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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Same basic songs (though ABII has "City 202" which AB doesn't), but the songs are quite different sounding for the most part... "After Burner"- sounds almost barren compared to the ABII version "Super Stripe"- a bit closer, but not as full sounding due to one instrument being VERY quiet and another being gone. "Red Out"- sounds very similar "Final Take Off"- emptier sounding due to one instrument being very quiet "Maximum Power"- much the same as "After Burner"... rather barren in comparison
  2. Wish I had the $11.99 to get it on sale. I loved RKA and both versions of Sparkster. A part of me wants to wait until some reviews have come in, but another part (the part that's broke) wants to say, "Fuck it, just get it!"
  3. Well then it's just not the same without the "Insert disc 5," followed by "Insert disk 3" ten minutes later As for DOSBox... http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4911
  4. Not only do I remember it, but I remember the stupid amount of floppy disk swapping that had to be done... a trait shared by many (all?) of the D&D games on the old C64. And God help you if one of the disks got fubar. Eight disks and it's just one of them that keeps you from being able to play.
  5. What? Didn't you find the hidden level? Dude! Mario's got Peach bent over, with her hands on the wall. You hit the buttons to the rhythm of remixed classic Mario tunes while Mario bangs Peach doggie style. Yoshi, along with various enemies from the series, are cheering him on in the background and if you miss the timing of a button, Mario prematurely ejaculates and you have to redo the entire regular level over again after Peach trash talks you and walks out. It sucks if that happens, because hidden level's not accessible anymore... meaning you get one shot at it. If you blow it, you have to start a new game and play all the way up to the hidden level again to give it another shot. I won't tell you what you win if you make it through all 13 tunes. Don't wanna spoil it. But it's probably one of the better fucking games out there.
  6. Hmmm... The ones that come immediately to mind that feature both horizontal and vertical levels are... Thunder Force II LifeForce/Salamnder Salamander II Axelay (it's "into" the screen, but...) Ones that make your ship go in both directions during a stage... Steel Empire Sidearms Gleylancer (I'm not 100% on this one... it's been a while) Arrow Flash Whip Rush Eliminate Down (like Gleylancer, I'm not 100% sure on this one) Bio-Hazard Battle Forgotten Worlds Gaiares Atomic Robo-Kid Phelios Trouble Shooter In the Hunt There's also Sub Terrania which is quite shmup-like, but gravity-based.
  7. Your real name wouldn't be Marty McFly, would it?
  8. Momma Coop likes Foghat, The Doobie Brothers, some older Van Halen and even some Megadeth (as an example, "Sweating Bullets"). She's also a fan of the ol' doo-wop groups. What she's not fond of, is electronica/dance/trance and all that (which rules out a healthy chunk of OCR, VGMix and such). Regarding game music, she's not a listener. It doesn't factor into her life at all really. However, I can say the origin of the music doesn't matter as long as it's enjoyable to her. She's heard remixes that she liked and others she didn't, knowing they were remixes from a video game, so...
  9. Came across the website in very early 2002, not long after I found VGMix. Popped in and out for a few months before I decided to join in May of that year. Been here ever since.
  10. One thread means someone has to update it every time and no one's interested enough to do that. Merging threads was tried for a while, but that too stopped. Most of these threads die off within 48 hours after the end of the birthday in question, so it's no biggie.
  11. Long overdue bump. The new EGM is finally on shelves. Way later than it was originally supposed to be, but it's finally out. Not bad looking. New sections and familiar ones, heavier paper for the magazine and cover... I haven't gotten to read everything yet, but so far, it's not looking too bad. It's $6.99 now, but you do get a 31 day code for the new EGMi site in each issue, so...
  12. Thanks for posting it, Petara. I was swamped all day.
  13. -=Aerosmith=- Permanent Vacation Pump Some samples... - "Rag Doll" - "Love in an Elevator" - "Dude Looks Like a Lady"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMrJag-J-MY - "My Girl"
  14. Don't feel dumb. I've never played a Zelda game... period. So the image was pretty unknown to me. But I'll pretend otherwise and say, "OMG GUYZ I NEW WUT IT WUZ B4 IT WUZ POSTED! WUT TOOK U GUYZ SO LONG?! LOL!!!!!shift+one"
  15. Greetings Programs. Sorry for the longish delay. Been busy writing. As far as I know, I still have the original story I wrote (with stage ideas and such), the two frames of animation I made for the Tortoise boss using the sprite given to me, as well as the couple of Tan sprites I tinkered with regarding "Nice Shot," which (as far as I know) weren't going to be used. I also know I have the background I made for Wingless' program. Give me a couple of days to dig them up. Tomorrow's looking busy so it would be it until Monday sometime.
  16. That's because it's pissing off the moth that's been stuck in your ear since last Tuesday.
  17. This is rather strange. I heard, 8, 10 and 12 piercingly clearly. However, I hear nothing from 14 to 17, then I can hear 18 a bit, then not 19, then I can hear 20 to 22. I've had tinnitus (ringing in ears) since my earliest memories around the age of 3 or 4 years old, so I imagine that's the cause behind this.
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