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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Do you realize how many FPS, shmups, beat'em ups and racing games can fit under that? See, that's one of my problems with "casual" and "hardcore"... the terms are so broad and at the same time generic, that they mean almost nothing except to those who try and define them in such a way as to make their aspect of gaming sound better in their own ears. They're just... borderline nonsense.
  2. Bah. It's not about fitting in, it's about enjoying the games. I know realism is the "in" thing these days, but it wasn't always. 16-bit and 32-bit games varied pretty widely from cutesy, to cartoony, to more realistic to violent as hell with eyebrow-perking levels of realism. And really, cartoony and puzzle games made up some of the most popular games long before this whole casual/hardcore cartoony/realism thing became so bloody important to people's gaming egos. My personal favorite genre is shmups, which is a genre that has a rather large amount of variations in how they've been made. You've got the Parodius cutesy to the Under Defeat realistic. You've got Thunder Force III friendliness to Mars Matrix "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE THIS SHIT?!" insanity. Many different styles, but they're all shmups. If you play and enjoy Parodius, you're no less of a shmup lover than someone who studies the likes of DoDonpachi. This same mindset can easily be applied to gaming in general. Just because you like Pokemon and not GTA IV doesn't give others or yourself the license to put you on some imaginary lower tier. You like different genres and there's nothing odd about that. What is odd, is that somehow "casual" has a become a genre that encompasses other genres... and it shouldn't. It's a catchphrase... something to separate what some people put under that banner from the rest of their gaming world because they're simply far too full of their opinions about what they like to play. So rock that copy of Pokemon Heartgold girl and don't worry about fitting in. You already do, whether the MW2 and GoW2 crowd want to admit it or not.
  3. That's what I've always wondered. Many "casual" games seem to just be puzzle games at heart. The term fit for everything like them from the 8-bit era to the 128-bit era, so...
  4. All right, so it's a suburb of the DS thread. It's still no place to trash talk the PSP, as that could start some bad things brewing. Next thing you know, PSP owners come in here snapping their fingers, singing about "When you're a Go, you're a Go all the way" and then a D-pad fight breaks out.
  5. I know folks want to find him, see why he left, tell him this or that and what have you, but I say just leave the man alone. He left for a reason and didn't leave behind ways to contact him for a reason. Give him his privacy. If he chooses to come back some day, welcome him with open arms. If he doesn't, then just remember him fondly and respect that he apparently wants to be left alone after years of putting up with all of us looney-bin aspiring types.
  6. DS, DSLite, DSi, DSXL, 3DS... DS Micro has to be coming.
  7. I despise terms like "casual" and "hardcore" to describe games and gamers. They're nothing more than terms made up so people can separate themselves from the games/gamers they don't want to be associated with for whatever self-serving reasons. They're video games. And if you play them, you're a gamer. Period. Saying you're "hardcore" doesn't make you cooler in any way, shape or form, and saying you just play "casual" games doesn't make you any less of a gaming geek. It's time people got over this retardation. If you play video games, accept the fact you're a gamer and move on. Edit: Yes, this post comes off somewhat trollish. But after years of hearing those terms on the Web and in real life, it's simply reached the point where I just want to strangle people. Those terms rank right up there with "real" when talking of gamers.
  8. That's because... YOU ARE! Everyone's a newbie at some point. Some folks seem to forget that while they're bashing away at the ranking FNG. But as long as you're just a newb and not a n00b, then you'll be fine.
  9. S3Xy817CH- "Ooooooo... baby. Oh yeah, hit that combo. Oh, the quick time event's coming!" k1llerdud3- "Uh oh. I've never been very good at these." S3Xy817CH- "Oh! Hit the button! FASTER! OH GOD FASTER!" k1ll3rdud3- "I'm hitting it as fast as I can!" S3Xy817CH- "OH GOD YOU'RE ALMOST DONE! OH GOD YE-" **on-screen "Player 2 has disconnected"** ... **on-screen "Player 2 has joined the game"** k1ll3rdud3- "You still there? I disconnected before we were both done." S3Xy817CH- "Story of my life." k1ll3rdud3- "What?"
  10. With this thread pretty much done, was Rozovian the only one to notice my "sig" back on page 1?
  11. Where are you people finding time to get these done already? I haven't touched my remix since Friday due to work
  12. It says "Since this thread was done backwards..." right above the NWG (or GWN as the case may be) image, which is right above the sig in question.

  13. Yeah, that definitely wouldn't have gone over well. In UnMod? Sure. But OCR in general these days? Nope.

    By the way, did you happen to watch my signature in your BD thread? It goes with the text I wrote ;-)

  14. Since this thread was done backwards... ________________
  15. It's not fixed in FireFox 3.5.(something) either. My cache's been cleared, but they still show up behind it.
  16. Unless you happen to be using Rama's dark skin for the site.
  17. Necrobump you Castlevania loving mudda fuggas! Anyway, I cruised through the thread and didn't see this linked to, so... http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-09-castlevania-lords/54474 It's an extended trailer from last year's GC. Shows more in-game stuff and dialogue. I read through everything here, and if memory serves, this is supposed to be a reboot of the franchise (it's all the rage these days, isn't it?). So how it links into the older games doesn't really matter if that's the case. It'd be a fresh start... though I'm sure there'll be lots of little fan service touches that'll hearken the previous games.
  18. This has been going on at another forum I visit courtesy of NTSC, and it seemed to result in some fun. So, I thought I'd try bringing it over here and see how things went. The point? To make up a Sega Genesis game cover that didn't exist back in the day. You can take it seriously, or just have some goofy fun. However you want to do it. But to help get you started, I made these four templates for you guys to use... For changing the date or country down at the bottom, use Arial, bold, size 5 with the aliasing set to "sharp". For the description font with the screenshots, use Arial, regular, size 4.24, the leading (space between lines) should be 5.7, with the aliasing set to "sharp". And yes, unlike my last ones, these have transparencies. Keep in mind, these are settings for Photoshop. Also, if you want to do something like turn the bottom black/grid design into a "1-2 Player" cover, just cut and paste that logo from the first black/grid box. Both use the same grid pattern, so it should line right up if you put the left edge of "1-2 Players" box over the left edge of the "1 Player" box. VRC Ratings for red box. For the tiny font where you'd read things about copyright (the "Sega and Genesis are trademarks of SEGA" line), use Arial, regular, size 2, aliasing set to Sharp, and the leading (space between lines of text) set to 2.1. For the description text on these boxes, I used Arial, regular, size 6.2, aliasing set to Sharp, and leading set to 6.3. These settings are also for Photoshop. And to get things possibly jump started, here are two I did... Anyway, I know there are plenty of creative people here, so let's see if we can lure them out. Surely there's enough Genesis love to have a little fun with this, right?
  19. It doesn't take a fan to potentially make a good game movie. It takes people who are willing to look into the history of the franchise, see the stories and characters, and be willing to use all of the mythos that franchise has to offer in building the script. From there, it takes people who are actually good at their craft... be it acting, directing, cinematography, whatever. And then of course, you need people who are good at special effects, set design and so forth. The problem with game movies, is that most of the time there are several of those things missing. They might find decent actors, or get some nice shots, but the majority of what gets laid to film feels like everyone was slacking off... they it was just being done for a paycheck (i.e. anything by/for Uwe Boll). There's nothing that says a fan will be good at writing, acting, directing, or any other aspect of making a film. Being a fan doesn't make that person skilled. You just need people who really care about their craft enough to be good at it, regardless of what the source of their movie is.
  20. He did? Well shit. I had a remix I at least wanted to send his way, but I never found out where the hell to send it ("Still Going Down" was the mix). I didn't have high hopes of it being picked, but it would have been cool to get a quick comment or two from the man whose song I remixed.
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