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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Better to have it and not need it... You don't need to map those buttons to anything? You sho' bout dat?
  2. Finally got around to darker than black. hopefully it stays this good. I just finished episode four and...
  3. I actually just tweaked it a little more. I'm going to consider this finished. Check the link in the topic post, it's still the same.
  4. I liked the FM7 interface better
  5. Now I see why Bethesda only uses like 3 voice actors and then kills off their big-name voice actor early in the game [see: Patrick Stewart / Liam Neeson] Patrick Stewart totally played a fantasy king already though, in Lands of Lore: great old dungeon crawler game. They also put Patrick Stewart's character into a coma from a magic spell. Must be a common budget-cutting technique, since writers are cheaper
  6. This better to start out with free stuff and move to the professionally made shit if you feel like the freeware is limiting you [but it shouldn't! I could go on all day about free stuff but I won't] my free bread&butter is like -synth1 -vopm -sts-whateverthenumberisnow -wav samples looped and processed to oblivion
  7. I'LL ALLOW IT yes we do accept remixes from any cartoon http://www.animeremix.org/remix/33/ as you can see here
  8. my alliance had a TCU in fountain for a whole 10 minutes! haha some talos coalition Cynabal came along and started shooting at it. I had a cruise phoon for ratting though so I couldn't really do anything anyway they got a huge fleet and blowed it up before it even onlined
  9. If you want a total timesink you can play EVE Online with me :3 you don't exactly fly your ship around like in freelancer [it's more like click in space to move, like Homeworld or something] but it's got depth, an interesting setting, and plenty of good fun.
  10. Kinda reminds me of this, by the way: hahaha
  11. they probably kept it in there for SUPER REALISTIC probably because you made the horn section play too long asshole
  12. You can clearly see the $29.99 on the fucking box I see a lot of ebay items like this actually. When I was searching for Secret of Mana I found this http://cgi.ebay.com/Secret-of-Mana-SNES-Super-Nintendo-NEW-SEALED-VGA-85_W0QQitemZ150410038810QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games_Games?hash=item2305230e1a there's a couple more like this. search for "VGA 85" and you'll see a bunch of overpriced crap. $365 for Metroid II it may be the best metroid game but it's certainly not worth that much.
  13. cho co la i to disco chocola i to disco cho co la i to di su ko
  14. There's no such thing as a non-gritty SID, that's just how that sound chip works and the reason I love the sid chip in the first place.
  15. [08:16:37] Nark Achura > go home pirate)) [08:18:21] Nark Achura > OverCoaf, go home [08:18:29] OverCoat > I am just here to help [08:18:37] Nark Achura > no-no [08:20:32] Nark Achura > OverCoaf? go home [08:23:42] Nark Achura > OverCoat, go home *steals Ship's Crew* [08:24:13] OverCoat > ok [08:24:23] OverCoat > if you insist [08:26:17] Nark Achura > no good boy [08:26:45] Nark Achura > you afro-american I wish more of you guys would play with me I'd put in a good word for you if you joined my corp
  16. inb4 PRESS X TO JASON etc
  17. arpeggio madness this is pretty cool, nice dynamic song. Maybe I should start doing the compos here again.
  18. Find Xaleph, IIRC he goes to Otacon [but not magfest wtf?!?! pisses me off] and is the actual owner of Anime Remix.

  19. Thanks bahamut! I now have twice the metal: maybe I can keep the sealed copy for ebay in 30 years.
  20. I wish I were going to Otacon, but I can't fly too often during the year. It's pretty much MAGFest BlockParty and PAX [that's PAX west!] for my convention circuit.

  21. Kinda makes me wonder what I got
  22. They did something to the mp3s after Dominion came out and now they are all fast and super-low bitrate?!?! Below the Asteroids sounds like shit now. Might do "I Saw Your Ship" next. Maybe.
  23. no one else ever listened to this? some forum this is.
  24. I like my Midiman Oxygen 8. They make bigger versions with more butan to pres that are probably great.
  25. No way! It's only like 2 years old! Also uhhhhhh it's a mixer, they typically don't have USB interfacing, though some do I guess... I think that's for controlling your software mixer maybe? Anyway, I have mine plugged into a nice E-Mu 1212M with lots of i/o on the back.
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