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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Disrespectful, tactless and total douche baggery.
  2. Don't go solely by what Wikipedia has the say. The term "Second Party Developer" has been around for a good while. It's not a recent invention. http://www.search.com/reference/Second-party_developer It may not be "official," but it does exist.
  3. I have no idea why that game won't run in DOSBox for you. I have the Gamefest Forgotten Realms collection with that and twelve other old D&D games, and they all run fine in DOSBox. If all else fails, you could just find it at an abandonware site and drop the unzipped folder into the proper place ("DOSGames" if you used my guide). That'll likely be a different version than the one you're trying to use.
  4. I believe Bleck is asking for games from EA proper, not a company that EA bought and who still puts their name on what they create (like Bioware does).
  5. I hope they make this available after the birthday's over. I'd like to keep it for fun.
  6. True, but the fact that it's used means someone bought it new and the given company got their $20 to $100 (gotta count the nifty Collector's stuff) If EA wants a piece of this used market pie, why not go after the retail chains that sell used games? Get Gamestop, Blockbuster and them to give a percentage of all used EA games sold to EA. Why go directly after the user with a $10 fee? Vivi22- If that's the case, then what;s the point of boasting about big revenues, umpteen million copies and games X, Y and Z being sold and all that? Again, I'm no market strategist. But if they bled cash despite this, isn't that a bit like jumping up and down celebrating that you got hit by a car?
  7. It does indeed cost cash, and making games is very expensive. But EA doesn't need this money to survive. They just recently posted over $1 billion (that's a "B") in Non-GAAP Net Revenue profits in Q2 last year. Then there's this... http://www.totalvideogames.com/FIFA-10/news/EA-Announces-Record-Breaking-Revenue-For-FY10-15222.html So again, how is this fee justified? What income are they trying to make up for when they're posting record revenue? I may not be a businessman, or understand the market well, but "record breaking revenue" sounds like they're doing just fine and this fee smacks of simply being a cash grab by wringing more out of the pockets of the people already supporting them. And here's something I wondered about earlier this morning while my power was out... What's going to happen to the game rental business should this become the norm?
  8. That is by far the coolest thing Google has done with their celebratory logos. Sound, the levels get faster, the bonus items change... it even has at least one of the cinemas from the arcade game. Kudos.
  9. It's so much what it does to Gamestop, but rather the good smaller, more local stores, and the good sellers on ebay, Amazon and half.com. It's going to affect everyone trying to sell a used game with this fee thing attached to it; from store chains to flea market booths. I'm not fond of Gamestop either, but I don't want to see the second hand market get crippled if this thing takes off. I don't like the idea of walking into a fee minefield two or three years from now because I didn't own system X when it was in its heyday.
  10. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6262879.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B2
  11. Awwww. The multi-billion dollar company feels butthurt in the wallet over used games. Poor widdle baby. I'd play a sympathy violin for them, but a small enough one doesn't exist yet. So what are people supposed to with games when a new yearly update comes out, throw them away? God forbid someone without $69.99 to blow on a roster update goes after a previous NFL or NBA game because it's $7.99 used a year later. EA and others have gotten so tweaked over their games getting resold, and all they've told you is basically, "By a new game from us because we'll cry if you don't!" Guess that didn't work, so now they're punishing the people who buy it used with a $10 fee to activate it for online use. Yeah, that's a good plan. It'll work well. The problem is, despite my sarcasm, it probably will work well. People will buy a used game at $39.99, pay the fee, and think "WOOHOO! I saved me some money!" It'll give EA and anyone else who tries this dollar signs in their eyes, and we'll be off to the races as they try and figure out new ways to carry out similar fees. Now, I don't play games online. I'm not paying for Live, or the upcoming Premium PSN package, or some monthly fee on top of the $50 I forked out to buy the game just so I can play on their dedicated servers. Not interested. So this fee-to-play-a-used-game-online thing doesn't affect me. But if this gets even remotely close to profitable, it'll spread into other areas like offline play, single player play and so forth... and that's bad. Really bad. Why? Let's say you don't have Live. You buy a game used, have no interest in the online aspect of it, and just want a fun time waster to play. You get home, pop the game in, and the game starts trying to check on Live to see if its code has been used by someone. Guess what? It can't check, tells you to log into Live to verify the game, and you can go no further. And even if you had Live, it would see its code in the database and you'd have to pay a fee to play it in single player offline mode. Don't tell me it couldn't happen. ... I wonder how long it'll be before we're charged for the patch fixes.
  12. Doom (SNES)- I know everyone was wowed by the system playing a PC game, but dear God... the pixelation is insane and the framerate is pretty rough. Sure the music is nice and it has a good number of the levels, but... Everyone gave ports like the ones on Saturn and 3DO a lot of shit, but they're better versions to play than the highly praised SNES one.
  13. The man who arguably made popular a symbol that's been used for many years in the world of metal, a voice that was distinct and unique, and the creator of music that I grew up hearing and enjoying. RIP Ronnie James Dio. The world of metal won't be the same without you. ... You know, I'm reminded of something an old OCR poster named soup once said that caught on for a little while in UnMod years ago... WWRJDD? What would Ronnie James Dio do?
  14. No mention of the EyeToy? It had gimmick written all over it. Not to mention the novelty wears off quite fast. I'm actually surprised they didn't go after the 3-D glasses for the Master System. They made you look like a dork with their "old people sun glasses" design. Of course, they also worked and had some genuinely fun games made for them, but given how few games there were...
  15. Nope.

    I got burned out on IRC after over three straight years of constantly using it. Plus, the free version of Zone Alarm blocks the port IRC uses and there's no way to unblock it (there is with the regular version that you pay for though). So even if I got a hankering to hop on, I couldn't without turning off my firewall... which would be bad :lol:

  16. Updated my post on page two to reflect the new quadruple nature of this thread.
  17. Sometimes even $5 or $10 is a stretch. I'd kill to get Rocket Knight, but $15 is out of the question financially. I held off on buying portal because I heard about how short it is. The first 15 or 16 levels go by pretty fast, but the remaining ones are noticeably more devious. Plus, you unlock new challenges and such, so it has more life than the original 19 levels. It's short, but fun and funny. It's also 3GB to download, so be patient.
  18. Aw... after all this, the track I tried to remix for the project is gonna get axed? Bummer.
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