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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Which one sounds more real? Well........ Depends. Soundfonts are usually shit compared to the large orchestral libraries like GPO or QLSO or what-the-fuck-ever acronym that comes out, however these large orchestral libraries [which come in VSTi form] cost a lot of money. You could stick with soundfonts, though VSTi are cooler in my opinion, especially considering how much more flexible they are. On the OTHER hand, soundfonts/samples may sound more realistic because they ARE, they're just sampled from a real instrument which may or may not work when sequencing, as opposed to physical modelling used in things like FL Slayer [which is supposed to sound like a guitar if you haven't noticed].
  2. But you can use soundfonts IN trackers. Well, Modplug and Renoise. ...LOL But wait a second If you're just using soundfonts... what are you using the soundfonts WITH?
  3. TO I sent you an e-mail RE: my map 30 remix just so you know.
  4. The first time I submitted something, DJP asked me, "Are you SURE you wanna submit this? I can send it to the judges panel if you want" I was all "No :(" And then my first ACTUAL submission was Path-ology. I actually submitted High Above Chaos before that I think but I never got to see it on the Judges Panel. It isn't THAT bad, is it?
  5. If you're good enough, yes. If you've only just started, "one or a few" is not enough, unless you work on them for like 2 years. Well, I guess it depends how good you get, but you need high standards
  6. I love how two of those are ReFX synths. I haven't used them much lately but I consider myself a fair user of Slayer 2. All it takes I think is a better knowledge of guitar amping and the guitar itself. Obviously it was made for people who can't play/record guitar, but it blows if you're too oblivious. I have also used it for other great effects, with something other than guitar in mind. I agree with 3xOSC and Vanguard though for the most part. However, no synth is globally bad at all. Just a little skill with your tool can make ANYTHING sound good. Case in point: Mazedude's recent American Album.
  7. mIRC is a great [probably best] IRC client. IRC is "Internet Relay Chat," which is self explanatory. Anyway, google it and you'll know.
  8. Unknown's comment stemmed from the recent GPO vs. EWQLSO thread [which was locked] that contained plenty of elitism wankery and blind corporate allegiance from everyone involved in that topic. I'd say he had legitimate concerns, otherwise he wouldn't have posted that.
  9. The computer is shit if the room and recording equipment sucks. It's just there to put all the tracks together and maybe use some supplemental sampling/synthesis.
  10. I guess noone has anything to say about the actual room. Yeah, forget the fuckin' room, let's focus on the COMPUTER because obviously that's the most important part That's ok, there are books you can get that probably give you better expertise.
  11. His entire post was only about the computer aspect.
  12. I use it for both basses [i think] in Path-ology. At least one of the bass sounds. It's actually really cool, I don't know what kind of fuckknob said it wasn't that great.
  13. like this? http://vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=3673
  14. I'm wondering why the trailer and script and outline are not also included in the trailer? Anyway I've heard some of the songs [like 3 maybe] before, though they probably sound different by now, however I'm sure the rest will be good also. I haven't been listening to orchestral music at all for a long time, I don't like it as much as I like the more electronic, experimental styles, so I wonder how my mind will accept this one.
  15. Any genre, I think, would be allowed here, and it depends on the technical skill of the artist moreso. There have been some instances of people complaining about bias in certain judges [or ALL the judges] before, but I don't really wanna get caught up in all that shit.
  16. 1) Click and drag from the sample browser any samples onto the channel with the corresponding instrument. 2) The sample browser reads FL Studio\Data\Patches by default.
  17. Ha Ha! Last track. Well that sure filled up quick, didn't it?
  18. it makes it seem like I have more material
  19. What, you haven't heard my music before? For starters, http://neutronstar.org/soc/oc-TheSkyisNeverDarkAnymore.rar Or http://neutronstar.org/soc/OverCoat%20-%20Science%20and%20Industry.mp3 http://neutronstar.org/soc/OverCoat%20-%20COMPOST15%20-%20The%20City%20That%20Floats%20In%20the%20Sky.mp3 http://neutronstar.org/soc/OverCoat_-_COMPOST7_-_Wide-Eyed_Foolish_Aboriginal_Ritual_%5bWith_Time_Left_Over_For_Atonement%5d.mp3 http://neutronstar.org/soc/OverCoat%20-%20COMPOST15%20-%20The%20City%20That%20Floats%20In%20the%20Sky.mp3 http://neutronstar.org/soc/OverCoat%20-%20COMPOST32%20-%20Shadows.mp3 http://neutronstar.org/soc/OverCoat%20-%20The%20Middle%20of%20Nowhere.mp3 Hopefully that'll be enough. I also have an OC ReMix on this site, but probably not the mood you're looking for [it's more of a chillout thing].
  20. Opening to Hell is... open? Can I do it?
  21. Oh, I should have mentioned that my sister got 30gig ipod (with video). Heheh. That's 60 times more space that 512 :D "Look, son, it's an asshole!" "Yay!"
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