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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. It's amazing how quickly some folks get weirded out when an anthro character pops up
  2. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4911 DOSBox is your friend, and the above link is my guide to get it set up. Any questions or problems, ask here or in that thread.
  3. I played the demo of the first one and enjoyed it. The original King's Bounty was oldschool DOS (and Genesis) fun as well, so I've wanted to get them for a while. Finally got the chance.
  4. Picked up the King's Bounty Gold Edition ("The Legend" and "Armored Princess"). Can't find them in stores anymore, and $9.99 for what was otherwise $40 seemed like the right time to pounce. Got the first 5.5GB game in 3.5 hours. It took the second 5GB game some 10 hours to DL after constant "suspended" pauses. Gotta love Steam consistency.
  5. http://squeedgemonster.deviantart.com/gallery/ That's the same person, right? Sure seems like it. I remember seeing some of their stuff when I made the furry thread in PPR a while back. Definitely a wild and at times voodoo-centric/morbid take on things, but some of her work is really rather good.
  6. I gave the demo a whirl a while back. Not bad. It looks like a mix between Trouble Shooter and Insector-X (with shark girls), but plays like a horizontal manic shmup at times. Nice to see someone trying something different in the shmup world that doesn't involve lolis. Jesus jumped up Christ am I sick of seeing new shmups get announced and the "ships" turn out to be what look like 8 year old girls. Lolis are a trend in the shmup world that needs to die... soon. Anyway, so yeah. A shmup with shark girls in tight outfits and C-cups (at least). A bit strange, but I've seen a lot stranger in shmups. And hey, it's a hori instead of a vert to boot.
  7. Is the person who started this even around anymore? He hasn't posted since the beginning of this year, and that was only for a handful of posts after a previous six month vanishing. Not to mention the website's gone.
  8. So can not having someone proof read your script.
  9. "If you just uh, continue to press the the same button like a X, X, X, and Y, Y, Y, and X, X, and Y, Y, Y again, you'll be sucked." I have to get this game.
  10. Dude, didn't you see the remake of "The Time Machine"? Blowing up the moon will fubar everything. Sure it'll be one hell of a final ride, watching all that mankind has made and achieved crumble beneath a burning sky filled with fireballs streaming into the earth, but... I'm not done with Chrono Trigger yet and I just got it
  11. Well good morning to you too, sunshine There's a simple rule I go by with game systems... if you put the capability in, don't decide later to take it out. PS3's backward compatibility, the Genesis' headphone jack and volume control, the DS' ability to play GBA games... they were all there, working fine and quite appreciated by people. These were nice features that weren't really in the way of anything to warrant removal. That may seem unimportant to some, but I figure if you include a capability in a given system, leave it in for that system's duration and official redesigns. Bleck- I'm not talking about comparing one company's product to a different company's similar product. Samsung isn't making their own version of Wii to compete with Nintendo's. I'm talking about one single system being redone multiple times by its parent company during its rather finite 5-8 year life span. A system competing with itself basically. To use the DS again, there are four models, all with different additions and subtractions. Some minor, some quite major, but it's all the same basic system with different features added. Why make one version for launch, then another version with improvements, then add more to it again, and finally add more once more? Why not make the system once, leave it with it's feature set and let it ride? Making it more compact or drain the battery less is fine and understandable. But repeatedly adding more traits and adjusting others? I should never have to say, "this year's 360 has more features than last year's," but it's almost at that point. In my mind, a video game system shouldn't get the same yearly/bi-yearly updates and upgrades that a car, microwave or stereo line would. It might be the way the manufacturing world works, but that doesn't make it sit any better with me because it's already a part of so many things. Does it have to be a part of gaming too? Give the game system a feature set and save any additional things for either an add-on, or the next generation system. To do otherwise just feels like you're pissing on the feet of those who jumped on board at the start, while handing something better to those who came after them. Anyway, those are my thoughts on it. Agree or disagree, hopefully I made them clearly enough.
  12. Having watched it all, I wasn't wowed or disappointed really... + Halo Reach (I like the Halo games, but I still haven't gotten to play part 3 yet) ?? Gears of War 3 (They look like fun, but I've got no 360 yet, so I'll reserve judgment there) - Kinect (Not a fan of this whole motion controller, Wii-mote thing) ?? Fable 3 (I still haven't played the series, but I've been curious about it all for a while) ?? XBox 360 Slim (I'm happy in one sense, but until I see reliability reports, I'll hold off on an opinion) + Metal Gear Solid Rising (don't know if it's exclusive or not, but it looked fun) So, some ups and downs. Nothing that made me piss myself in overjoyed incontinence. But I will add this about Kinectimals... as much as I wanted to say, "JUST GIVE THE POOR KID A REAL PET!", I was impressed with the interactive behavior of the young tiger. It was cute, well animated and such, which made me wonder... how's the AI and such? How often do the same animations get repeated? Just how "deep" do the behavior algorithms go? Virtual pets have been pretty limited for the most part, so I'm curious to know how far they took Kinectimals.
  13. DSi dropped GBA compatibility (bad Nintendo! BAD!) and added a slightly bigger set of screens, while DSi XL added even bigger screens (and longer battery life over DSi). DSi also added a faster CPU and more RAM, two digital cameras, voice recording... all sorts of nifty little things. If someone had just bought a DS Lite four months earlier, I'd understand their being tweaked. Sure, the DS Lite wasn't an enormous jump over DS (though it had some advantages beyond cosmetic), but DSi moved things forward a good bit. DSi XL looks to be the best of the bunch (nice big-ish screens), but who knows if there's one more yet to come. There's a nice little comparison on Wikipedia if you want to check it out. Not to me or you, but I know a good number of people were pretty upset when it got dropped (usually because they sold or packed away their PS2). I remember people trying like hell to find those 60GB PS3s so they could have the compatibility. Wouldn't call that bolded part minor What's sad is that it didn't do all that much after all the hype about how much better the Jasper chip was. I don't know. Dropping the UMD format altogether was a pretty big step. Makes me wonder why they kept "PSP" in the title of the thing given it can't play the original PSP UMDs anymore. That's like calling the DSi the GBA-DS or something. Oh I wasn't trying to compare the compatibility aspect of PCs and handhelds, just the constant updating trait. 3 GBAs, 4 PSPs, 4 DSs, 9 (technically speaking) variants of the PS3 and 360... really? Was all that needed? I mean no offense, but that's you. Other people see those updates differently. WiFi, bigger screens, longer battery life... those are big selling points for some. I know I'd like a 4.2" screen over a 3" one, or a camera to play around with (I still don't have a digital camera... stop laughing). Keep in mind, I'm not bashing you or anything, so don't take all this in that way. Those aren't big deals to you, and to be honest, a lot of it's not a big deal to me. WiFi, longer battery life... not big sellers IMHO (my systems stay home). But bigger screens, bigger hard drives, more light settings, more reliable hardware... those are important to me, which is why I do my best to wait. I guess we don't see eye to eye on some of the things with this. That kind of thing irks me to no end. I've gotten things off of Steam, Amazon, Gamestop and them, only to see it discounted a week or two later (Torchlight went on sale not even TWO DAYS after I bought it... that hurt).
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