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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. boxxy is thinking about it...
  2. can I has grab bag stuff?
  3. Back home. blaring metroid metal on speakers. wearing metroid metal t-shirt that I've wanted since pax but was sold out. fuck yeah I had an amazing time this year. Got to do everything I wanted to do.
  4. I have recently been listening to a lot of shing02. he is a japanese american MC and he's grown on me quite a lot. You may recall his work on the Samurai Champloo anime, a song called "Battlecry" produced by Nujabes. http://www.e22.com/shing02/ He has a couple songs downloadable here for free, I recommend luv(sic) love you like water start again miditation G*A*M*E 2006 upgrade
  5. ok great !
  6. http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-youfriend.mp3
  7. What the hell did you just say? Depending on your answer I may have to kick your ass!
  8. hips are never too big bro
  9. holy shit this movie was so bad but then again 90% of their budget was probably used to rent that horse, so I can't fault them too bad also, I felt that there were at least a dozen scenes that felt like lead-ins to porn, but never actually evolved into porn. which is a shame, it could have been a good movie if that were the case.
  10. I have a 120 GB zune, and it's a decent player, but the lack of a stop button [????] and lack of a power button [?!?!?!?!] weird me out. Also, the Zune has the lamest problem, it can't display foreign languages at all. So I have a couple thousand things on my player where it's just a series of blocks. There's also the whole Zune software bullshit, when Windows Media Player would've sufficed plenty. Why, when Microsoft already has their own media player, would they make an entirely new one that isn't as good, and force people to use it? Goddammit. My Zune ID is Pardessus if you really care. I don't use my Zune player for anything but syncing. If my old Creative Zen Vision M was still alive I'd use that. Can't find them anywhere anymore, and if you want the 60 GB, dealerfags are selling them for $400, when I paid $270 for it brand new. Sad thing is, I would've bought a new Creative player, but they don't sell any new mp3 players over 32 GB. WTF? It's sad because IMO the Zen Vision M was perfect.
  11. http://soundtempest.net/soc/remix/oc-FF5-InTheLibraryWeSpeakWithA6InchVoice.mp3 does this count, or is "just plain weird" not what you're looking for?
  12. did anyone listen to the "We are the world" cover? dohohoho
  13. http://famicompo-mini.com/compo/vol6/ http://famicompo-mini.com/compo/vol6/FCM6_Entries.zip more NSF files than you will ever need, right here! don't forget to vote too when voting opens
  14. who the hell drew that cover SO MUCH WIN
  15. I did bro thanks a lot

  16. OK apparently while I was at work today, one of my corpmates griefed Russell Cox http://machimischief.com/kb/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=1109 I wonder if that's him or someone trying to use his name. I did meet a fake Darangen on EVE, remember.
  17. needs more of me not behind a giant speaker
  18. I preordered this shit so fast see you at magfest andreas <3
  19. You could always ask a guy in the community to record live drums for you. Just sayin'.
  20. "At the time, game consoles did not allow an optimal sound reproduction, and Michael found it frustrating. He did not want to be associated with a product that devalued his music..."
  21. There's also the fact that the genesis uses the YM2612 FM chip which is strikingly similar to the DX7, so the sounds in most new wave/synth pop can be recreated on the Genesis platform as well. Food for thought.
  22. I thought this was going to be the Nu Shooz song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCtm82j8W6A sounds the same anyway I actually have this record it's pretty good synth pop. Think about this though: You have Expose, a pop group from 1987, and you have Michael Jackson somewhat collaborating on the Sonic 3 soundtrack. Now, who almost singlehandedly shaped the entire sound of pop music for the '80s? :3 So maybe it's Expose who sounds like michael jackson who influenced the Sonic 3 soundtrack, so maybe Expose made a song that sounds like Sonic 3 in a very roundabout way?
  23. a gfx card smoking is not a good thing j/k I know what you mean
  24. youre welcome bro
  25. Here's a song I made for black friday 2006 http://soundtempest.net/soc/compotune/mod_shrine/oc-blackfriday.xm [xm version] http://soundtempest.net/soc/mod/oc-blackfriday.spc [spc version]
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