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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. http://famicompo-mini.com/compo/vol7/index.html http://dl.dropbox.com/u/116911/FCM7_Entries_named.rar 142 nsf files, 1.8 mb [wow!] A strong showing by #mod_shrine this year once again, and hooray, 2 new chibitech songs, as well as an appearance by DJ BOOTY BLIP [lol irc injokes] <3 everyone please vote!
  2. holy shit this song is from like 1996 how did you not hear this back then also did anyone post yet?
  3. I would work out to . if there's any music that'd make you feel heroic, this'd be it(´・ω・`)Also, here's something cool, virt wrote his own rocky-esque montage music, for getting back into shape: http://www.biglionmusic.com/music-release/gym-training-montage might like that
  4. well that's good to hear! remix those abs bro
  5. the OPs aren't actually out of order, you can reorder the operators and the carriers in different premade fashions. if you're watching youtube videos, wouldn't they show you how VOPM works?
  6. yeah I feel bad for people who bought Morrowind and oblivion [and team fortress 2!] for the xbox. they're missing out on so much!
  7. I don't put anything on my steaks because I cook them right anyway yeah I modded the fuck out of my oblivion game, though it turned out to be like 15 GB so I deleted it after not playing it in forever. Once in a blue moon I'll reinstall everything though and play through again, and get lost in the world. I think modding works so well for the game because Oblivion is already a "complete" world, as in the base for everything is already there, vanilla just needed... more stuff. I got some mods that add like 300 more NPCs to the towns and the wilderness, for example, also children running in the street [who are damn near invincible and hard to catch, goddam!] I should try running it again now that I have a monitor that does 1920x1200 and can probably run the game maxed out graphically, it'll probably look bloody amazing. I tried getting one of those new texture packs, and it looked like shit though, so I'm just gonna use the normal textures [also khajiit arms turned purple lol] seconding the clocks mod and lost spires, that shit was great!
  8. more like level 25 am i rite
  9. Hey Jill is that email you sent out confirming your mailing list recipients legit? I'm just checking given the history of the thing to begin with [i think protricity signed me up for it lol] but I do want to remain on your list.

  10. kind of a strange absence of larry and dave in this thread, plus a lack of announcements at all even when it's less than a month out... even though the panel is confirmed
  11. thirding the youtube advice. I've gotten my music in a couple gameplay videos featuring remixes of the game I've covered, plus some of my original songs as well. That plus, like Zirc, I like to post videos of my projects playing in Renoise, it gives people an insight into how i create my music and hopefully that'll sell a couple more copies of Renoise heh heh p.s. check out my youtube channel lol
  12. I've had Lisztomania by Phoenix stuck in my head for a while now
  13. happy birthday starky
  14. most of the hour last year was everyone dicking around with SSF2 HD anyway, we got to skip the "who here knows what OCR is?" bit because EVERYONE raised their hand
  15. well that's more than I ever usually get thanks for the feedback on my feedback :3
  16. Well I know a couple C64 guys made their music with BASIC... :3
  17. well, I got a friday pass! and, oh what a stroke of luck, the OCR Panel is in the raven theatre on friday at 1:30. And guess who's playing on Friday night? Anamanaguchi, Metroid Metal, The Protomen, and The Minibosses feels good man, friday = the best pax day
  18. yeah this would be a cool idea, it promotes listening to stuff you might not've heard otherwise [which I know is an idea dave talks about all the time]
  19. I Stole Your Shit, a remix of "I Saw Your Ship." I accidentally made industrial hip hop I think? http://soundtempest.net/soc/remix/oc-eve-istoleyourshit.mp3
  20. chiptunes w...without a tracker?!?! ( ゚Д゚)
  21. A_Rival is this awesome: also he hangs out in #mod_shrine I'll let him know you guys care :3
  22. if there is, get me a guest pass fuckers, cause you know you want me on that panel :V I got the vacation time off and everything, and I wanna hang with the crew again. Fucking can't believe they sold out two months early, that's unbelievable.
  23. I would recommend making an account and then linking your account to that artist page, so you don't end up like my friend coda [he's the "white guy who makes flash loops and chiptunes" coda ]
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