... Could I get that as a personal avatar? It's based off of Jon Talbain's portrait on the character select screen in Darkstalkers. And just for the hell of it... Didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped (little motions look bigger in tighter spaces), but I animated it like that same portrait. I know animated avatars aren't allowed, but I thought I'd post it. Maybe someone else will want to use it on another site.
  12. http://store.steampowered.com/search/?price=0,5 I remember reading about this not long ago, but it seemed kind of odd for Steam to start offering up Genesis games. I know the VC does a decent bit of business, but I never pictured Steam getting in on the classic console market. Seems I was wrong. The prices thus far range from $2.99 to $4.99, which isn't a bad start really. The VC charges more, so at least Steam and Sega are on the right track with pricing. They also put up a decent selection. How successful this'll end up being is anyone's guess, but I hope this isn't something that's tried and barely ever updated with new content after its initial launch. Not that it matters, I have all of the games on that list, but still... Leaves me with two questions... - I wonder how the emulation is? - What kind of emulator did they use/create to require 50MB of space?
  13. To all the troops that visit OCR who have served and are currently serving, thank you for doing what you do. Though the rest of us may quarrel over the various wars, why they were started and what to do about them, we've never stopped wishing you a safe return home to your family and friends. For those who have left this world on our behalf over the many years...
  14. Dio was part of the previous trio. This trio was Art Linkletter, Gary Coleman and Dennis Hopper. However, this one is the worst of this trio, as Dennis Hopper was just so out there at times, it was hard not to find him enjoyable to watch. He always gave his characters this slightly off-kilter touch, making even a potentially boring character notable in some quirky way. He was a bit strange and a pain in the butt to some in Hollywood, but he was a great actor and an interesting personality. There aren't many like him, and now, there's one less unfortunately. RIP Dennis Hopper, and thanks for all the great movie memories.
  15. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with this thread, so...
  16. Hope Stewart has more of a role in this than he did in TES IV: Oblivion.
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