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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I will reiterate Monster, what a fantastic series. If you don't mind a little blood and gore and gratuitous sex, Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne is something I watched lately and can recommend. At least, I enjoyed it. It's a short OVA so it won't take you too long to finish if you want to. A classic I enjoyed from back in the 90s, and probably one of my absolute favourites, is IRIA: Zeiram the Animation. An often-overlooked and very unique scifi classic. You'll probably see a couple people in this thread recommend Black Lagoon. It's got about all the depth of a hollywood action flick but it's very polished and the fight scenes are well executed. A friend of mine watched something a couple years back called Bartender, his review of it is here. I've still been meaning to check it out, but I keep forgetting. It looks pretty unique. Right now I'm watching a fantasy anime called "The Beast Player Erin." Despite what the thumbnail suggests, this show is enjoyable for adults as well. It centers around the life of Erin, who lives in a village and takes care of giant lizards. A tragedy forces her to leave the village and the series follows her as she grows into an adult. Very involving and very well imagined, even if the beast lords look a bit silly.
  2. ouch bumped to page 2 already SO MUCH WORK FOR NOTHING also: if I printed these CDs and made them do you think people would buy a hard copy? just curious
  3. http://soundtempest.net/soc/imgswf/yukkuri%20diary.swf
  4. holy shit! a classic xerxes tune downloading like the motherfucking fist of the north star intro makes me wanna pee, but man this is sexy as hell otherwise I'd say come into #mod_shrine on espernet and show this to xerxes but he rarely comes on anymore, since he's busy touring. You should email this to him though and see if he'll put it on his site
  5. I think "videogameoke" might work no matter what term we come up with, it'll sound retarded, might as well go all the way.
  6. http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-Raid.mp3 one kick drum sample though I used distortion which is almost cheating this was going to be for my album but I felt it didn't fit, though I think it was good enough so I am sharing it here.
  7. http://soundtempest.net/soc/album/OverCoat2/ キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
  8. step 1: find old funk or soul record step 2: sample a part of the song which has only the drums step 3: loop, slice, and speed up as necessary
  9. My corp in EVE Online originated in Freelancer, actually we're even named "Xeno Tech Corp" which is a pretty fuckawesome name if you ask me. It's probably the only game since then with the same or greater amount of depth.
  10. Unfortunately the well produced rockestral music doesn't really go hand in hand with the game, in my opinion. The trailer crescendos up from the logo and then suddenly it cuts to a game that looks like it was on newgrounds 10 years ago. Since this is a freeware game, did you even get paid for this work? See that next time you do, because you deserve it!
  11. If he's into scifi, Sins of a Solar Empire is a good RTS.
  12. Well, what kind of mix is it? Butty techno or chillout? If it were chillout I think my suggestions would be obvious :3
  13. never a bad thing! remember as long as you give credit it's awwright.
  14. there's plenty of hipsters doing that already. it's not really that fun to watch.
  15. international karate merry christmas mr. lawrence [forbidden colours]
  16. You know what another cool thing is about youtube? People actually filming themselves using the actual product. Check this out:
  17. newest addition to my studio: is this kawaii y/n
  18. samurai champloo is good also there's Berserk, but god damn the TV series needed to keep going after that last episode FFFFFFFFFFFFF the manga is amazing though [and very very long]
  19. PLEASE DONT SAY YOU ARE LAZY DATTE HONTOU WA CRAZY jesus christ I can't stop watching it
  20. I ended up watching K-On! for some reason it is SUPA KAWAII
  21. Turn A Gundam actually has some really solid material, and some of her best work EVER, as shown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79dzykYUzEg
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