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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I read this title as "Monorail and Appleseed Cat" I know of Monoral from their song featured on Ergo Proxy but I was really not a fan.
  2. japanese people are not very good at site design oh yeah i am making a site for my art lemme list all my artwork as TINY LITTLE SQUARES ALL CLOSE TOGETHER
  3. There are programs more suited to recording live audio than others. Give Reaper a try, since that's the cheapest option and it's also pretty decent software.
  4. Arcanum was REALLY HARD but one of a few steampunk games that are really well done. The soundtrack is so good, don't forget to grab it here, they put it up for free years ago, along with the score sheets!
  5. I use Renoise on Win 7 Pretty much all common DAWs work fine in windows 7 now.
  6. I could've told you anything about chiptunes but you didn't actually ask anything in your post just "tell me about chiptunes" what the
  7. shouldn't take me more than a couple hours, the problem for me is starting in the first place...
  8. I'll take one secret of the chozo please! failing that, I'll do one of the ambient choons
  9. ambient industrial music as usual
  10. DJP should go all Jim Wales someone mock up a nice banner, I suck at graphics
  11. it's gotta be from a newer final fantasy game OR a ghibli movie
  12. VOPM ... what? as far as HARDWARE synths, I got this baby:
  13. Holy shit I totally remember that I did it!
  14. what happens if you listen to ?
  15. >mfw same avatar
  16. Yes there is one other renoise user and that would be me of course, all my posted remixes are old and made with FL Studio, but any of my recent stuff is 100% renoise
  17. >implying #vgmusic, #theshizz and #mod_shrine are dead Esper #ocremix currently sitting at 24 users
  18. fuck reading dude that's for anime voice actors
  19. sampling? it's rap dude. yeah he ripped it from the game and put a drumbeat over it, that's what you're supposed to do. I don't really give a shit, and yeah the royalties machine will work itself out.
  20. You forgot on the male side: they have the shonen, high voiced protagonist, pretty boy voice, AND... Norio Wakamoto They should just have Wakamoto voice every character ever. even the girls
  21. oh yeah he's mondo good
  22. looks like you're already on EsperNet here
  23. Yes really, #ocremix has been on ETG just about... as long as OC Remix has been around. That's a long time!
  24. I second EsperNet just because that's the one server I use fuck yeah #mod_shrine, #theshizz and #renoise
  25. well this one time, I was looking on nicovideo, and being an egotistical jerk that I am, I found THIS: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2668568 [you need a nicovideo account to view] It's a giant 55 minute video full of seiken densetsu remixes, and mine is the 2nd song in after the intro track [!] it's the collab i did with Helen Trevillion so long ago I think it's just cool that my music has made it across the pond. Also, as for youtube: some guy making a Super Metroid fangame to Path-ology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs9DHo58670 Finding a glitch in BG&E to H2O nothing particularly strange
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