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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Kirby rap? Last line of the chorus... "We've got two words for ya..." **yelled by a big crowd** "SUCK IT!"
  2. I wonder how long it'll take for the ebay sellers to start their "OMG L@@K RARE COPY OF SEGA-PULLED SONIC UNLEASHED" bullshit?
  3. Cussing. Swearing. Offensive language. Dirty words. ... I love them. Great fun at parties, and it has long lasting effects on kids who never heard such words. It just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling to know that as little Timmy is tucked into bed, he's asking his Mommy just what a Mongolian Cluster Fuck is, why Lil' Kim is trying to get her cat sucked on, and if he could suck Fluffy tomorrow to see if it's fun.
  4. Now that I've had a little nap, time to type... I generally don't attribute a sig or avatar with someone's personality. The reason being that half the time, the poster's way of writing and their responses to others give away that bit of info more than a sig image does. I might identify/recognize them by their sig or avatar, but that's it. As for my sigs and such, I'm not sure what they say about me, or what impressions they give to people who read my posts for the first time. I'm almost afraid to ask
  5. I'll answer the question once I'm no longer utterly exhausted. In the meantime, consider this post a rain check.
  6. That no matter how big the threat is that looms over the kingdom/land/world, that cheap fucker the King won't give you more than barely enough to get the shittiest weapons and armor before sending you on your way.
  7. I forgot to ask, do you want me to do the cover and back again this year?
  8. Being likely too familiar with the source tune, I can say first off that this is a great remix. However, there are some things that I think could use some improvement... - The cymbals feel pretty weak for what's basically a metal remix of this. They lack some of the punch one would expect of them with this kind of song. As such, I believe they could stand being brought forward more than they currently are and being given more presence in the mix. - There are a few spots where it seems like there should be a cymbal crash, but there isn't. An example is right after the drum roll at roughly 00:00:09, the areas at approximately 00:00:27.10, 00:01:39.21, 00:01:42.00, 00:02:24.29... places where the one set of harmonies and chords ends and others begin. I understand if you're truing not to go apeshit on cymbal crashes, but I think you underplayed them a bit, leaving areas that feel unfinished because there's nothing to punctuate such changes. The mix itself if very good. You made good use of variations on the short source material, keeping Tecno Soft's synth metal vibe alive and well in the remix. But I feel your cymbals are the weak spot in it, as they aren't matching the intensity of the rest of the song, while also leaving areas that feel oddly empty due to a lack of them. If you give them a boost, I think you'll have a fine remix that you could call finished. Kudos on the selection by the way. Nice to see I'm not the only one around these parts trying to give the best 16-bit shmup out there some remixing love
  9. ... That... is the first time I've ever seen the word "favorite" when someone's talked about a remix of mine. Many thanks for the compliments, Tydin.
  10. So, um... am I allowed to play this year? I can't help but feel some of the first post is directed at me, given my last two submissions
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