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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Karas? Really? Well, it was OK. speaking of anime with masked protagonists who have superpowers and have little white haired loli backup partners, I finished Darker than Black this week and was sorely disappointed, both in the ending and in Yoko Kanno's work on the forgettable soundtrack. I'm trying to think of what I should watch next. Maybe that anime about lolis in the military :3
  2. I read the Planetes manga, I thought it was superb. I didn't think the plot was garb.... oh wait I see what you did there. but no the story was enjoyable to me
  3. just a heads up guys, I'm still playing this. Looking back on this thread, it's amazing how much has changed in my alliance. We are now low sec pirates, and I'm flying a fucking machariel doing level 4s to get my security status up every time I pod some guy, plus it funds my pew pew nicely. Training up for a Broadsword ATM, should be fackin like a master on gatecamps now. I'm also posting because I noticed Hyperion's sig and I was like "hey wait a second that's a fucking Hyperion lol" Hyperion5182 post in this thread, what the fuck is up bro?
  4. I completed Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl to reggae music made the good ending pretty funny though. the zone more like zion amirite
  5. cheers for posting some material from my favourite castlevania in the series
  6. I can help you with renoise too if you need go through the tutorials and that should cover most of the renoise-specific stuff, assuming you understand the basics of tracking to begin with!
  7. nario you've found your niche you should show up to DDR tournaments and just play NES games, would be hilarious
  8. yeah that pissed me off too. I actually bought it on the 8th and got the preorder discount, then I look on the page and it says "available may 7th" and I'm like what and then I look the next day and it says the 12th?!?!?!?
  9. There's some Turrican 3 remixes here: http://www.amigaremix.com/remixes/search/turrican%203 and one here: http://remix.kwed.org/index.php?search=turrican+3
  10. The rattling actually sounds like a tambourine... you can just say it is your friend on percussion
  11. holy shit nario you amaze me again I hope you do ducktales next or give me a footjob goddam
  12. Yeah, for real! I wasn't expecting the PAX panel to be so huge, especially when there are very few posters on the forums from the Seattle area. Looking out on that crowd [and then pictochatting with them] was one of the best feelings ever. I love being in front of huge crowds too bad my eyes were all fucked up from allergies, so I look like I have some kind of tic in the video
  13. I love the Soundblaster 16 T_T http://adplug.sourceforge.net/ might be what you're looking for
  14. Because Arguru died His sample interpolation method lives on in Renoise however!
  15. Madtracker can do what you need but I hope you switch to Renoise eventually I love how trackers are suddenly way more popular than they were in the early '00s. There's a lot of FruityLoops ex-users making music with renoise or madtracker, which is what happened with me too.
  16. I found K. Praslowicz's Shadow remix on Napster back in 2001, and followed the link in the ID3 tags. Been stuck here ever since
  17. hey this thread it is still around! some good free chiptunes that just came out Animal Style - Trenchvent Norrin Radd - Anomaly
  18. blonde girl rapping? tell me more
  19. This is why I like my DS lite. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoonShell
  20. I'm interested in this "Indie Brawl" game! Pretty solid medley there, it makes me want to go play Iji again Only thing I would change is the very beginning when the crunchy guitar chords from Tor start playing, I wouldn't use that lead synth as it kinda ruins the heaviness of the original. Like, you could make the medley just have guitar and drums for the first 16 seconds until the strings come in.
  21. http://soundtempest.net/soc/compotune/oc-bp2010-foryourprotection.mp3 This was my streaming music entry for Blockparty 2010. It's one of the few songs I've actually finished this year.
  22. Google "TFM Maker"
  23. is iiiiiiiiiittt.... the white chamber? I remember playing this when it came out, back then I thought it was fantastic for being freeware - not sure how well it's aged. The girl looks ridiculous but the rest of the art looks really well done.
  24. dem dorfs man dem fuckin dorfs
  25. I have no need for one, so I don't, sorry!
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